
''Sherbert'' (07.01.2011)

''A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.''
--Robert Heinlein

Warm-up Drills (07.01.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Sherbert'' (07.01.2011)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Run 200m
5 x Push/Split Jerk (135/95lbs)
10 x Burpees

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (07.01.2011)
Take the time today to and work through the basic fundamentals of technique and function for your choice of the movements listed below. Introduce yourself to something you might not have known you could accomplish, play around, challenge yourself to learn, and develop a baseline for these skill sets and the components of fitness required to master them.
-Handstand Walking
-Handstand Push-ups
-Headstand/Handstand Balancing
-Rope Climbing
-L-sit/V-sit variations
-Ring Levers/Inversions

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.01.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4 Round of (5:00 on x 3:00 rest)

Hold the maximal pace/distances/wattage possible for each 5 minute work interval.

Post distance/power metrics/cadence/tempo to comments.


''Snatch/Overhead Squat Complex & R.I.C.E. Is Not Paleo'' (6.30.2011)

Warm-up Drills (6.30.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Snatch/Overhead Squat Complex'' (6.30.2011)
5 Rounds of
2 x Snatch (%1RM)
Max Reps x Overhead Squat (%1RM)

Notes: Work through each Snatch/Overhead Squat Complex with your choice of the loads listed below, which are based on percentages of each athlete's current 1-Rep maximum (1RM). Rest a minimum of 1:00 between efforts.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Post loads and reps per set to comments.

''R.I.C.E. Is Not Paleo'' (6.30.2011)
Complete for time
Row 250m
50 x GHD Sit-ups
100 x Double-unders
Row 250m
35 x GHD Sit-ups
70 x Double-unders
Row 250m
20 x GHD Sit-ups
40 x Double-unders

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (6.30.2011)
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints (start and finish mid-pool, no wall starts) w/ 1 minute recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 minute recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with :90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m all out sprints w/ 1 minute recoveries.


''300: The Helot Challenge'' (06.29.2011)

The Top Two Paleo Challenge Champions
1st Place: Tommy Hammond

2nd Place: Nick Fortin

We are intensely proud of the effort and dedication that all of our athletes put into this nutrition and lifestyle improvement based challenge. Tommy came in first place and will be awarded a 300 dollar cash pot, Nick Fortin was the second place winner and will be awarded a month of training at CrossFit New Hampshire.
Congratulations to Tommy, Nick, and everyone that joined them in
diligently toiling away for the last 30 days.
What's next?
Once we have permission from a couple more participants we will hopefully be sharing a top ten list for each of the test metrics; Performance/Capacity Increases, Body Composition and Metrics, and Weekly Food Logs (application of the Paleo principals).
The data and results will blow everyone away... So don't even think about stopping here if you've made it this far already.
It's time to find out exactly how far each of our crew could take this thing, as most have only scratched the surface of their true potential.
The final step in running the challenge will be for us to review and refine the entire 30-day event before planning whatever course, lecture, seminar, or challenge our athletes want to see on the horizon. What better way to draw our crew closer together and provide them everything we can to ensure they are experiencing constant, profound, and broadly inclusive fitness gains.
Keep killing it, beasts.

Warm-up Drills (06.29.2011)
Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (3rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Burpees
10 x Hip and Back Extensions
15 x GHD Sit-ups
-Samson Stretch
-ITB Stretch (band)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats

''300: The Helot Challenge'' (06.29.2011)
25 x Pull-ups
50 x Deadlifts (135/95lbs)
50 x Push-ups
50 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
50 x Floor Wipers (135/95lbs)
50 x DB/KB Clean and Jerk
25 x Pull-ups

Notes: Athletes will be using Dumbbells or Kettlebells of their choice for the Clean and Jerk reps. The original version of this workout was done with 35lb KB's and calls for 15lbs for females. That's not how we roll. Expect to be double fisting at least 35lbs, although we will accept 25 reps per arm with a single 53lb/24kg Kettlebell (or heavier).

Skill Development (06.29.2011)
Rest for tomorrow. Initiative would demand foam rolling and working through a mobility WOD representative of a current personal limitation.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.28.2011)


''Back Squat 5-3-1+ & Power Elizabeth'' (06.28.2011)

Our Paleo Performance Nutrition Champions will be crowned today and officially announced in tomorrow's post!

