"Nicole" (07.31.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.31.2009)
Complete your choice of the following at 85% RPE
Swim: SC: 8min- LC: 12min- U: 20min
Bike: SC: 20min- LC: 30min- U: 50min
Run: SC: 12min- LC: 20min- U: 30min
C2: SC: 8 min- LC: 12min- U: 20min
Post distances to comments.
Rest Day (07.30.2009)
Rest Day (07.30.2009)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.30.2009)
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec... 15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries: how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill... treadmill use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more than 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries.
Foul If you deviate more than the specified time.
Foul: 20 pistols (10 each side)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.30.2009)
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec... 15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries: how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.
Run: 2 x 3/4 - 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill... treadmill use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more than 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries.
Foul If you deviate more than the specified time.
Foul: 20 pistols (10 each side)
Post times to comments.
10K Time Trial (07.29.2009)
10K Time Trial (07.29.2009)
Run 10K for time
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.29.2009)
Stable News:
New shirts are on their way, we ordered a boatload in response to the daily threats we get from those wanting a CrossFit ''game jersey''.
Run 10K for time
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.29.2009)
Stable News:
New shirts are on their way, we ordered a boatload in response to the daily threats we get from those wanting a CrossFit ''game jersey''.
Expect them to be available within the next 10-14 days, we'll have them down in the Stable for purchase as soon as the order is completed. Thanks to everyone for bearing with us, we know how frustrating it can be having nothing decent to wear while pillaging villages on your Rest Days.
Clean and Jerk Ascension Ladder (07.28.2009)
Clean and Jerk Ascension Ladder (07.28.2009)
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute,
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute,
two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute,
three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute...
continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.28.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
05 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
20 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
10 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
30 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
15 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
25 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
Post distances to comments.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.28.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
05 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
20 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
10 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
30 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
15 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
25 seconds on x 10 seconds rest
Post distances to comments.
''Pick Your Poison'' AMRAP (07.27.2009)
''Pick Your Poison'' (07.27.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Squats
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x One legged squats, alternating
15 x Pull-ups
Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.27.2009)
9 Min Time Trial for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Post distances to comments.
Stable News:
Jill, Mike M., and Jen have some amazing things to say about their experience down at CrossFit Watertown with Lizbeth Darsh and Coach Glassman, once I get to finish hearing these wondrous tales tomorrow I will post them for everyone to read.
After the group WOD at Watertown Jill decided she wanted to go for a jog and accidentally crushed all competition in a 5k road race (victory picture above)... It looks like she will have to wait a little bit longer for the ''glorious death'' she is training for.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
15 x Squats
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x One legged squats, alternating
15 x Pull-ups
Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.27.2009)
9 Min Time Trial for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Post distances to comments.
Stable News:
Jill, Mike M., and Jen have some amazing things to say about their experience down at CrossFit Watertown with Lizbeth Darsh and Coach Glassman, once I get to finish hearing these wondrous tales tomorrow I will post them for everyone to read.
After the group WOD at Watertown Jill decided she wanted to go for a jog and accidentally crushed all competition in a 5k road race (victory picture above)... It looks like she will have to wait a little bit longer for the ''glorious death'' she is training for.
Rest Day (07.26.2009)
Rest Day (07.26.2009)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.26.2009)
4(5:00 max distance x 3:00 rest) for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the 5 min rounds.
Foul if you loose distance on each round.
Foul = 2 min max rep Burpees
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.26.2009)
4(5:00 max distance x 3:00 rest) for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the 5 min rounds.
Foul if you loose distance on each round.
Foul = 2 min max rep Burpees
Post distances to comments.
Stable News:
This past week hit us like a hurricane, and we loved every second of it while holding on for dear life. Thinking back over the last few days brings to mind images of pain-striken faces, chests and backs heaving as lungs try to gulp whatever air they can, and the floor of the Stable littered with bodies and gear like a primitive field of slaughter. I'm not sure a spent CrossFitter counts as a corpse but at times there sure seemed to be little distinction between the two.
This Rest Day has been earned a hundred times over as our athletes continue driving relentlessly towards that next level of elite fitness. Not simply as individuals, but as a greater collective... a pack of wolves on the hunt. We are lucky to have such an environment as this with which to hammer ourselves into something new, better.
