
Rest Day (10.31.2009)

Rest Day (10.31.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.31.2009)
''Long Intervals By Time, 4-6x Repeats''

Swim: SC:2x6min, LC:3x6min, U:4x6min, Rest 2 min between intervals
Bike: SC:2x12min, LC:3x12min, U:4x12min, Rest 2 min between intervals
Run: SC:2x10min, LC:3x10min, U:4x10min, Rest 2 min between intervals
C2: SC:2x7min, LC:3x7min,U:4x7min: Rest 2 min between intervals

Post distances to comments.

“At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly becomes quiet within you.
Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on.
At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings.
There is no more precious moment in life than this, the white moment, and you will work very hard for years just to taste it again.”

--Yuri Vlasov, Soviet Weightlifter


''Lunge, HSPU, K2E Met.Con." (10.30.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.30.2009)
2:00 x Single-Unders
12-9-6 reps each of
Overhead Squats (45lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (45lbs)
''Rotator Scarecrow Drill''

''Lunge, HSPU, K2E Met.Con." (10.30.2009)
Complete the following for time:
100 ft Walking Lunges
18 x Handstand Push-ups
18 x Knees-2-Elbows
100 ft Walking Lunges
15 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Knees-2-Elbows
100 ft Walking Lunges
12 x Handstand Push-ups
12 x Knees-2-Elbows
100 ft Walking Lunges
9 x Handstand Push-ups
9 x Knees-2-Elbows
100 ft Walking Lunges
6 x Handstand Push-ups
6 x Knees-2-Elbows

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.30.2009)
35 x Hip and Back Extensions
Back Extension, Hip Extension, Hip-back Extension

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.30.2009)
''Hill Climb Time Trial''
Swim: 500m, add aT-shirt, parachute, or boots & utilities for drag
Bike: 2 mile hill climb, incline between 6-15%
Run: 1 mile hill climb, incline between 6-15%
C2: 2000m molasses row, Damper setting between 8-10

Post times to comments.

''Two Witches of Halloween" (10.29.2009)

''Two Witches of Halloween" (10.29.2009)
The following is a 2-athlete team WOD and should be done for time.
The rules are simple: Each athlete must complete a round with 21 reps, a round with 15 reps, and a round with 9 reps. Only one athlete can work at a time. There are six total rounds (three from ''Elizabeth'' and three from ''Fran'') and they may be completed in any order, providing the previous rules are adhered to. Trick or Treat.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Squat Clean (135lbs)
Ring Dips

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95lbs)

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.28.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
5 min on x 5 min rest
4 min on x 4 min rest
3 min on x 3 min rest
2 min on x 2 min rest
1 min on x Done

Post distances to comments.


''Deadlift, Run, Met.Con." (10.28.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.28.2009)
500m Row
9 Fundamentals x 7 each
Samson Stretch

''Deadlift, Run, Met.Con." (10.28.2009)
Complete for time:
21 x Deadlift (225lbs)
Run 800 meters
15 x Deadlift (225lbs)
Run 800 meters
9 x Deadlift (225lbs)
Run 800 meters

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.28.2009)
Work on your costumes.

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.28.2009)

Stable News:

Tomorrow we will be having our two person ''Halloween Team WOD'' in the afternoon from 4pm-8pm, there will be no morning session. The details of this special horror show will be revealed tonight... and yes, there will be a fog machine.
Bobbing for almonds is optional.


"Tabata Something Else" (10.27.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.27.2009)
800m Run
12-9-6 reps each of
Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
Box Jumps (20'')

"Tabata Something Else" (10.27.2009)
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

Skill Development (10.27.2009)
4 x Handstand/Headstand Time Trials (against wall)
8 x Freestanding Handstand Time Trials

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.27.2009)
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1 min on x 1 min rest
1 min on x :50 rest
1 min on x :40 rest
1 min on x :30 rest
1 min on x :20 rest
1 min on x :10 rest
... then go back up the ladder until you finish with
1 min on x :50 rest
1 min on x Done

Post distances to comments.



