Warm-up Drills (10.01.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs/PVC)
3 x Overhead Squats
3 x Squat Snatch
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Lunge w/ Torso Rotation
-Should Dislocates (PVC)
''Snatch/Overhead Squat 1:3 Complex'' (10.01.2010)
7 Rounds of the following complex:
1 x Snatch
3 x Overhead Squat
Notes: Using previous 1rep max data on the Snatch and Overhead Squat work up to the heaviest load possible. Technique remains the top priority for those still becoming familiar with these movements.
Post loads to comments.
''Bats in the Belfry'' (10.01.2010)
Complete the following for time
100 x Double-unders
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
40 x Ring Dips
30 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
20 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
10 x C2B Pull-ups
5 x Pistols (left leg)
5 x Pistols (right leg)
Post times to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.01.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
SC: 20 Minutes
LC: 60 Minutes
U: 90 Minutes
Hold to a steady tempo of 80-90%.
Post times to comments.
''Heavy Press Triples'' (09.30.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.30.2010)
Row 750m
Dot Drill (for time)
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
''Heavy Press Triples'' (09.30.2010)
Work up to a heavy Press triple. Your 1-rep max or 3 rep record data can be used to project what loads should be used as you progress through your attempts.
Warm-ups: 3 sets of 3-5 reps, progressing through a range of loads that represent roughtly 40-65% of 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
''Event Horizon'' (09.30.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
21 x Air Burpees
400m Run
15 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
15 x Air Burpees
400m Run
9 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
9 x Air Burpees
Notes: Use 70% of your most recent clean single rep maximum to determine your load for the Power Cleans. Air Burpees are executed the same as normal Burpees with an additional jump and touch requirement instead of the overhead clap. Each athlete must make contact with an object 10'' above maximum standing reach.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.30.2010)
Row 750m
Dot Drill (for time)
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
''Heavy Press Triples'' (09.30.2010)
Work up to a heavy Press triple. Your 1-rep max or 3 rep record data can be used to project what loads should be used as you progress through your attempts.
Warm-ups: 3 sets of 3-5 reps, progressing through a range of loads that represent roughtly 40-65% of 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
''Event Horizon'' (09.30.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
21 x Air Burpees
400m Run
15 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
15 x Air Burpees
400m Run
9 x Power Clean (70%1RM)
9 x Air Burpees
Notes: Use 70% of your most recent clean single rep maximum to determine your load for the Power Cleans. Air Burpees are executed the same as normal Burpees with an additional jump and touch requirement instead of the overhead clap. Each athlete must make contact with an object 10'' above maximum standing reach.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.30.2010)
''Fraternization'' (09.29.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.29.2010)
800m Run
2 Rounds
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
15 x KB Swings (16kg)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
-Inch Worms
-Samson Stretch
2 Rounds
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
15 x KB Swings (16kg)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
-Inch Worms
-Samson Stretch
''Fraternization'' (09.29.2010)
Complete the following for time
Row 1000m
Ring Push-ups
GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.29.2010)
Today we will be covering the basics of safety and execution for training with the rope climb.
Novices will be working on lifting their body from the deck to standing while those that have experience will be working through both secured and hands-only methods of ascent. Understanding the principals of the climb and their application in training will be the primary goal of today's indoctrination; as always safety is paramount.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.29.2010)
''Tempo Hill Climb''
Swim: 20 min, add T-shirt for drag.
Bike: 30 min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.
Run: 25 min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.
C2: 20 min, Damper between 5-8, Holding Wattage @ 50-120 above bodyweight.
Post times to comments.
Complete the following for time
Row 1000m
Ring Push-ups
GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.29.2010)
Today we will be covering the basics of safety and execution for training with the rope climb.
Novices will be working on lifting their body from the deck to standing while those that have experience will be working through both secured and hands-only methods of ascent. Understanding the principals of the climb and their application in training will be the primary goal of today's indoctrination; as always safety is paramount.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.29.2010)
''Tempo Hill Climb''
Swim: 20 min, add T-shirt for drag.