Warm-up Drills (06.28.2011)

Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Walking Lunges
8 x Push-ups
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Wall Squat
-ITB Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch

''Back Squat 5-3-1+'' (06.28.2011)
Work through the following sets of Back Squat using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Power Elizabeth'' (06.28.2011)
21-15-9 Reps for time of
Power Clean (135/95lbs)
Ring Dips

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.28.2011)
''Tempo 85-95%''
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5km then pick it up to 95% on the last 5km
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m, recover 1 minute, then 95% for second 1500m

Post times to comments.


''Press 3-3-3+ & Pig Egg'' (06.27.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.27.2011)
Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
9 x Push-ups
12 x Back Extensions
15 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Press 3-3-3+'' (06.27.2011)
Work through the following sets of Press using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Pig Egg'' (06.27.2011)
3 Rounds for time of
200m Portage (40/20lbs)
Ring Row x 20
KB Swings x 20

Notes: During the 200m Portage (which is simply running with a slam/medicine ball held overhead) athletes must:
1. Run
2. Keep the medicine ball above their heads during any forward movement.
Walking or resting/supporting/carrying the medicine ball in any manner other than extended overhead earns 5 x Burpee Pick-ups on the spot.
KB Swings and Ring Rows may be partitioned during each round.

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.27.2011)
Swim: 10 x 75m/y repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
Bike: 10 x 1 mile repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
Run: 10 x 400m repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
C2: 10 x 40 cals repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio

Post times to comments.


''CrossFit Games 2011 Thruster Ladder'' (06.25.2011)

''CrossFit Games 2011 Thruster Ladder'' (06.25.2011)
Athletes will have :20 seconds to take a barbell from the ground and execute one thruster at a specified weight. If successful the athlete is given :10 seconds to transition to the next barbell. Scoring will be based on the maximum load lifted with a Thruster within the work interval allotted. See below for loads:

Men’s Competition (lbs):
155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295

Women’s Competition (lbs):
105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185

Post best/heaviest lifts to comments.


''Heavy Push/Split Jerk % Ladder & Thumper'' (06.24.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.24.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Push/Split Jerk % Ladder'' (06.24.2011)
Warm-up Sets:
Warm-up by working through incrementally heavier loads as needed before moving through the heavy % based sets/reps. Use your true one rep maximum only to determine loads.

Push/Split Jerk % Sets:
5 x 70%
3 x 80%
3 x 90%
3 x 90%
1-3 x 95%
1-3 x 95%
1-3 x 95%

Notes: Attempt to execute each set without dropping the barbell between reps. The last three heavy sets require a minimum of one successful lift at the load prescribed. Those athletes that decide to try for 2-3 successful lifts with 95% of their max may dump the bar between reps, providing they immediately bring it back to a front rack position and proceed.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Post loads/reps for each set to comments.

''Thumper'' (06.24.2011)
Complete as many reps as possible during each of the following work intervals.
2:00 x Double-unders
2:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
1:30 x Double-unders
1:30 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
1:00 x Double-unders
1:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
:30 x Double-unders
:30 x Wallball (20/14lbs)

Post total reps for each movement to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.24.2011)
''Mack's :20 x :10''
Complete the prescribed distance in as few rounds as possible of (:20 on x :10) rest
Swim: 800m
Bike: 5mi
Run: 2mi
C2: 3km

Post times to comments.


''Heavy Snatch Doubles & The World Is Yours'' (06.23.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.23.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC-45lbs)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs)
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Snatch Doubles'' (06.23.2011)
With a 12:00 running clock execute 2 x Snatch/Power Snatch (70-80%1RM) every minute on the minute.

Notes: Attempt to 'tap-and-go' for the second rep without re-gripping or resting the bar for any length of time in the hang position or on the floor. Athletes that are still focused solely on developing their technical proficiency with the Snatch/Power Snatch are encouraged to perform two sets of 1 rep each minute to reinforce consistently sound mechanics.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''The World Is Yours'' (06.23.2011)
Complete for time
1 x C2B Pull-ups
10 x Ring Push-ups
2 x C2B Pull-ups
9 x Ring Push-ups
3 x C2B Pull-ups
8 x Ring Push-ups
4 x C2B Pull-ups
7 x Ring Push-ups
5 x C2B Pull-ups
6 x Ring Push-ups
6 x C2B Pull-ups
5 x Ring Push-ups
7 x C2B Pull-ups
4 x Ring Push-ups
8 x C2B Pull-ups
3 x Ring Push-ups
9 x C2B Pull-ups
1 x Ring Push-ups
10 x C2B Pull-ups
Rest 1:00...
Select and Complete the Time Stamp Tax of your choice.