"The strength of the pack is in the beast, and the strength of the beast is in the pack.''--
An appropriate quote for a week full of friends and family drawing the strength to persevere from those they suffer and strive with every day.
Enjoy your day of Rest, Recovery, and leisure... we'll all be back in the fight tomorrow.
This past week hit us like a hurricane, and we loved every second of it while holding on for dear life. Thinking back over the last few days brings to mind images of pain-striken faces, chests and backs heaving as lungs try to gulp whatever air they can, and the floor of the Stable littered with bodies and gear like a primitive field of slaughter. I'm not sure a spent CrossFitter counts as a corpse but at times there sure seemed to be little distinction between the two.
This Rest Day has been earned a hundred times over as our athletes continue driving relentlessly towards that next level of elite fitness. Not simply as individuals, but as a greater collective... a pack of wolves on the hunt. We are lucky to have such an environment as this with which to hammer ourselves into something new, better.
"The strength of the pack is in the beast, and the strength of the beast is in the pack.''--
An appropriate quote for a week full of friends and family drawing the strength to persevere from those they suffer and strive with every day.
Enjoy your day of Rest, Recovery, and leisure... we'll all be back in the fight tomorrow.
Thanks for coming up to train with us this past week, keep crushing WODs and come visit this new family of yours anytime you can.
Wallball, GHD ''AMRAP''(07.25.2009)
Wallball, GHD ''AMRAP'' (07.25.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
10 x Wallball shots (20lbs)
10 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Back Extensions
Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.25.2009)
Stable News:
Thanks to Katie's ''thug-tastic'' skills (her word, not mine) as a Craigslist.com sleuth we've got a new leather couch and chair, both of which are unbelievably comfortable to administer WODs from... Make sure you give her one of those d@mn exploding fist-knuckle blaster things to let her know you appreciate all the hard work she puts into the Stable. This home of ours continues to get better by the day because of the tight knit little family that dwells within.
I hope everyone has fun down at CrossFit Watertown with Lizbeth Darsh and Goach Glassman, it's an amazing opportunity to be able to attend a lecture given by the founder of CrossFit.
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
10 x Wallball shots (20lbs)
10 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Back Extensions
Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.25.2009)
Stable News:
Thanks to Katie's ''thug-tastic'' skills (her word, not mine) as a Craigslist.com sleuth we've got a new leather couch and chair, both of which are unbelievably comfortable to administer WODs from... Make sure you give her one of those d@mn exploding fist-knuckle blaster things to let her know you appreciate all the hard work she puts into the Stable. This home of ours continues to get better by the day because of the tight knit little family that dwells within.
I hope everyone has fun down at CrossFit Watertown with Lizbeth Darsh and Goach Glassman, it's an amazing opportunity to be able to attend a lecture given by the founder of CrossFit.
Please make sure to thank Lisbeth for letting us snake our athletes into her affiliate, she's been helping CrossFit New Hampshire since we were choking on dirt in the garage.
Those that aren't going down to Watertown for the CrossFit 101 Class don't have to fret over missing a training day, your favorite mill-yard dwarf will still be running WODs so bring the lumber.
Those that aren't going down to Watertown for the CrossFit 101 Class don't have to fret over missing a training day, your favorite mill-yard dwarf will still be running WODs so bring the lumber.
''Lynne'' (07.24.2009)
"Lynne" (07.24.2009)
Five rounds for max reps of:
Bench Press (Body Weight)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.24.2009)
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish… 1 min recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m all out Sprints w/ 1 min recoveries.
No penalties.
Post times to comments.
Five rounds for max reps of:
Bench Press (Body Weight)
Rest as needed between rounds.
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.24.2009)
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish… 1 min recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m all out Sprints w/ 1 min recoveries.
No penalties.
Post times to comments.
''DT'' (07.23.2009)
Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (155lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (155lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (155lbs)
Post time to comments.
Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (155lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (155lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (155lbs)
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.23.2009)
Tempo 90%: Take the previous best time trial for your chosen distance and hold at 90% for your choice of the following
Swim: SC: 600m, LC:800m, U:1000m
Bike: SC: 12mi, LC:20mi, U:30mi
Run: SC: 2mi, LC:10k , U:13.1mi
C2: SC: 2k, LC:3k, U:6k
Post times to comments.