Bike: 30 min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.
Run: 25 min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.
C2: 20 min, Damper between 5-8, Holding Wattage @ 50-120 above bodyweight.
Post times to comments.
''Hoostie'' (09.28.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.27.2010)
Row 500m
9 Fundamentals x 10 reps each (PVC)
Dot Drill (for time)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (wall)
-Cobra Stretch
''Hoostie'' (09.28.2010)
Complete 8 Rounds of the following.
2 x Muscle-ups
3 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Jump Squats (65/45lbs)
Each round has a 2:00 running clock, representing the time interval each athlete has to complete the workload. If time expires before a round is completed the WOD is over and the athlete's score remains as is. The only available rest is time remaining (if any) from each 2:00 minute trial.
Total score is the sum of these earned rest intervals.
Post total rest time earned in comments.
Skill Development (09.28.2010)
Accumulate 1:00 of L-sit/V-sit in as few rounds as possible.
12 x Turkish Get-ups (40lbs)
Accumulate :30 of L-sit/V-sit in as few rounds as possible.
6 x Turkish Get-ups (40lbs)
Post rounds to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.28.2010)
''6x Intervals''
Swim: 6 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries
Bike: 6 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries
Run: 6 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries
C2: 6 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries
Post times to comments.
Row 500m
9 Fundamentals x 10 reps each (PVC)
Dot Drill (for time)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (wall)
-Cobra Stretch
''Hoostie'' (09.28.2010)
Complete 8 Rounds of the following.
2 x Muscle-ups
3 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Jump Squats (65/45lbs)
Each round has a 2:00 running clock, representing the time interval each athlete has to complete the workload. If time expires before a round is completed the WOD is over and the athlete's score remains as is. The only available rest is time remaining (if any) from each 2:00 minute trial.
Total score is the sum of these earned rest intervals.
Post total rest time earned in comments.
Skill Development (09.28.2010)
Accumulate 1:00 of L-sit/V-sit in as few rounds as possible.
12 x Turkish Get-ups (40lbs)
Accumulate :30 of L-sit/V-sit in as few rounds as possible.
6 x Turkish Get-ups (40lbs)
Post rounds to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.28.2010)
''6x Intervals''
Swim: 6 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries
Bike: 6 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries
Run: 6 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries
C2: 6 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries
Post times to comments.
''Heavy Deadlift Triples'' (09.27.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.27.2010)
Run 400m
3 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs/PVC)
3 x Overhead Squats
3 x Squat Snatch
-Lateral Lunges
-ITB Stretch/Drop Lunge
-Shoulder Opening Drill
''Heavy Deadlift Triples'' (09.27.2010)
Work up to a heavy Deadlift triple. Your 1-rep max or 3 rep record data can be used to project what loads should be used.
Warm-ups sets should be 3 sets of 3-5 reps, progressing through a range of loads that represent roughtly 40-65% of 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
''Charles Fran-son'' (09.27.2010)
Complete 5 Rounds for time of
12 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
15 x Pull-ups
Run 200m
Run 400m
3 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs/PVC)
3 x Overhead Squats
3 x Squat Snatch
-Lateral Lunges
-ITB Stretch/Drop Lunge
-Shoulder Opening Drill
''Heavy Deadlift Triples'' (09.27.2010)
Work up to a heavy Deadlift triple. Your 1-rep max or 3 rep record data can be used to project what loads should be used.
Warm-ups sets should be 3 sets of 3-5 reps, progressing through a range of loads that represent roughtly 40-65% of 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
''Charles Fran-son'' (09.27.2010)
Complete 5 Rounds for time of
12 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
15 x Pull-ups
Run 200m
Post times to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.27.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
5:00 x 2:00 rest
5:00 x 2:00 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the set intervals.
