Anyone with scheduling conflicts please let us know and we can work around it for the time being. We will address the options we are able to provide for those in the Intro Course as far as class times during the day and make a decision based on what works best for our new athletes. See the schedule changes to normal class hours as well below under notice section III&IV.
I. Open Gym Saturday Hours Return:
CrossFit New Hampshire will once again provide a weekend arena for just the sort of mayhem and debauchery only CrossFitters seem to get excited about on a Saturday morning: 9-11am
(FYI: Those willing to stay for a short while after to help clean the facility will be compensated with hundreds of grams of chocolate protein. Why would we bribe you? Because my Grandfather and the entire Purple Posse of Irish freaks are inbound at noon for my official white glove inspection and I better pass or I'll be getting destroyed by tiny freckled women and the stern role model that helped spawn such demon-strocities... Carry on.)
II. A Reminder that all athletes need to pay their dues by Tuesday:
II. A Reminder that all athletes need to pay their dues by Tuesday:
There will be a $25 late fee after that point and we also unfortunately will not be able to allow those with outstanding me
mbership dues to train until their respective balances have been paid. Please help your Coaches/Trainers remain focused on that which truly matters: training/programming/facility development/events creation/etc. We love doing what we are passionate about, what we are driven and compelled to create each day for our athletes... this is why we need everyone to help ensure the few responsibilities we've placed on our athletes are taken care of on time and without compromise.
III. Monday we are closed but will post a WOD:
III. Monday we are closed but will post a WOD:
...for those looking to exert laborious effort on their Labor Day Holiday (Irony).
IV. Tuesday we will be attempting to return to CFNH's traditional training schedule/hours which are outlined below:
Training Schedule (M,T,W,Th,F)Morning Class Start Times: 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am
Evening Class Start Times: 4pm, 5pm, 6pm
Saturdays Open Gym: 9-11am
Sigh. Yes, we finally admit we might feel a bit sorry for those poor CrossFitters that have schedule/class time convenience conflicts. We appreciate the continual reminders from those wishing to have their old class times re-established... Looks like complaining so $* %!@! much actually worked.
These class time changes are going to be conditional, however, as we will need all of the athletes attending each training session to arrive on time. Walking into the gym on the hour will not do at all, everyone needs to make sure they are changed and ready to rock and roll 5 to 10 minutes prior to the hour in order to ensure Coaches/Trainers can cover everything they need to for the day. We will also need those athletes arriving for the follow on class to please allow the current session to finish up before coming out and engaging athletes, friends, trainers, coaches, or indoor lawn gnomes in daily pleasantries. Here's a rough outline of events (This guide may be printed out if necessary):
Pain first, then post wod mobility training/myfascial release, then focused re-hydration and re-fueling, then deoderant... finally socialization may take place if enough oxygen remains available.
Warm-up Drills (08.31.2012)
Row 2 Minutes
2 Rounds for Quality of:
5 x Deadlift (45lbs)
5 x Hang Power Clean (45lbs)
5 x Thrusters (45lbs)
10 x Barbell Roll-outs (Hollow Body Pos.)
-Individual Mobility Prep work with a primary emphasis on the Front Rack/Receiving Position Drills
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-ITB Drop Lunge
''Cranberry Marmalade'' (08.31.2012)
Complete the following for time:
Row 500m
3 Rounds of
3 x Hang Power Cleans (225/155lbs)
6 x Burpee Rope Over-Unders
9 x 'Unbroken' DB Thrusters (50/35lbs)
Row 350m
Rest 5:00 (active)
Repeat the workload again for time at maximal effort.
Notes: We want two complete, all-out efforts today. Scale loads for Hang Cleans and DB Thrusters as necessary. Those that want may perform 18 x Wallball Shots (Unbroken) in place of DB Thrusters if we run into a shortage of DB's.
Oh, and thank Mike A. for inspiring this slayer of a WOD as we'll all be enjoying the hardship outlined as our unique way of honoring and thanking Mike for the unbelievable work he contributed over the course of the summer with supporting the move, training and coaching our athletes, backing up the mad midget of 540 Commercial St unconditionally... the long list of that which we have to thank this blonde wise-ass for is too boring to type out... However, the most profound and awe inspiring contribution (outside of the incredible time and effort that went into refining his professional knowledge/experience base in a relentless persuit of developing himself into the kind of Coach that will be truly missed as the natural talent and intangible qualities Mike brings into Coaching are simply invaluable) came from an unwavering dedication and relentless work ethic as we toiled away for endless hours constructing what would become this amazing new home of ours...
Mike, From the ground up after spending a month homeless with us in Livingston Park we're extremely proud to have had you working with us in establishing the very foundations of this new CFNH Stable.
It has been one hell of a summer, homie, thank you for everything; Naturally, we can't wait to have you back here this fall and winter slaying foo's. YESSSSSSSS.
Post both times individually to comments.
Skill Development (08.31.2012)
**Optional Today**
30 x Turkish Get-ups (24/16kg) for Quality
Alternating Arms on each repetition.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.31.2012)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.
Warm-up Drills (08.31.2012)
Row 2 Minutes
2 Rounds for Quality of:
5 x Deadlift (45lbs)
5 x Hang Power Clean (45lbs)
5 x Thrusters (45lbs)
10 x Barbell Roll-outs (Hollow Body Pos.)
-Individual Mobility Prep work with a primary emphasis on the Front Rack/Receiving Position Drills
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-ITB Drop Lunge
''Cranberry Marmalade'' (08.31.2012)
Complete the following for time:
Row 500m
3 Rounds of
3 x Hang Power Cleans (225/155lbs)
6 x Burpee Rope Over-Unders
9 x 'Unbroken' DB Thrusters (50/35lbs)
Row 350m
Rest 5:00 (active)
Repeat the workload again for time at maximal effort.
Notes: We want two complete, all-out efforts today. Scale loads for Hang Cleans and DB Thrusters as necessary. Those that want may perform 18 x Wallball Shots (Unbroken) in place of DB Thrusters if we run into a shortage of DB's.
Oh, and thank Mike A. for inspiring this slayer of a WOD as we'll all be enjoying the hardship outlined as our unique way of honoring and thanking Mike for the unbelievable work he contributed over the course of the summer with supporting the move, training and coaching our athletes, backing up the mad midget of 540 Commercial St unconditionally... the long list of that which we have to thank this blonde wise-ass for is too boring to type out... However, the most profound and awe inspiring contribution (outside of the incredible time and effort that went into refining his professional knowledge/experience base in a relentless persuit of developing himself into the kind of Coach that will be truly missed as the natural talent and intangible qualities Mike brings into Coaching are simply invaluable) came from an unwavering dedication and relentless work ethic as we toiled away for endless hours constructing what would become this amazing new home of ours...
Mike, From the ground up after spending a month homeless with us in Livingston Park we're extremely proud to have had you working with us in establishing the very foundations of this new CFNH Stable.
It has been one hell of a summer, homie, thank you for everything; Naturally, we can't wait to have you back here this fall and winter slaying foo's. YESSSSSSSS.
Post both times individually to comments.
Skill Development (08.31.2012)
**Optional Today**
30 x Turkish Get-ups (24/16kg) for Quality
Alternating Arms on each repetition.
Mobility WOD

''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.