
Rest Day (10.10.2009)

Rest Day (10.10.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.10.2009)
90% of Best Time for the distance of your choice:
Swim: SC: 600m , LC: 800m , U: 1000m
Bike: SC: 12 mile , LC: 20 mile , U: 30 mile
Run: SC: 2 mile , LC: 10k , U: 13.1M
C2: SC: 3k , LC: 5k , U: 8k

Post times to comments.

Stable News:
Saturday Hours are 9-11am.
Monday we will be closed for the holiday...
Enjoy the extra day of rest before we engage in the four day crucible the rest of the week will represent.

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