Post distances to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.27.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
5:00 x 2:00 rest
5:00 x 2:00 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
1:00 x :30 rest
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the set intervals.
Post distances to comments.
''Max Effort Clean and Jerk 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.24.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.24.2010)
Row 500m
15 x Medicine Ball Clean s
15 x Burpees
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs/PVC)
Hip Mobility Complex
-Cobra Stretch
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
Row 500m
15 x Medicine Ball Clean s
15 x Burpees
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs/PVC)
Hip Mobility Complex
-Cobra Stretch
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Max Effort Clean and Jerk 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.24.2010)
Clean and Jerk 3-3-1-1-1
Notes: Attempt to take the heaviest load possible from the deck to overhead using the Olympic Lifting standards of movement.
Post times to comments.
''USAW Format MetCon'' (09.24.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 minutes of
6 x Clean and Jerk (115/85lbs)
12 x Pull-ups
24 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
Post rounds completed to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.24.2010)
Clean and Jerk 3-3-1-1-1
Notes: Attempt to take the heaviest load possible from the deck to overhead using the Olympic Lifting standards of movement.
Post times to comments.
''USAW Format MetCon'' (09.24.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 minutes of
6 x Clean and Jerk (115/85lbs)
12 x Pull-ups
24 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
Post rounds completed to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.24.2010)
''Lashing Lungs''(09.23.2010)
We must embrace pain;
and burn it as fuel for our journey.
-Kenji Miyazawa
Warm-up Drills (09.23.2010)
Run 400m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
9-7-5 reps of
Bent Over Row (45lbs)
Front Squat (45lbs)
Press (45lbs)
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Deadhang Scapular Retractions (15/10)
''Lashing Lungs''(09.23.2010)
Complete the following for time
Row 500m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
25 x Double-unders
Row 400m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 300m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 200m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 100m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
25 x Double-unders
Row 400m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 300m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 200m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Row 100m
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.23.2010)
Invest some time working through the Mobility WODs linked below and then rest up for tomorrow...
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.23.2010)
''Hill Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 100m/y w/ :15 recoveries, :05 Deviation Limit.
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats w/ return time for recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats w/ return time (+1:00 @ bottom) for recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit. Treadmill: 7% Incline w/ 2:00 recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit.
C2: 3 x 1k Damper Setting 8-10 (or elevate the rear of the rower) w/2:00 recoveries, :10 Deviation Limit.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.23.2010)
Invest some time working through the Mobility WODs linked below and then rest up for tomorrow...
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.23.2010)
''Hill Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 100m/y w/ :15 recoveries, :05 Deviation Limit.
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats w/ return time for recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats w/ return time (+1:00 @ bottom) for recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit. Treadmill: 7% Incline w/ 2:00 recoveries, 1:00 Deviation Limit.
C2: 3 x 1k Damper Setting 8-10 (or elevate the rear of the rower) w/2:00 recoveries, :10 Deviation Limit.
Post times to comments.
''Nate'' (09.22.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.22.2010)
800m Run
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (45lbs)
Dot Drill (for time)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
''Nate'' (09.22.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of
2 x Muscle-Ups
4 x Handstand Push-ups
8 x Kettlebell Swings (2-pood)
Post rounds completed to comments.
800m Run
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (45lbs)
Dot Drill (for time)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
''Nate'' (09.22.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of
2 x Muscle-Ups
4 x Handstand Push-ups
8 x Kettlebell Swings (2-pood)
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (09.22.2010)
21-15-9 reps each of
Barbell Rollouts
Russian Twists (20/14lbs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.22.2010)
''Tempo 85/95%''
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m then pick it up to 95% for the last 1500m
Post times to comments.
21-15-9 reps each of
Barbell Rollouts
Russian Twists (20/14lbs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.22.2010)
''Tempo 85/95%''
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m then pick it up to 95% for the last 1500m
Post times to comments.