Notes: Complete the following C2B Pull-up/Ring Push-up 'Over-Under Ladder' for time. Finishing the initial workload is only the primary goal today; athletes need to take the total number of minutes they spent working through the C2B Pull-ups and Ring Push-ups and multiply it by their choice of Time Stamp Taxes (see below), the resulting amount of reps for the selected movement will then be completed for time/distance.
Taxation Option A.
Total Time in Minutes x Row (:10) for max distance
Taxation Option B.
Total Time in Minutes x Slamball/Sledgehammer x 15 reps for time

Post times and taxes to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.23.2011)


''Back Squat 3-3-3+ & Digested'' (06.22.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.22.2011)
3 Rounds of
Speed Rope (1:00 on x :15 rest)

3 Rounds of
5 x Pull-ups
7 x Clapping Push-ups
9 x Air Squats
-Walking Toe Touches (hamstring stretch)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch

''Back Squat 3-3-3+'' (06.22.2011)
Work through the following sets of Back Squats using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Digested'' (06.22.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of
10 x Goblet Squats (32/24kg)
10 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
20 x GHD Sit-ups
Rest 1:00
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00 of
6 x Goblet Squats (32/24kg)
6 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
12 x GHD Sit-ups

Notes: Complete the 10:00 AMRAP, rest for a full 1:00 and then storm through the half-ling 5:00 AMRAP.
For those really itching to throwdown today:
Sub in 1-arm KB Overhead Squats with the same load for the Goblet Squats.
More? Ok. Take your Box Jumps up to a daunting new height of 32'', and round out the ruthlessness by grabbing a 10-25lb bumper plate (or odd object of choice) and hugging it across your chest for the GHD Sit-ups.
This one's going to sting.

Post Rounds completed for parts 1 and 2 to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.22.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8mi TT
Run: 1.5mi TT
C2: 2km TT

Post times to comments.


''Press 5-5-5+ & Conscienctious Objector'' (06.21.2011)

''Will I am young myself and know little about the aging process, here is what I have noticed so far:
As you grow old you begin to know many things.
You are told that your ideas are only as good as the commodities that they are able to manifest.
Slowly, you begin to accumulate many things and you build 4 walls around you.
You may use these walls to show yourself to others.
To say, 'This is who I am'.

But soon you become defined and constrained by these walls... This does not have to be your fate.
We all have a choice, an opportunity, to let ourselves go, to take risks... to reject mediocrity and demand excitement in every minute that we breathe.''
--Speech written and orated by Jordash (A son of Genoa)

The excerpt above was taken from the Bedford senior high school graduation speech, which was written and delivered by Jordan, Geno's son.

I had a chance to read the original speech and found myself instantly pulled in by Jordan's words which left me feeling as though I had just been told something I (we) should know, something that should be obvious to all of us. Perhaps the message here is something of a universal truth that most people are too afraid to confront, or too blissfully ignorant to realize.
I'll let everyone decide for themselves: Read the text if you have some time, as I feel it clearly embodies a deep perspective on the subject of choosing how to live one's life.
Thoughts/opinions are encouraged in the comments section, where I will also be posting the whole speech (pending permission).

Warm-up Drills (06.21.2011)
Row 500m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC/45lbs)
2 Rounds of
7 x Front Squat
7 x Press (45lbs)
7 x Thrusters (45lbs)
15 x Toes-2-Bar (strict)
-Samson Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Leg Swings (front-back,side-side)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''Press 5-5-5+'' (06.21.2011)
Work through the following sets of Presses using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Conscientious Objector'' (06.21.2011)
Complete for time
Run 400m
21 x Hang Power Clean (115/85lbs)
21 x Lateral Burpees
15 x Hang Power Clean (115/85lbs)
15 x Lateral Burpees
9 x Hang Power Clean (115/85lbs)
9 x Lateral Burpees
Run 400m

Notes: Hang Power Clean Demo Video
Lateral Burpees are performed as normal with a lateral jump over your barbell at the end of each rep.