Tempo 90%: Take the previous best time trial for your chosen distance and hold at 90% for your choice of the following
Swim: SC: 600m, LC:800m, U:1000m
Bike: SC: 12mi, LC:20mi, U:30mi
Run: SC: 2mi, LC:10k , U:13.1mi
C2: SC: 2k, LC:3k, U:6k
Post times to comments.
Stable News:
We wanted to thank everyone that came out for the Nutrition class on Wednesday, it was an awesome experience for us to see so many people motivated to take their game to the next level. Feel free to e-mail myself, Jill, or Mike with any questions you've got once the new information settles into your soft little brains. Oh, and don't forget that your education on this topic doesn't end here, start with the links on our page like Robb Wolf's and read up on some of the fascinating stuff out there.
We wanted to thank everyone that came out for the Nutrition class on Wednesday, it was an awesome experience for us to see so many people motivated to take their game to the next level. Feel free to e-mail myself, Jill, or Mike with any questions you've got once the new information settles into your soft little brains. Oh, and don't forget that your education on this topic doesn't end here, start with the links on our page like Robb Wolf's and read up on some of the fascinating stuff out there.
Rest Day Zone/Paleo Nutrition Class (07.22.2009)
Rest Day Zone/Paleo Nutrition Class (07.22.2009)
We've dedicated this Rest Day to our athlete's with a desire to learn about the powerful role nutrition plays in our lives. Lately there has been a lot of chatter going on about the Zone and we figured it was time for another class covering nutrition plans.
We've dedicated this Rest Day to our athlete's with a desire to learn about the powerful role nutrition plays in our lives. Lately there has been a lot of chatter going on about the Zone and we figured it was time for another class covering nutrition plans.
The first time we held a little class like this it looked more like a cult than a learning environment for open minds to seek new ideas.
There is also an interactive Google map with directions in our "Start Here/Contact Us" section, should you have trouble finding us.
Lecture Topics and Goals: We are going to open the night with an overview of the Paleo and Zone nutrtion plans, which tie together the majority of our lecture points. These specific nutrition plans have yielded an unparalelled track records of success in improving overall health and fitness, but you don't have to take our word for it.
I think it's safe to say that this second generation nutrition class will be different in a pretty huge and exciting way: To those peering in at us from the outside it will look like a cult that has other people in it besides its lunatic founders. Victory.
Class Time: 6pm
Place: CrossFit New Hampshire is located at:
Class Time: 6pm
Place: CrossFit New Hampshire is located at:
250 Commercial Street
Suite 1008
Manchester NH, 03103
There is also an interactive Google map with directions in our "Start Here/Contact Us" section, should you have trouble finding us.
Lecture Topics and Goals: We are going to open the night with an overview of the Paleo and Zone nutrtion plans, which tie together the majority of our lecture points. These specific nutrition plans have yielded an unparalelled track records of success in improving overall health and fitness, but you don't have to take our word for it.
Take the Pepsi challenge with this stuff as soon as you've soaked up enough of the basic information, with a two week trial being the gold standard.
We told the first nurition class something along the lines of:
We told the first nurition class something along the lines of:
Prep yourself for an entire two weeks of meals, lay it all out so you don't have to think about anything beyond putting tasties in your mouth... dedicate yourself to a short two weeks of Ben and Jerry's deprivation, then come back and tell us what you think.
As mentioned above we are planning on spending the majority of our lecture and open discussion time working with the information needed to take the Zone or Paleo meal plans and put them to immediate use. Providing that a solid understanding of each diet's unique characteristics has been covered, we will begin looking at some of the mechanisms and laws responsible for governing the environment inside the human body. Nutrition has a profound role in this, the ramifications of which are felt in areas such as performance, physical appearance, and longevity.
This kind of information isn't something that can be swallowed hole and digested in a single day (pun intended) and we would urge our CrossFitters to constantly seek out new information, formulate their own ideas, and hunt for better, more complete answers. Doing this can only make your path towards elite fitness an easier one to navigate in the long run.
The conceptual characteristics of the meal plans are not only important for their implementation, but are also foundational cornerstones that we hope our athlete's intend to build upon. After such a foundation has been laid it's as simple as dedicating yourself to becoming a perpetual student and letting your curiosity drive your hunger for more.
Laying out the actual nutritional regimens tends to be a dry topic but won't take very long to cover. Once that is explained and questions have been answered we will start working with the class to find individual Block Prescriptions/Paleo Menus.