''Max Effort Snatch 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.21.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.21.2010)
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
2 Rounds of
3 x Snatch (45lbs)
3 x Heaving Snatch Balance (45lbs)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Cobra Stretch
''Max Effort Snatch 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.21.2010)
Snatch 3-3-1-1-1
Notes: Attempt to take the heaviest load possible from the deck to overhead using the Olympic Lifting standards of movement.
Post times to comments.
''Tabata This!'' (09.21.2010)
Tabata x Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Abmat Sit-up
Notes: The Tabata interval sequence is 8 Rounds of :20 seconds of maximal effort work followed by :10 seconds of rest.
Score the least number of reps performed for all movements except the Rower, which is scored by calories.
Post individual movement scores and totals to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.21.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Time Trial x 9:00 Minutes
Cover as much distance as possible in the time allotted.
Post distances to comments.
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
2 Rounds of
3 x Snatch (45lbs)
3 x Heaving Snatch Balance (45lbs)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Cobra Stretch
''Max Effort Snatch 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.21.2010)
Snatch 3-3-1-1-1
Notes: Attempt to take the heaviest load possible from the deck to overhead using the Olympic Lifting standards of movement.
Post times to comments.
''Tabata This!'' (09.21.2010)
Tabata x Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata x Abmat Sit-up
Notes: The Tabata interval sequence is 8 Rounds of :20 seconds of maximal effort work followed by :10 seconds of rest.
Score the least number of reps performed for all movements except the Rower, which is scored by calories.
Post individual movement scores and totals to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.21.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Time Trial x 9:00 Minutes
Cover as much distance as possible in the time allotted.
Post distances to comments.
''Circular Reasoning'' (09.20.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.20.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
7 x Push-ups
7 x Med Ball Cleans
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
''Circular Reasoning'' (09.20.2010)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95/65lbs)
Box Jumps (24/20'')
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.20.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
3 x Snatch Grip Deadlift (65/45lbs)
3 x Hight Hang Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
3 x Squat Snatch (65/45lbs)
3 x Overhead Squats (65/45lbs)
:12 x L-sit/V-sit for Max Time
:12 x GHD Sit-ups
Notes: Rest :30-:60 minimum between each round. Applying effort to technique development is paramount today.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.20.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
7 x Push-ups
7 x Med Ball Cleans
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
''Circular Reasoning'' (09.20.2010)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95/65lbs)
Box Jumps (24/20'')
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.20.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
3 x Snatch Grip Deadlift (65/45lbs)
3 x Hight Hang Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
3 x Squat Snatch (65/45lbs)
3 x Overhead Squats (65/45lbs)
:12 x L-sit/V-sit for Max Time
:12 x GHD Sit-ups
Notes: Rest :30-:60 minimum between each round. Applying effort to technique development is paramount today.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.20.2010)
''Jaketronic'' (09.17.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.17.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans
10 x Wallball
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
-Samson Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Scorpion Stretch
''Jaketronic'' (09.17.2010)
Complete for time
30 x Power Snatch (135/95lbs)
50 x Ring Dips
Run 800m
Post times to comments.
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans
10 x Wallball
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
-Samson Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Scorpion Stretch
''Jaketronic'' (09.17.2010)
Complete for time
30 x Power Snatch (135/95lbs)
50 x Ring Dips
Run 800m
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.17.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extensions
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.17.2010)
''5x Intervals''
Swim: 5 x 200m x 30 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Bike: 5 x 2k x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Run: 5 x 800m x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
C2: 5 x 1000m x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Post times to comments.
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extensions
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.17.2010)
''5x Intervals''
Swim: 5 x 200m x 30 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Bike: 5 x 2k x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Run: 5 x 800m x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
C2: 5 x 1000m x :90 second recoveries, :05 deviation limit.
Post times to comments.
''Hypoxic II.''