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.21.2011)
''10 x :30 Second Hill Sprints''
Swim: 10 x :30 sec Sprints all out efforts using paddles and buoy… 2 minute recoveries between efforts.
Bike: 10 x :30 sec Hill Sprints, all out efforts. Recoveries are how long it takes to descend back to the starting point, 2:00 is the max time for each rest interval. Ergometers or Tension Trainers use steady/heavy tension. Come into each sprint at speed to maximize the :30 sec sprint. 2 minute recoveries between efforts.
Run: 10 x :30 sec Hill Sprints. Rest :30 at the top of the hill/finish point before descending at an easy pace, resting an additional 1:00 at the start point. Treadmills use 7-10% grade. 2 minute recoveries between efforts.
C2: 10 x :30 sec Sprints all out efforts. Damper setting is the athlete’s choice. Come into each sprint at speed to maximize the :30 sec sprint. 2 minute recoveries between efforts.

Post distances/terrain notes to comments.

''Performance Metrics Re-Test Part II'' (06.20.2011)

'Pick Your Poison' Re-Test Part II: Choose one of the following two WODs for your Paleo Performance Metric Re-Test.

Warm-up Drills (06.20.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (2Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs)
10 x Burpees
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Inch Worms
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''Performance Metrics Re-Test Part II'' (06.20.2011)
Choose 1-2 of the following WODs for Re-Test:

Row 1600m for time.

Post times to comments.

''Max Rep Tests''
Execute one max repetition set of each of the following:
Wallball (20/14lbs)

Notes: For the Pull-ups begin with Deadhang and move to kipping as needed during the set. Mark which number during the set represented the changeover.

Post reps per movement to comments.

''Surgeon General's Warning''
Complete 4 Rounds for time of
30 x Double-unders
20 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
10 x Pull-ups

Post times to comments.

Complete for time
Row 500m
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squats

Post 500m times and rounds/reps completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.20.2011)
''Tempo 80-90%''
Swim: SC:400m, LC:600m, U:800m
Bike: SC:10mile, LC:18mile, U:25 mile
Run: SC:1.5mile, LC:5miles, U:10miles
C2: SC:2k, LC:5k, U:8km

Notes: 80% for the first half, 90% for the second half.

Post times to comments.


''Performance Metrics Re-Test'' (06.17.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be closed Saturday and Sunday. Normal weekend hours will return next weekend.

'Pick Your Poison' Re-Test: Choose one of the following two WODs for your Paleo Performance Metric Re-Test
. The Skill Development is also one of your tests... no sandbagging.

Warm-up Drills (06.17.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups
8 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Grace''
Complete for time
30 x Squat Clean and Jerk (155/115lbs)

Notes: The Barbell must come from the ground, pass through a full front squat, and move overhead via Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk. Athletes may also Thruster the load overhead from the full Front Squat position for a repetition to be legitimate. Get some.

Post times to comments.

''Mountain Top''
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 10:00 of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
7 x KB Swings (Heavy)
9 x Box Jumps (24/20'')

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Skill Development (06.17.2011)
Choose either Tabata GHD Sit-ups or Max L-sit time accumulated in 2:00.

Post total reps or cumulative seconds to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.17.2011)


''Heavy Push/Split Jerk Triples'' (06.16.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.16.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Push/Split Jerk Triples'' (06.16.2011)
With a 10:00 running clock execute 3 x Push Jerks/Split Jerks (70-80%1RM) every minute on the minute.

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Post loads to comments.

''Dramamine'' (06.16.2011)

Row the maximum distance possible in 12:00

Post distances to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.16.2011)
Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Bike: 3x(1/2mi + 1mi + 2mi)
Run: 3x(200m + 400m + 600m)
C2: 3x(250m + 500m + 750m)

Notes: Rest the exact amount of time it takes you to do each work interval. Example: Run 200m in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

Post times to comments.


''The Texas Wind'' (06.15.2011)

''A crisis may contain the germ of a new idea.''
--Bevo, via Genoa Salami

Warm-up Drills (06.15.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/3Rnds)
12-9-6 reps each of:
Medicine Ball Cleans
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch

''The Texas Wind'' (06.15.2011)
3 Rounds for time of
Run 200m
3 Sets of
5 x Tire Flips
10 x Tire Bounds
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)

Notes: Unbroken Challenge today. Tire bounds are a fluid double jump into the center of, and then out the other side of the tire. Seek Glory, find yourself.

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (06.15.2011)
3-5 Rounds at your own pace of
20ft Handstand Walk
:10 x L-sit/V-sit
15 x Knees-2-Elbows (strict)
20 x GHD Sit-ups

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.15.2011)
''Hill Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than :05 sec… :15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are how long it takes you to come down the hill.
Run: 2 x 3/4 – 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill… treadmills use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more than 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries

Post times to comments.


