CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.18.2009)
''Tempo 85%-90% RPE''
Swim: SC: 8min- LC: 12min- U: 20min
Bike: SC: 30min- LC: 50min- U: 70min
Run: SC: 15min- LC: 30min- U: 60min
C2: SC: 10 min- LC: 15min- U: 20min
Cover as much distance as possible in the allotted time.
Post distances to comments.
you're in your little room
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started
sitting in your little room"
--The White Stripes
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started
sitting in your little room"
--The White Stripes
Hopefully going to see you guys on Tuesday...I can't stand doing these WODs on my own much longer!!
Sammy, What's up man. I just finished bootcamp last week and I am starting BUD/S Prep this week. I have been doing Crossfit for the past week trying to get back in shape. From what I hear BUD/S prep is pretty good and they do incorporate some aspects of crossfit into the workouts. However I hear that there is a lack of core emphasis. Do you have any ideas for ways I could incorporate core strengthening exercises at the end of the day. Also would it be okay to do some of the skill development things you post in addition to everything. Also I am thinking of getting some rings and a kettlebell....What do you think??
Hey Matt congradulations on your graduation. Im sure you did a hell of a job . Good luck in Bud/s prep. You will kill it. Hope to see you in the gym when you get some leave time.
Billy the tuff
Congratulations,Matt! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about everything, you must be fired up to get on with Pre-BUDs.
Stop trying to cover up your motives with fancy CrossFit terms. I know that what you mean when you say, ''Do you have any ideas for ways I could incorporate core strengthening exercises at the end of the day?''
You are really asking if it would be ok to dedicate two thirds or more of your total training time to getting a 6-pack again.
Aww, I'm just giving you sh%, Matt... I have to make up all the lost time and what better way than on the internet.
To answer your question about core trianing, as long as there wasn't a devastating trunk flexion movement in your primary WOD then go for it. You could always use the warm-up drills and skill development prescriptions posted daily to cover all your bases. Obviously the tougher skills jump right out at you when you read the WODs but what some athletes tend to overlook is tht they are almost always working the human form through all of it's major sequences of movement. Especially since you are just getting back into it I would stick with that for now and two weeks later start ramping it up again.
You've probably got even more questions now, give me a call sometime tomorrow and we'll make sure you've got all the information you need.
No reason to blow money on a Kettlebell when dumbbells are a free and convenient substitute, a KB would be half your plane ride home to visit and use your own (which are still safe and sound in here). Rings on the other hand are one of the most versatile tools we've got and you can always travel with them. They are more than worth it considering you'll only end up spending around $90 on them. Let me know what else we can do to help you out, I'll talk to you soon.
Thanks Billy! I'll be back around Christmas and I am planing on on spending a lot of my time in the stable bugging the sh!t out of Sammy so I'm sure I'll be seeing you .
Sammy I will try giving you a call tommorow. I have a bunch more questions.
Congrats Matt! We look foward to seeing you during the holidays.
Awww I'll be in Boot Camp......Dammit...... =)
I'll see you in BUD/s 282 hopefully Matt. We will see what happens.... =)
I'll miss the stable so much in Boot Camp......
See you guys in the morning!
Cash checks and snap necks at bud/s prep. Samy, i miss our daily verbal judo, even though you usually come out on top. Also i need to talk to you about getting a program together for our wrestling team. Also part two ill be home for thanks giving so prepare something heinous for me. that is all.
Well, Don PePe... I thought for a second you were going to post a comment here without accidentally showing everyone how weak your mind really is. Discipline? What's that? Never seen you bring any home.
In case you are wondering you failed to capitalize the first letter of your last sentence... grow up will you?
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