Warm-up Drills (10.26.2009)
1000m Row
12 x Deadlift (45lbs)
12 x Front Squat (45lbs)
12 x Push Press (45lbs)

Complete for time:
30 x Clean and Jerk (135lbs)

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.26.2009)
:25 x L-sit (paralettes)
25 x Abmat Sit-ups
25 x Knees-2-Elbows

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.26.2009)
90% of the best time for your chosen distance.
Swim: SC: 400m , LC: 600m , U: 800m
Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile
Run: SC: 1.5 mile , LC: 5miles , U: 10miles
C2: SC: 2k , LC: 5k , U: 8k

Post times to comments.


Rest Day (10.25.2009)

Rest Day (10.25.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.25.2009)
Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y
Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2min recoveries.
Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.

Post times to comments.


Rest Day (10.24.2009)

Rest Day (10.24.2009)

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.24.2009)

"Fatigue makes cowards of us all."
– General George S. Patton, Jr., Letter of Instruction Number 1, Third Army. War As I Knew It, 312


"Helen Gets Pushy" (10.23.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.23.2009)
Row 500m
12 x Wallball Shots (20lbs)
12 x Medecine Ball Cleans (20lbs)

"Helen Gets Pushy"(10.23.2009)
Complete three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 x Kettlebell Swings (55lbs)
12 x Handstand Push-ups

Post time to comments.

Skill Development (10.23.2009)
30 x GHD Sit-ups

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.23.2009)
3 x Long Intervals
Swim: 3 x 400m... Deviate no more than 30 sec from fastest 400m. Recover 3 min between efforts. SC: ,2x through only.
Bike: 3 x 4 miles... Deviate no more than 90 sec from fastest 4 mile. Recover 5 min between efforts.
Run: 3 x 1.5 miles... Deviate no more then 90 sec from fastest 1.5 mile. Recover 5 min between efforts. " SC, 2x through only.
C2: 3 x 1500m... Deviate no more then 20 seconds from fastest 1500m. Recover 4 min between efforts.

Post times to comments.

''Row, Burpee, Double-Under Met.Con.'' (10.22.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.22.2009)
Run 400m
3 rounds of
7 x Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups
7 x Box Jumps (20'')

''Row, Burpee, Double-Under Met.Con.'' (10.22.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
21 x Burpees
50 x Double-unders

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.22.2009)
Burgener Drill
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Snatch x 3
iv. Snatch Lands x 3
v. Snatch Drops x 3
vi. Squat Snatch x 3
Sage Burgener Demo Video

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.22.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
12 minute Time Trial
Cover as much distance as possible.

Post distances to comments.


''The Don's AMRAP'' (10.21.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.21.2009)
Row 750m
15 x Burpee-Jumping Pull-ups

''The Don's AMRAP'' (10.21.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of
12 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (65lbs)
10 x Push-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.

Skill Development (10.21.2009)
Complete 3 rounds of the following at your own pace:
15 x GHD Sit-ups
15 x Back Extensions

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.21.2009)
8 Rounds of :30 x :20 rest at maximal effort
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace.
C2: Damper setting is preference.

Post distances to comments.


''Josh'' (10.20.2009)

"Our emphasis on skill development is integral to our charter of optimizing work capacity."--Greg Glassman

Warm-up Drills (10.20.2009)
800m Run
9 Fundamentals x 12 reps each
Samson Stretch

''Josh'' (10.20.2009)
Complete the following for time:
21 x Overhead Squat (95lbs)
42 x Pull-ups
15 x Overhead Squat (95lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
9 x Overhead Squat (95lbs)
18 x Pull-ups

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.20.2009)
Complete your choice of the following at your own pace:
4 Rounds of :30 Ring Support
3 Rounds of :20 L-sit
7 x Muscle-up (without kipping from full extension)

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.20.2009)


''Max Effort Deadlift Singles'' (10.19.2009)

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations.
We fall to the level of our training."

The Way of the Warrior

Warm-up Drills (10.19.2009)
2:00 x Single-unders
18 x Hang Squat Cleans (45lbs)
1:00 x Double-unders
18 x Push Jerk (45lbs)

''Max Effort Deadlift Singles'' (10.19.2009)

Post loads to comments.

