CrossFit HQ WOD (02.18.2009)
-With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
-Use as many sets each minute as needed.
-Score is the total # of rounds (minutes) completed.
The Leaderboards are also now up and running. If you would like to see how the "Skill & Ability Leader Boards" are run then download the Skills Hierarchy document that is linked at the top. The current highest skill level holder has the Leader Board spot for whatever skill was demonstrated.
For example, Enrique was the first one to hold a handstand on paralettes for 1:00 which means he has attained a skill level of 1 for Hand Stand Push-Ups. To get knocked off the boards someone has to attain a skill level of 2 for HSPU's, which is 10 complete reps.
There are various load, rep, timed holds, and other measures of skill based on the type and difficulty of ability. The spots are rapidly filling up, but don't fret... you can also compete by performing the WOD or skill and submitting a score in the comments, but there has to be some sort of validity to your post like photos or a short video file of your performance for it to be officially eligible for the boards. At any time a skill test can be performed here while we train, these leader boards are already a hotbed of competition, and it probably won't be long until there aren't any "goat lists" left ... good luck, freaks!!
P.S. Yes, the pillars of hellish competition that we like to call the "Named WOD Leader Boards" still exist on our walls. A new top spot on there was snatched up by Jefe for the "Jackie" WOD.
All the new scores and results will be added to the post later tonight. Sorry for the wait but there are CrossFitters that need access to our Garage Gym and I can't leave anyone out in the cold anymore.
Results, Scores, and Photos will be posted Tonight.
Thanks to my Mom and sister for coming by to help wrap up the heavy duty renovations in the garage. On the left are some pictures showing the new garage layout to give you guys a glimpse of what came from our hard and frantic work, now we have a first class facility with which to administer elite training.
LOL very cool pic man. Just want to let you know that you are doing an awesome job and the gym has really come a long way. Keep up the good work bro!
omg.. i hate myself :o)
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