Row 1000m
7 x Each of the 9 Fundamentals (PVC)
''Muscle-up, Box Jump Ascension Ladder'' (10.07.2009)
With a continuously running clock do one Muscle-up and one Box Jump (20'') the first minute, two Muscle-ups and two Box Jumps (20'') the second minute, three Muscle-ups and three Box Jumps (20'') the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed to comments.
Skill Development (10.07.2009)
Complete the following at your own pace:
21 x Hang Power Snatch (45lbs)
21 x GHD Sit-ups
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.07.2009)
''Tabata'' 8 Rounds for max distance of :20 on x :10 rest
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace.
C2: Use a damper setting 2-4 levels higher than normal.
Post distances to comments.
8 rounds
Kristie - 7 rounds (push row mod)
Mike L. - 11 (push row mod)
10 rounds +11/11/1 (push, row, mod)
10 rounds and I made it through the box jumps without having to look away.............will wonders never cease!
as Rx'd
4 rounds
"Muscle ups and Box Jump Ascension Ladder"
5 rounds as Rx'd.
OD... You never cease to amaze us all. And by the way age is only a number you keep laying down the fury, we all love you and are proud of you. And to the rest of you nut balls i miss the stable and look forward to getting back in there and bringing the lumber. Its funny when you are in there during the WODS you HATE everyone because they are pushing you and chanting and motivating you and you dont want to hear it and tell them to FU$K off (Dos Deb), yet as soon as the time stops its like you kiss and makeup. ITs just the darndest thing. Thats just one of the many things that is so fabulous about the stable.(yes there are many other fabulous things like Samys beard or Bert chipping his tooth on the bar or...well you get my point)So push HARD and PUSH strong Crossfit New Hampshire. I look forward to meeting all the new lunatics very soon. okay im now done rambling....
Billy the Tuff
20091007 - Muscle-up, Box Jump Ascension Ladder
7 Rounds + 8/4
Jumping Muscle ups
11 rounds + 12 pulls + 12 pushes + 11 box jumps!
Kevin Jones
Staci 8 rounds row/push
For the record Billy...I never once said for you to FU$K off...I said F*&@ you...big difference my friend..lol.. but you are right, as soon as the clock would stop, I would give you a big thank you for pushing me past my limits, as there were quite a few WODS I didn't think I would get through, and without my fellow Crossfitters cheering me on, I never would have finished them. I miss everyone at the stable and hope to return soon for more of the fitness nazi's torturous WODS! :)
Dos Deb
10 rounds row/push mod
Bada Bing
i know those fu#k you's were out of love .love you too dos deb.
Billy th tuff
9 rounds box jump/push/row
9 rounds box jump/push/row
Muscle Up, Box Jump Ladder as rx'd
8 rounds
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