Skill Development (10.19.2009)
Complete 4 rounds of the following, working towards max reps every work interval.
:30 x HSPU's
:20 x Rest
:30 x Abmat Sit-ups
:20 x Rest

Post total reps to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.19.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 rounds total with 2:00 recoveries between.
All sets are maximal effort
:30 x :30 rest
:30 x :25 rest
:30 x :20 rest
:30 x :15 rest
:30 x :10 rest
:30 x :05 rest
:30 x Done...
2:00 Recovery

Post distances to comments.


Rest Day (10.18.2009)

Rest Day (10.18.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.18.2009)
''Tempo 85%-90% RPE''

Swim: SC: 8min- LC: 12min- U: 20min
Bike: SC: 30min- LC: 50min- U: 70min
Run: SC: 15min- LC: 30min- U: 60min
C2: SC: 10 min- LC: 15min- U: 20min
Cover as much distance as possible in the allotted time.

Post distances to comments.

you're in your little room
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started
sitting in your little room"

--The White Stripes


Rest Day/Skill Development (10.17.2009)

Saturday Hours

Rest Day/Skill Development (10.17.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.17.2009)
Swim: 10 x 100m/y choose appropriate clothing or add boots to generate drag, holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec. 15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill. Treadmill use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more then 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries.

Post times to comments.

Stable News
It was recently brought to my attention that there might be some confusion in the ranks about the Saturday hours of operation.
To clarify we are now open every Saturday from 9am-11am. The decision to add a Saturday Class came from our desire to provide our CrossFitters with an extra opportunity to make-up a WOD (which must be something that was missed during the previous week)

Five WODs during the week means that an athlete will be held to Skill Development Training only during Saturday gym hours, we are adamant about this. Emphasizing the recovery process comes out of respect for what we put ourselves through, a recovered mind and body will adapt and begin to demonstrate an ever greater capacity for performance. This process of stimulus, stress, shock, and super-compensation (which occurs during recovery) is what ensures continued and rapid progress.

Difficulty completing a WOD, perpetual feelings of frustration, a loss of pride, and bad scores during training can all stem from a single sour experience and the shadow of doubt it casts on the mind.
To be incapable of anything can be a painful concept to accept, especially for the achievement driven psyche of a CrossFitter. Feelings of defeat like this can play a big role in pushing disgruntled CrossFitters over the edge, while they start to keep secret hate lists of skills they both fear and despise.
In the confines of the Stable we can only encourage the infrequent but memorable appearances of these very personal hate lists. These laundry lists of malcontent provide excellent insight into what motivated us to add additional class time during the week... There simply isn't enough time in a five day week for us to effectively declare genocide on this population of CrossFit skills we feel compelled to master.

Enjoy the weekend, and we'll see everyone on Monday.


''Murph'' (10.16.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.16.2009)
Row 500m
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each
Hip Mobility Complex

Link: Hip Mobility Complex Demo Video

Hero WOD ''Murph'' (10.16.2009)
Complete the following for time:
1 mile Run
100 x Pull-ups
200 x Push-ups
300 x Squats
1 mile Run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a 1 mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Post times to comments.

''In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.''
--CrossFit WOD Archives Originally Posted August 18, 2005

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.16.2009)


''Row, Push Press Met.Con.'' (10.15.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.15.2009)
Run 400m
21 x Wallball Shots (20lbs)
21 x Knees-2-Elbows
Samson Stretch

''Row, Push Press Met.Con.'' (10.15.2009)
Complete the following for time:
Row 500m
21 x Push Press (95lbs)
Row 500m
18 x Push Press (95lbs)
Row 500m
15 x Push Press (95lbs)
Row 500m
12 x Push Press (95lbs)

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (10.15.2009)
10 x One-Legged Squats, Right Leg
10 x One-Legged Squats, Left Leg
Use as many sets as necessary, taking rest as needed.
Technique is paramount.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.15.2009)
Complete the distance prescribed for your sport in as few rounds as possible of :20 sprint x :10 stop/rest.
Swim: 800m
Bike: 5 miles
Run: 2 miles
C2: 3K

Post rounds completed to comments.