Warm-up Drills (09.15.2010)
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
15 x Air Squats
Dot Drill
-Sumo Squats
-Cobra Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Hypoxic II.'' (09.16.2010)
5 Rounds for time of
10 x Thrusters (95/64lbs)
12 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
21 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.16.2010)
30 x Pistols (alt.legs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.16.2010)
''10x Repeats''
Swim: 20 x 25m/y w/ 1 min recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k w/ 2 min recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m w/ 90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m w/ 1 min recoveries.
Post times to comments.
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
15 x Air Squats
Dot Drill
-Sumo Squats
-Cobra Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Hypoxic II.'' (09.16.2010)
5 Rounds for time of
10 x Thrusters (95/64lbs)
12 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
21 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.16.2010)
30 x Pistols (alt.legs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.16.2010)
''10x Repeats''
Swim: 20 x 25m/y w/ 1 min recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k w/ 2 min recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m w/ 90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m w/ 1 min recoveries.
Post times to comments.
''Hips and Angles'' (09.15.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.15.2010)
3 Rounds of
100 x Single-unders
10 x Burpees
''Burgener Drill''
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-ITB Stretch
''Hips and Angles'' (09.15.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Row x 21kcal
15 x Knees-2-Elbows
12 x Box Jumps
Post rounds completed to comments.
3 Rounds of
100 x Single-unders
10 x Burpees
''Burgener Drill''
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-ITB Stretch
''Hips and Angles'' (09.15.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Row x 21kcal
15 x Knees-2-Elbows
12 x Box Jumps
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (09.15.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
7 x Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
7 x Squat Snatch (95/65lbs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.15.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: SC&LC:500m TT, U:1000m TT
Bike: SC:12mi TT, LC:25mi TT, U:30mi TT
Run: SC:5k, LC:10k U:13.1mi TT
C2: SC:3k TT, LC:5k TT, U:8k TT
Post times to comments.
3 Rounds at your own pace of
7 x Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
7 x Squat Snatch (95/65lbs)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.15.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: SC&LC:500m TT, U:1000m TT
Bike: SC:12mi TT, LC:25mi TT, U:30mi TT
Run: SC:5k, LC:10k U:13.1mi TT
C2: SC:3k TT, LC:5k TT, U:8k TT
Post times to comments.
''Dogsmack'' (09.14.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.14.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
9 x Push-ups
9 x Hollow Rocks
9 x Box Jumps (20'')
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Samson Stretch
-Cobra Stretch
''Dogsmack'' (09.14.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
7 x Power Clean (155/115lbs)
21 x Pull-ups
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
9 x Push-ups
9 x Hollow Rocks
9 x Box Jumps (20'')
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Samson Stretch
-Cobra Stretch
''Dogsmack'' (09.14.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
7 x Power Clean (155/115lbs)
21 x Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.14.2010)
4 Rounds at your own pace of
:15 x Inverted
15 x Hip Extensions
:15 x L-sit/V-sit
Notes: Inverted is time spent in a handstand hold appropriate for your skill level; against a wall, freestanding, or walking.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.14.2010)
4 Rounds at your own pace of
:15 x Inverted
15 x Hip Extensions
:15 x L-sit/V-sit
Notes: Inverted is time spent in a handstand hold appropriate for your skill level; against a wall, freestanding, or walking.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.14.2010)
''Heavy Push Press 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.13.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.13.2010)
Row 750m
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (45lbs)
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
''Heavy Push Press 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.13.2010)
Warm up as needed and then proceed into heavy sets of Push Press for 3-3-1-1-1 with your last set being an attempt at a single repetition maximum.
Post loads to comments.
''A House of Cards'' (09.13.2010)
Complete for time
12 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
21 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
18 x GHD Sit-ups
8 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
15 x GHD Sit-ups
6 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
12 x GHD Sit-ups
4 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
9 x GHD Sit-ups
2 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
6 x GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.13.2010)
Row 750m
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (45lbs)
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
''Heavy Push Press 3-3-1-1-1'' (09.13.2010)
Warm up as needed and then proceed into heavy sets of Push Press for 3-3-1-1-1 with your last set being an attempt at a single repetition maximum.
