Warm-up Drills (08.24.2012)
Run 800m
Burgener Warm-up x 3 rounds (PVC)
Two Rounds for Quality of:
5 x Deadlift (45/30)
5 x Hang Power Cleans (45/30)
5 x Front Squats (45/30)
5 x Press (45/30)
5 - 8 minutes of Mobility
''Team Nutts'' (08.24.2012)
With only one teammate going at a time work through the following movements.
10 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Tire Flips/Deadlift
25 x Box Jumps (30'')
50 x Pull-ups
100/50 x Wallball/Team Ball
200 x Double-unders
Run 400m (45lbs)
Notes: Each athlete must accomplish the rep load prescribed, where the two exceptions are tire flips can be both teammates together on the Biggie McBadass tire or 15 reps per athlete on the conservative option for tire size. Wallball shots are for 100 reps per athlete, alternating each repetition and working together to make it through the workload. Each athlete must carry the bumper plate for 400m total.
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Skill Development (08.24.2012)
Work on 1 random skill for 5-10 minutes that currently is considered a 'personal goat'. See Coaches/Trainers for assistance as needed.
Mobility WOD

"Short Time Trial"
Swim: 500m/y TT
Bike: 5k TT
Run: 1 mile TT
C2: 1500m TT
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1 comment:
Team Nutts
Team Erica & Shawzney completed @ 35:20
10 x stinkbugs
15 x tire flips
25 x 24" box jumps
50 x pull ups
100 x team wall balls @ 14#
200 x DU's (Erica)
600 x Single Speed (Shawzney)
Run 400m portage w/ 45# bumper
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