''Max Effort Thruster, Pull-up Singles'' (10.14.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.14.2009)
Run 800m
3 Rounds of:
15 x Abmat Sit-ups
9 x Pull-ups
9 x Thrusters (45lbs)

''Max Effort Thruster, Pull-up Singles'' (10.14.2009)
Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1
Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1

Note: If you are still working towards being able to complete weighted pull-ups then substitute
4 Rounds of Pull-ups for maximum reps. Use as much rest as needed between sets.

Post loads or total reps to comments.

Skill Development (10.14.2009)
Complete 5 Rounds for time of
21 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
21 x Double-unders

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.14.2009)
Complete the time trial of your choice:
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8 mile TT
Run: 1.5 mile TT
C2: 2k TT

Post times to comments.


''Diane'' (10.13.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.13.2009)
Row 1000m
12-9-6 reps each of
Box Jumps (20'')

''Diane'' (10.13.2009)
For time complete 21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift (225lbs)
Handstand Push-ups

Post times to comments

Skill Development (10.13.2009)
15 x Muscle-Ups (from full extension)
21 x Pull-ups
21 x Ring Dips (biceps to rings)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.13.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)

4 min on x 3 min rest
2 min on x :30 sec rest
1 min on x 3 min rest
2 min on x :30 sec rest
4 min on x Done!

Cover as much distance as possible in each of the prescribed time intervals.

Post distances to comments.

Rest Day/Optional WOD (10.12.2009)

Rest Day/Optional WOD (10.12.2009)

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.12.2009)

3k Time Trial Run

Post times to comments.

Stable News:
This notice is just to remind everyone that we will be closed today to honor Spaniards, especially those that habitually wander.
We hope everyone enjoys their extra day of rest and recovery, tomorrow our hours of operation will return to normal.


Rest Day (10.11.2009)

''Anyone, in any walk of life, who is content with mediocrity is untrue to himself and to American tradition.''
--General George S. Patton, War As I Knew It. 1947

Rest Day (10.11.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.11.2009)

Swim: 8 x 50m 3-5 sec slower then best avg for distance. Rest 30 seconds between intervals.
Bike: 8 x 1/4M @ 90% of best avg for distance. Rest 1 min between intervals.
Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% of best avg for distance. Rest 1 min between intervals.
C2: 8 x 250m @ 90% of best avg for distance. Rest 1 min between intervals.

Post times to comments.


Rest Day (10.10.2009)

Rest Day (10.10.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.10.2009)
90% of Best Time for the distance of your choice:
Swim: SC: 600m , LC: 800m , U: 1000m
Bike: SC: 12 mile , LC: 20 mile , U: 30 mile
Run: SC: 2 mile , LC: 10k , U: 13.1M
C2: SC: 3k , LC: 5k , U: 8k

Post times to comments.

Stable News:
Saturday Hours are 9-11am.
Monday we will be closed for the holiday...
Enjoy the extra day of rest before we engage in the four day crucible the rest of the week will represent.

''Max Effort Power Clean Singles, and a Bonus Met.Con.'' (10.09.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.09.2009)
Row 500m
15 x Burpees
15 x Medicine Ball Cleans

''Max Effort Power Clean Singles'' (10.09.2009)

Post loads to comments

''Front Squat, Sit-up Met.Con.'' (10.09.2009)
Complete 18-15-12-9 reps for time of
Front Squat (185lbs)
GHD Sit-ups

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.09.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
6 Rounds of
:90 max effort x :90 rest

Post distances to comme


''Jackie'' (10.08.2009)

Warm-up Drills (10.08.2009)
50 x Double-unders
12 x Handstand Push-ups
25 x Double-unders
12 x Pull-ups

''Jackie'' (10.08.2009)
Complete the following for time:
1000m Row
50 x Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Skill Development (10.08.2009)
Complete the following at your own pace.
KB Swings (16kg)
L-sit (paralettes)
There are ten rounds total.
Round 1 is 10 x KB Swings and :10 x L-sit,
Round 2 is 9 x KB Swings and :09 L-sit,
Round 3 is 8 x KB Swings and :08 L-sit...
Continue until you finish 1 x KB Swing and :01 x L-sit.

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.08.2009)