Post loads to comments.
''A House of Cards'' (09.13.2010)
Complete for time
12 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
21 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
18 x GHD Sit-ups
8 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
15 x GHD Sit-ups
6 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
12 x GHD Sit-ups
4 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
9 x GHD Sit-ups
2 x Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
6 x GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.13.2010)
''Time Ladder''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
0:45 on x 0:45 off,
1:30 on x 1:30 off,
3:00 on x 3:00 off,
6:00 on x 6:00 off,
3:00 on x 3:00 off,
1:30 on x 1:30 off,
0:45 on x Done.
0:45 on x 0:45 off,
1:30 on x 1:30 off,
3:00 on x 3:00 off,
6:00 on x 6:00 off,
3:00 on x 3:00 off,
1:30 on x 1:30 off,
0:45 on x Done.
Post distances to comments.
''Smells Like Seaweed'' (09.10.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.10.2010)
400m Run
2 Rounds of
Dot Drill
5 x Burpees
10 x Air Squats
15 x Sit-ups
-Lunge w/ Torso Rotation
''Smells Like Seaweed'' (09.10.2010)
Complete for time
Row 500m
7 Rounds of
3 x Deadlift (75%1RM)
3 x Muscle-ups
Row 500m
Notes: Complete the first 500m row, then storm through the 7 Rounds of Deadlifts and Muscle-ups, finish with a 500m row. If you are still working on attaining your first Muscle-up then substitute 3 x Pull-ups and 3 x Ring Dips for each repetition.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.10.2010)
Complete the following at your own pace
20 x Pistols (alt.legs)
50 x Double-unders
10 x Pistols (alt.legs)
25 x Double-unders
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.10.2010)
''2:1 Pacing''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
8 Rounds of
2 min on x 1 min rest
Hold distances as consistent as possible.
Post distances to comments.
400m Run
2 Rounds of
Dot Drill
5 x Burpees
10 x Air Squats
15 x Sit-ups
-Lunge w/ Torso Rotation
''Smells Like Seaweed'' (09.10.2010)
Complete for time
Row 500m
7 Rounds of
3 x Deadlift (75%1RM)
3 x Muscle-ups
Row 500m
Notes: Complete the first 500m row, then storm through the 7 Rounds of Deadlifts and Muscle-ups, finish with a 500m row. If you are still working on attaining your first Muscle-up then substitute 3 x Pull-ups and 3 x Ring Dips for each repetition.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.10.2010)
Complete the following at your own pace
20 x Pistols (alt.legs)
50 x Double-unders
10 x Pistols (alt.legs)
25 x Double-unders
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.10.2010)
''2:1 Pacing''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
8 Rounds of
2 min on x 1 min rest
Hold distances as consistent as possible.
Post distances to comments.
''Birthright'' (09.09.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.07.2010)
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Med Ball Cleans
10 x Burpees
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Birthright'' (09.09.2010)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65lbs)
Handstand Push-ups
Notes: Unbroken Challenge.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.09.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
:30 Ring Support
30 x GHD Sit-ups
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.09.2010)
''3-5 x Repeats''
Swim: 5 x 50m/y with 3 minute recoveries.
Bike: 3 x 1k with 5 minute recoveries.
Run: 4 x 300m with 5 minute recoveries
C2: 4 x 375m with 5 minute recoveries.
Post times to comments.
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Med Ball Cleans
10 x Burpees
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Birthright'' (09.09.2010)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65lbs)
Handstand Push-ups
Notes: Unbroken Challenge.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (09.09.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
:30 Ring Support
30 x GHD Sit-ups
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.09.2010)
''3-5 x Repeats''
Swim: 5 x 50m/y with 3 minute recoveries.
Bike: 3 x 1k with 5 minute recoveries.