''Back Squat 5-5-5+ & Tabata Bliss'' (06.14.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.14.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (2Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x Jumping Pull-ups
10 x Burpees
-Scorpion Stretch
-Inch Worms
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''Back Squat 5-5-5+'' (06.14.2011)
Work through the following sets of Back Squats using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Tabata Bliss'' (06.14.2011)
Complete the following in as few rounds as possible:
100 x Walking Lunges
Complete as many reps as possible during each work interval:
8 Rounds of (:20 x :10 rest) x Pull-ups
8 Rounds of (:20 x :10 rest) x Ring Dips

Post rounds needed to complete walking lunges and highest/lowest scores from Pull-ups and Ring Dips.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.14.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 600m
Bike: 12 miles
Run: 5km
C2: 4000m

Post times to comments.


''M.E. Press & Stag Party'' (06.13.2011)

Paleo Performance Nutrition Challenge Participants:
When you come into the gym this week you'll be able to spy a glimpse of the epic choices available for our athletes to undertake for their performance metrics final test. The choices for you to re-test will be yours and yours alone. You'll be picking 3-5 tasks out of 10 pairs, each pair representing mutually exclusive fitness domains.
Additionally this week everyone needs to be pinched, taped, weighed and measured for their body metrics before Friday (after pics for those that want them can be taken as well). We are currently working feverishly to finish up the food log grading.
Please also remember to submit your votes (to sdaghir@gmail.com) for the peer you feel has made the best gains, worked the hardest, or remained the most disciplined over the course of the challenge.
Glory will be bountiful for the two crowned victors, but we can't emphasize enough how amazing it has been for us to witness the profound changes among our entire crew of athletes; Performance Gains, Physical Appearance, Overall Health, Body Composition, Body Weight, Mental Disposition... It's just unreal to see so many showing this level of dedication.
We couldn't be happier or prouder of the work that everyone has put in.
Keep killing it freaks, more to come.

Warm-up Drills (06.13.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups
8 x Hindu Push-ups
10 x Air Squats
12 x GHD Sit-ups
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (band)

''M.E. Press'' (06.13.2011)
Warm-up with the percentage based sets/reps listed below (using your most recent 1-Rep maximum data to determine loads) before working up to a heavy single or new 1RM personal record.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)

Press 1-1-1-1-1

Post loads to comments.

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Stag Party'' (06.13.2011)
3 Rounds for time of
Row 35kcal
7 x Squat Cleans (135/95lbs)
10 x Handstand Push-ups

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.13.2011)


''M.E. Snatch'' (06.10.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.10.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Chin-ups
6 x Push-ups (CFGS)
9 x Abwheel Roll-outs
12 x Air Squats
-Inchworm/Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''M.E. Snatch'' (06.10.2011)
Snatch/Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

Notes: Work up to a heavy/PR single rep maximum Snatch/Power Snatch, progressing in load with increments representing no more than 10-15% of your most recent 1RM record. Athletes should choose either the full Squat Snatch or Power Snatch as the lift they will be working on developing for the next few weeks. Rest a minimum of 1:00 between attempts.

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Skill Development(06.10.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of
30 x Double-unders
15 x KB Swings (32/24kg)

Post Rounds/Reps completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.10.2011)
''4-6 Intervals''
Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y
Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2min recoveries.
Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.

Post times to comments.


''Dumbbell D.T. & Mid-ruff'' (06.09.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.09.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x KB Swings (24/16KG)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Air Squats
+Sumo Squats
+Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
+Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
+Scorpion Stretch

''Dumbbell D.T.'' (06.09.2011)

5 Rounds for time of
12 x DB Deadlift (50/35lbs)
9 x DB Hang Power Clean (50/35lbs)
6 x DB Push Jerk (50/35lbs)

Notes: Feeling Frisky? Armor up despite the obscene heat.
Every time the dumbbells are dropped 5 x Burpee Tax...
Discipline? Yes, please.

Post times to comments.

''Mid-ruff'' (06.09.2011)
10 Rounds of Tabata Intervals (:20 x :10 rest)
Abmat Sit-ups

Post highest and lowest numbers scored to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.09.2011)
8 Rounds of (:30 on x :20 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!
C2: Damper Setting 6+

Post distances to comments.