This time around we've got enough of the tools and charts we need to lay everything out for each individual athlete. Jill even promised to help us add and subtract.
Laying out the actual nutritional regimens tends to be a dry topic but won't take very long to cover. Once that is explained and questions have been answered we will start working with the class to find individual Block Prescriptions/Paleo Menus.
This time around we've got enough of the tools and charts we need to lay everything out for each individual athlete. Jill even promised to help us add and subtract.
It was obvious that we should probably get some assistance with that after the Max effort deadlifts day left us with the impression we needed to install a giant abecus to accurately increase the loads on each set. Thinking of Frank putting big plates outside smaller plates does kinda make me feel better, though, his math isn't even from this planet.
Enjoy your CrossFit Holiday and we'll see everyone tomorrow night.
Please bring some note taking material with you. You'll be seated in an isometric squat position during the class (without a desk) so it might be a good idea to bring a clipboard or something sturdy to write on.
It will be first come first serve for using bumpers as lap tables.
Deadlift Max Effort Singles (07.21.2009)
Deadlift Max Effort Singles (07.21.2009)
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.
Yesterday we welcomed Dennis into our family of CrossFitters. It was fascinating listening to the stories that come out of his affiliate down in Florida, different teaching styles, backgrounds and passions lend a unique and beautifully different quality to each CrossFitting haven (Garages, basements, and the wilderness are equally as admirable... but we might be biased on that one.)
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.21.2009)
Stable News:
Don PePe better bring the lumber tomorrow. He's been begging for a shot at a heavy deadlift WOD for months now... Just thought everyone should have that background information, it will make the taunts more understandable to outside observers.
Oh, and that image of Deb where she looks like shes flying over some huge Tonka tire? That was her first successful box jump (20'') and it was absolutely inspiring to watch her stall, fail, trip, and spout profanity for 15 minutes before she finally nailed it.
''OD'': You and your little crew of CrossFitting peers are a constant source of pride and inspiration for all of us, we can't wait to see what obstacles you ruthlessly crush next.
Welcome Notice:
Dos Deb was kind enough to run her time trial WOD with Dennis, who smoke checked what would be his inaugural WOD.
The next few days are going to be an absolute blast, especially since everyone has been buzzing about the max effort deadlift singles... I wonder if it's excitement or fear? Either way its going to be a hell of a fight.
Glad to have you among us, Dennis, welcome to the family!
5k Time Trial (07.20.2009)
5k Time Trial (07.20.2009)
Complete a 5 Kilometer Run for time.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.20.2009)
Longer Repeats for your choice of the following.
Swim: 2 x 500m/y holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 4 sec per 500m/y. 2 min recoveries
Bike: 5 x 2miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions. 2min recoveries.
Run: 4 x 800m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 4 x 1000m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
Foul if you slow more then indicated!
Foul = 1 min max Burpees
Complete a 5 Kilometer Run for time.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.20.2009)
Longer Repeats for your choice of the following.
Swim: 2 x 500m/y holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 4 sec per 500m/y. 2 min recoveries
Bike: 5 x 2miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions. 2min recoveries.
Run: 4 x 800m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 4 x 1000m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
Foul if you slow more then indicated!
Foul = 1 min max Burpees
Post times to comments.
Stable News: Happy Birthday, Lynn!
Thank you for letting us participate in your birthday celebration... there's nothing like an overindulgence in the CrossFit Kool-aid for an athlete's ''special day''.
It's been a pleasure for us to watch as you continue to perform and thrive in the disciplines of CrossFit, it's only going to get more exciting from this point on. I think the best part is that it's become apparent to all of your comrades as well, perhaps they might be wary of a new firebreather in their midst?
Thank you for letting us participate in your birthday celebration... there's nothing like an overindulgence in the CrossFit Kool-aid for an athlete's ''special day''.
It's been a pleasure for us to watch as you continue to perform and thrive in the disciplines of CrossFit, it's only going to get more exciting from this point on. I think the best part is that it's become apparent to all of your comrades as well, perhaps they might be wary of a new firebreather in their midst?
''The Filthy 50'' (07.19.2009)
''The Filthy 50'' (07.19.2009)
Complete the following for time:
50 x Box jump (24'')
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-elbows
50 x Push press (45lbs)
50 x Back extensions (GHD)
50 x Wall-ball Shots (20lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double unders
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.19.2009)
Cover as much distance as possible in the allotted time for one of the sports below. Terrain and incline are your choice.