Run: 4 x 300m with 5 minute recoveries
C2: 4 x 375m with 5 minute recoveries.
Post times to comments.
''Filthy Fifty'' (09.08.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.08.2010)
Row 1000m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
2 Rounds of
Dot Drill
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
''Filthy Fifty'' (09.08.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Box Jumps (20'')
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
50 x Push Press (45lbs)
50 x Goodmornings (45lbs)
50 x Wall Ball Shots (20lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.08.2010)
Row 1000m
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
2 Rounds of
Dot Drill
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
''Filthy Fifty'' (09.08.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Box Jumps (20'')
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
50 x Push Press (45lbs)
50 x Goodmornings (45lbs)
50 x Wall Ball Shots (20lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.08.2010)
''Demonstrating the Significance of Labor Day'' (09.07.2010)
Stable News
The On-Ramp Schedule has been posted; see the right hand column for details. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for registration details.
Warm-up Drills (09.07.2010)
Row 750m
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups (CFGS)
12 x Air Squats
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Samson Stretch
-Cobra Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
''Demonstrating the Significance of Labor Day'' (09.07.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Run 200m
5 x Ground-2-Overhead
7 x Lateral Burpees
Notes: Use 70-75% of your 1RM Power Clean. Acceptable routes for the load to move from the Ground to Overhead are the Snatch (Squat, Power, etc.) or the Clean and Jerk (Squat, Power, Split, Jerk, Push Press, Press). Lateral Burpees are performed as normal with a lateral jump over your barbell at the end of each rep.
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (09.07.2010)
Dot Drill for time.
Row 750m
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups (CFGS)
12 x Air Squats
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Samson Stretch
-Cobra Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
''Demonstrating the Significance of Labor Day'' (09.07.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
Run 200m
5 x Ground-2-Overhead
7 x Lateral Burpees
Notes: Use 70-75% of your 1RM Power Clean. Acceptable routes for the load to move from the Ground to Overhead are the Snatch (Squat, Power, etc.) or the Clean and Jerk (Squat, Power, Split, Jerk, Push Press, Press). Lateral Burpees are performed as normal with a lateral jump over your barbell at the end of each rep.
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (09.07.2010)
Dot Drill for time.
5 patterns of movement each executed 6 times.
Get mad.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.07.2010)
Swim: 500m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 5 x 100m (15 sec rest between) at your 100m pace for the 500m TT
Bike: 3 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 1 mile (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace for the 3 mile TT
Run: 1 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 400m (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace from the 1 mile TT
C2: 2000m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 500m (30 sec rest between) at your 500m pace for the 2000m TT
Post distances and splits to comments.
Post times to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.07.2010)
Swim: 500m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 5 x 100m (15 sec rest between) at your 100m pace for the 500m TT
Bike: 3 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 1 mile (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace for the 3 mile TT
Run: 1 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 400m (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace from the 1 mile TT
C2: 2000m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 500m (30 sec rest between) at your 500m pace for the 2000m TT
Post distances and splits to comments.
''Barbara'' (09.06.2010)
We are Closed for Labor Day, normal hours resume Tuesday.
Tomorrow we will post dates and times for the next On-Ramp Class.
Warm-up Drills (09.06.2010)
Run 1 mile
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
10 x Push-ups
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-ITB Stretch
''Barbara'' (09.06.2010)
Five rounds, each for time of
20 x Pull-ups
30 x Push-ups
40 x Sit-ups
50 x Air Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post times for each of the five rounds to comments.
Skill Development (09.06.2010)
We will begin including a link in each Skill Development portion of the training each day for an optional mobility/flexibility cooldown. The link is to a website run by Kelley Starrett: CrossFit Instructor/Affiliate Owner and Doctor of Physical Therapy, explore and learn.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.06.2010)
''24min Pyramid''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4min on x 2min off,
5min on x 2min off,
6min on x 2min off,
5min on x 2min off,
4min on x Done!