''M.E. Back Squat & Tyrion'' (06.08.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.08.2011)
Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''M.E. Back Squat'' (06.08.2011)
Warm-up with the percentage based sets/reps listed below (using your most recent 1-Rep maximum data to determine loads) before working up to a heavy single or new 1RM personal record.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
3 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)

Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Tyrion'' (06.08.2011)
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 15:00 of
20 x Wallball
10 x Pull-ups
Run 200m

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.08.2011)
''Tempo 80-85%''
Choose time based on the length of the event you are currently training for.
Swim: SC:10min, LC:15min, U:20min
Bike: SC:60min, LC: 75min, U:90min
Run: SC:25min, LC: 60min, U:75min
C2: SC:15min, LC:20min, U:25min

Post distances to comments.


''Bench Press Ascension Ladder and Black Lung II'' (06.07.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.07.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Burpee Jumping Pull-ups
10 x Hip and Back Extensions
15 x GHD Sit-ups
-Samson Stretch
-ITB Stretch (band)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Sumo Squats
-Foam Roll

''Bench Press Ascension Ladder'' (06.07.2011)
With a continuously running clock do one rep of Bench Press (body weight) the first minute, two reps of Bench Press (body weight) the second minute, three reps of Bench Press (body weight) the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post rounds completed and total repetitions to comments.

''Black Lung II'' (06.07.2011)
6-9 Rounds of Maximum Effort Rowing
(1:00 on x :30 rest)

Notes: Accumulate as many meters as possible during the work intervals. If athletes can still hold within 10m of the previous interval they may continue for up to 9 rounds of oxygen indebtedness.

Post total meters, average wattage, and damper setting used to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.07.2011)


''Dear Rick, Kalsu. Love, CFNH'' (06.06.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.06.2011)
Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Chin-ups
5 x Push-ups
:15 x L-sit
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Shoulder/Front Rack Stretch (band)
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Dear Rick, Kalsu. Love, CFNH'' (06.06.2011)
Complete for time
100 x Thrusters

Notes: Every minute begins with 5 x Burpees. If you've done this before use the appropriate load and attempt to set a personal record.

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (06.06.2011)
Rest and foam roll, you've made it through a week's worth of WODs that represent a daunting amount of physical toil and hardship (everyone can thank Rick for today's hellish crucible) ... and we've seen nothing but unreal performances across the board.
There's only a couple more training days this week before we get to begin testing out on the performance metrics, turn in the final week of food logs, take some measurements, and crown our top two Paleo ninjas that won this month's challenge.

Until then, keep killing it, freaks.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.06.2011)
Swim,Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
2 Rounds of
(10:00 on x 5:00 rest)
2 Rounds of
(2:00 on x 1:00 rest)

Notes: Hold distances/speeds or watts as consistent as possible on each interval.

Post times/cadence/watts to comments.


''Make-up WODs/Test Metrics'' (06.04.2011)

''Make-up WODs/Test Metrics'' (06.04.2011)

CFNH is open today from 9-11am for those that need to make-up any training or Test Metrics that were missed.

Don't forget to turn in your food logs for week three! Almost through the 30 day challenge, you Paleo Freaks.


''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 4'' (06.03.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.03.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
5 x Deadhang Chin-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Air Squats
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch

''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 4'' (06.03.2011)

Complete the following for time
100 x Pull-ups
100 x KB Swings (24/16kgs)
100 x Double-unders
100 x Overhead Squats (95/65lbs)

Notes: Athletes will have the option of doing this WOD as written or as a 20:00 AMRAP with each round requiring 10 repetitions of each movement.

Post times/rounds completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.03.2011)
8 Rounds of (:20 x :10rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace.
C2: Damper Setting 8-10

Post distances to comments.


''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 3'' (06.02.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.02.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans
7 x Push-ups
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
-Foam Roller

''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 3'' (06.02.2011)
Complete the following for time
20 x Kcal (Row)
30 x Burpees
40 x Dumbbell Ground-2-Overhead (45/35lbs)
50 x Toes-to-bar
100ft x Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25lbs)
150ft x Sprint

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.02.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15min
Bike: 35min
Run: 35min
C2: 15min

Post distances to comments.


''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 2'' (06.01.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.01.2011)
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x Push-ups
10 x Air Squats
12 x Sit-ups
12 x KB Swings (24/16kg)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Cobra Stretch
-Lateral Lunges

''CF Games: Regional Qualifiers WOD 2'' (06.01.2011)

21-15-9 reps for time of
Deadlift (315/205lbs)
Box Jumps (30/24'')

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Skill Development (06.01.2011)
Test Metrics Make-up from last week...
Or Rest for what's clawing it's way up from hell tomorrow.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.01.2011)