Run 1 mile
Hip Mobility Complex
Link: Hip Mobility Complex Demo Video
''The Barbell Long Cycle'' (10.06.2009)
Five rounds for time of:
15 x Deadlift (135lbs)
12 x Hang power clean (135lbs)
9 x Front Squat (135lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (135lbs)
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (10.06.2009)
Complete the following at your own pace:
1:00 Plank (prone)
20 x Knees-2-elbows
:30 Plank (prone)
10 x Knees-2-elbows
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.06.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
9 Minute All Out Effort
Post distances to comments.
The Barbell Long Cycle
20:36 65lbs
The Barbell Evil Cycle
44:06 - 95lbs
me- "my knee hurts what else can i do for a workout?"
gerard- "really? your knee? well let me see....how about...row 300 meters and do 5 hand stand push-ups and 4 L-sit pull ups."
me- "i can't do L-sit pull-ups or un-assisted handstand push-ups."
gerard- "why you such a whiney--okay row 500 and do 20 assisted handstand push-up with that rubber band."
26 minutes later...
gerard-"good work"
me- "eh..." shuffle out the door
23:01 - 115lbs
Barbell Long Cycle @ 65#
Mike L.: 21:57 rx'd
Barbell mayhem
25:20 @ 75 lbs
as Rx'd
Barbell long cycle
32:53 @ 115 lbs
42:05 @ 85 lbs
Hey Samy, are you guys open this weekend for make up WODs? I'll probably have to make this one up because I couldn't do it today.
The Barbell Long Cycle - the warm up was a challenge running 1 mile but I made it without stopping....yeah...........then my time was 20:23 using 55 lbs. Each day I get stronger (still weak compared to the young uns) but I will get there!
Barbell Long Cycle
21:11 @ 65lbs
"Barbell long cycle"
deadlift/hang power-clean/front squat/push jerk
15-12-9-6 reps @95lbs/5rounds
29:37/5 rounds=5.9min/round
20x25yd mid pool sprint/every 75 seconds
completed in 25 minutes
Staci 17:?? 65#
"barbell long cycle"
just over 16 minutes I think.....
Kevin Jones
Barbell Long Cycle -
28:04 85lbs
Bada Bing
32:53 @ 115lbs
42:05 @ 85lbs
Barbell Long Cycle @ 115
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