Stay creative and hit this Hero WOD with everything you've got, we open our doors again this coming MONDAY.
A posting binge will occur Friday that covers everything we need to pass on about the site changeover and the training schedule as implemented by MindBody software. Included will also be the orientation run down we'll present to each class Monday as they arrive.
Thanks to our amazing crew of CrossFitters for your constant support, this place we've been carving out for outselves is UNREAL!
Included today are some progress pics to keep everyone on the edge of their seats. There are several more on our CrossFit New Hampshire Facebook page detailing even further awesome developments and progress...
''Hero WOD: Jared'' (04.09.2012)
4 Rounds for time of
Run 800m
40 x Pull-ups
70 x Push-ups
''U.S. Army Master Sergeant Jared N. Van Aalst, 34, of Laconia, New Hampshire, assigned to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died August 4, 2010, in Kunduz province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered while his unit was conducting combat operations. He is survived by his wife, Katie Van Aalst, his daughters Kaylie and Ava, and a posthumous son, Hugh Jared.''--via CFHQ
Post times/creative mods to comments.

Nice pictures. Can't wait to get back to a work-out routine. Kinda hard to do the posted WOD with nowhere to do pullups though.
Looking forward to the Grand Opening.
I didn't do the wod per se, but cait and I raced the Cigna 5k and I was able to achieve an awesome PR of 26:46, Which worked out to be an 8:37 min/mile pace.
I really tried to adhere to the pose running techniques we learned earlier this summer, keeping a forward lean and fast short running stride, seemed to work pretty well.
4 rounds for time
800m Run
40 x Strict Pull-ups
70 x Push-ups
+Vest loaded w/ 20#
It looks great! can't wait to start again.
:untimed (took a really long time)
Where was this big update we were supposed to hear about Friday!!! The on the road groupies want in on the loop
Sorry about that! Please see today's post it is linked to Facebook where we are trying to constantly put as much updated info/pictures as possible with update material for this weeks training and renovation schedule! Things are starting to look UNREAL!!!!!!!!
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