Swim: 12 min
Bike: 24 min
Run: 20 min
C2: 14 min
Complete the following for time:
50 x Box jump (24'')
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-elbows
50 x Push press (45lbs)
50 x Back extensions (GHD)
50 x Wall-ball Shots (20lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double unders
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.19.2009)
Cover as much distance as possible in the allotted time for one of the sports below. Terrain and incline are your choice.
Swim: 12 min
Bike: 24 min
Run: 20 min
C2: 14 min
Post distance covered to comments.
Note: Remember to keep accurate and detailed data. Once you've collected enough information from your CFE WODs a pattern of performance should begin to emerge. A deeper understanding of how your unique athletic differences translate into quality of performance can provide you with the opportunity to excel beyond the pace at which you normally progress.
RJ must have just peeked at the WOD for tomorrow... I could have sworn I heard a thickly accented whimper come out of Mumbai.
Rest Days Are A CrossFitter's Private Holiday (07.18.2009)
Rest Day (07.18.2009)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.18.2009)
Tabata 20:10 x 8 Rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use the damper setting that you perform the best with (see below).
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.18.2009)
Tabata 20:10 x 8 Rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use the damper setting that you perform the best with (see below).
Post distances, settings, and totals to comments.
C2 Damper Setting Tips for Rowing: If you have no idea what damper setting to use try moving it up every 2 sprint intervals for today's CFE WOD.
Once your training is completed go into the PM3 Monitor's memory and look up the data from your training, which includes your time, average strokes per minute, wattage (power output), and several other bits of info related to performance.
Below is a link to the Concept2 website for those unfamiliar with how to use the monitors found on our C2 Rowers.
Once your training is completed go into the PM3 Monitor's memory and look up the data from your training, which includes your time, average strokes per minute, wattage (power output), and several other bits of info related to performance.
Below is a link to the Concept2 website for those unfamiliar with how to use the monitors found on our C2 Rowers.
Paying attention to the monitor's feedback will eventually give you an idea of what damper setting best faciliates your performance (keep in mind that different settings are applicable to different distances, every athlete is unique).
Example of how to experiment with your damper setting during your CrossFit Endurance Tabata WOD:
Intervals 1,2 @ Damper of 4
Intervals 3,4 @ Damper of 6
Intervals 5,6 @ Damper of 8
Intervals 7,8 @ Damper of 10
Developing the Muscle-up:
The following is for those that are in the developmental stage of their muscle-up.
Intervals 1,2 @ Damper of 4
Intervals 3,4 @ Damper of 6
Intervals 5,6 @ Damper of 8
Intervals 7,8 @ Damper of 10
Developing the Muscle-up:
The following is for those that are in the developmental stage of their muscle-up.
Today I recieved several emails asking for help with scaling the Muscle-up WOD and I'd like to share the versions our athletes used today with the rest of our family scattered across the globe.
"30 Muscle-ups for time" is one of those milestone WODs that all CrossFitters aspire to complete as Rx'd. A single muscle-up is difficult enough to execute let alone ripping out 30 of them for time.
The most common substitute used for the 30 Muscle-ups for Time WOD would be 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips.
Ok, 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips is definitely an epic amount of pushing and pulling, which could definitely slay even the most stoic fire-breather at the peak of his/her game.
"30 Muscle-ups for time" is one of those milestone WODs that all CrossFitters aspire to complete as Rx'd. A single muscle-up is difficult enough to execute let alone ripping out 30 of them for time.
The most common substitute used for the 30 Muscle-ups for Time WOD would be 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips.
Ok, 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips is definitely an epic amount of pushing and pulling, which could definitely slay even the most stoic fire-breather at the peak of his/her game.
I know everyone around here loves a murderous WOD (always a treat) but today there was a greater developmental need that needed to be factored into training: Aquiring our muscle-up and then refining and increasing our capacity to perform it.
The muscle-up is a tricky little bastard and CrossFitters have been toiling away since the program came about in relentless pursuit of this unique gymnastics-based movement.