Post distances to comments.
Tomorrow we will post dates and times for the next On-Ramp Class.
Warm-up Drills (09.06.2010)
Run 1 mile
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
10 x Push-ups
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-ITB Stretch
''Barbara'' (09.06.2010)
Five rounds, each for time of
20 x Pull-ups
30 x Push-ups
40 x Sit-ups
50 x Air Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post times for each of the five rounds to comments.
Skill Development (09.06.2010)
We will begin including a link in each Skill Development portion of the training each day for an optional mobility/flexibility cooldown. The link is to a website run by Kelley Starrett: CrossFit Instructor/Affiliate Owner and Doctor of Physical Therapy, explore and learn.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.06.2010)
''24min Pyramid''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4min on x 2min off,
5min on x 2min off,
6min on x 2min off,
5min on x 2min off,
4min on x Done!
Post distances to comments.
''Because Mom Said'' (09.03.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.03.2010)
Run 800m
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
12 x Sit-ups
15 x Air Squats
Dot Drill
''Burgener Drill''
-Sumo Squats
-Cobra Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Because Mom Said'' (09.03.2010)
Complete for time
10 x Turkish Get-ups (50/35lbs)
20 x Front Squats (155/115lbs)
30 x Push-ups
40 x KB Swings (50/35lbs)
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
40 x Pull-ups
30 x Deadlifts (155/115lbs)
20 x Ring Dips
10 x Pistols (alt.legs)
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.03.2010)
8 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water.
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts.
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use Damper Setting 2+ Average.
Post distances to comments.
Run 800m
7 x Deadhang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
12 x Sit-ups
15 x Air Squats
Dot Drill
''Burgener Drill''
-Sumo Squats
-Cobra Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Because Mom Said'' (09.03.2010)
Complete for time
10 x Turkish Get-ups (50/35lbs)
20 x Front Squats (155/115lbs)
30 x Push-ups
40 x KB Swings (50/35lbs)
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
40 x Pull-ups
30 x Deadlifts (155/115lbs)
20 x Ring Dips
10 x Pistols (alt.legs)
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.03.2010)
8 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water.
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts.
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use Damper Setting 2+ Average.
Post distances to comments.
''Daniel'' (09.02.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.02.2010)
Row 750m
2 Rounds of
8 x Hollow Rocks
8 x Push-ups
8 x Box Jumps (20'')
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
''Daniel'' (09.02.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Pull-ups
400m Run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
800 meter run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
400m Run
50 x Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.02.2010)
For time
50 x GHD Sit-ups
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.02.2010)
Row 750m
2 Rounds of
8 x Hollow Rocks
8 x Push-ups
8 x Box Jumps (20'')
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
-Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
''Daniel'' (09.02.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Pull-ups
400m Run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
800 meter run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
400m Run
50 x Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.02.2010)
For time
50 x GHD Sit-ups
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.02.2010)
''Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1'' (09.01.2010)
Warm-up Drills (09.01.2010)
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
7 x Push-ups
7 x Medball Cleans
Dot Drill
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Samson Stretch (Lateral)
''Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1'' (09.01.2010)
Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1
3 Attempts at maximum repetitions.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Row 500m
2 Rounds of
7 x Push-ups
7 x Medball Cleans
Dot Drill
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Samson Stretch (Lateral)
''Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1'' (09.01.2010)
Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1
3 Attempts at maximum repetitions.
Post loads/reps to comments.
''The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II." (09.01.2010)
4 Rounds for time of
Broad jump 50m counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times (alternating legs)
Deadlift (bodyweight) that many reps
Box jump (20'') that many reps
Air Squat that many reps
Post time and number of jumps per round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.01.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.
4 Rounds for time of
Broad jump 50m counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times (alternating legs)
Deadlift (bodyweight) that many reps
Box jump (20'') that many reps
Air Squat that many reps
Post time and number of jumps per round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.01.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.
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