We've had some awesome success in the Stable using progressions like the one described below, which is just a different way of blending some technique work into a met con. Creative combinations of technique drills and traditional CrossFit style metabolic conditioning have helped our athletes pick up tricks of the trade (like how to hold a false grip) without sacrificing the potent physical demands of a WOD. Without an emphasis on building strength and stamina all the technique in the world won't get anyone up and over those damn rings.
Movement Descriptions/Instructions
I.Ring Row
We've had some awesome success in the Stable using progressions like the one described below, which is just a different way of blending some technique work into a met con. Creative combinations of technique drills and traditional CrossFit style metabolic conditioning have helped our athletes pick up tricks of the trade (like how to hold a false grip) without sacrificing the potent physical demands of a WOD. Without an emphasis on building strength and stamina all the technique in the world won't get anyone up and over those damn rings.
Movement Descriptions/Instructions
I.Ring Row
Lay supine under rings and keeping everything tight from the armpits down pull yourself up until chest reaches ring level. Maintaining the false grip for the ring rows would be a great way to get even more specific with the technique drills during this WOD. If you are looking for a way to make things more challenging try elevating your feet (We stacked bumper plates until they were level with or higher than the rings for feet placement).
If you have been flirting with a successful muscle-up for awhile then try false grip ring pull-ups, touching chest to rings on each rep. The final tweak you could throw in here would be going to full extension at the bottom of each false-grip ring pull-up or ring row.
If you have been flirting with a successful muscle-up for awhile then try false grip ring pull-ups, touching chest to rings on each rep. The final tweak you could throw in here would be going to full extension at the bottom of each false-grip ring pull-up or ring row.
Below is a video link from the Catalyst Athletics Exercise Video Archives. Watch for arm, palm, and ring rotation at the bottom of each rep during the athlete's muscle-up demonstration:
Start by placing paralettes on the floor and sitting between them with your legs straight out in front of you. Keep your feet in contact with the ground and perform a dip by placing your hands on the paralettes (next to your torso) and pressing your body up.
Adjust the height of the paralettes to make sure you can achieve a complete range of motion. If you've got a static dip station it's a definite step above using paralettes.
Once you have a solid base of ability in executing the paralette dips you can increase the difficulty by raising the level of your feet. Regular bar dips without assistance come next, with Ring Dips being the hardest substitute you could use for the dip/pressing substituted component.
Once you have a solid base of ability in executing the paralette dips you can increase the difficulty by raising the level of your feet. Regular bar dips without assistance come next, with Ring Dips being the hardest substitute you could use for the dip/pressing substituted component.
One more note: Time spent working on the ring support drills will absolutely accelerate the process of building up to Ring Dips.
Muscle-up Substitute WOD
Complete the following couplet for time:
Ring Row 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Paralette Dips 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Complete the following couplet for time:
Ring Row 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Paralette Dips 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Round One, 10 Ring Rows x 1 Parallette Dip
Round One, 10 Ring Rows x 1 Parallette Dip
Round Two, 9 Ring Rows x 2 Parallette Dips...Continue until Round Ten, 1 Ring Row x 10 Parallette Dips
Stable News:
I. If there are any CrossFitters interested in signing up for a 6am class please email me so I can get a solid head count. Our morning training has been a blast so far and it's become busy enough to warrant an earlier start if the demand is there. Pretty soon our early am crew of mutants is going to outnumber the sundown crowd.
I. If there are any CrossFitters interested in signing up for a 6am class please email me so I can get a solid head count. Our morning training has been a blast so far and it's become busy enough to warrant an earlier start if the demand is there. Pretty soon our early am crew of mutants is going to outnumber the sundown crowd.
Please also let me know if the only thing keeping you from an AM training session is access to showers. CrossFit New Hampshire is always plotting the next move...
II. Right now it looks like the online/auto-pay option for membership is going to get shelved for a little while. Banks tend to charge a pretty steep fee for the convenience of electronic recurring transactions and the last thing we want is to pass any cost onto our athletes. We are still looking into other options to see if there is a way we can ease every one's monthly check writing hassle. Information will be posted as it becomes available.
III. There have been quite a few questions lately about any sort of package deal for memberships.
Starting on the first of August we will offer 6 and 12 month membership packages to those that are interested, please e-mail or give me a call if you would like discuss details and options. Please keep in mind that any and all feedback we get on rates and membership dues is something we consider extremely valuable, our current monthly dues are based on input provided by CrossFitters from day one to present.
I hope everyone enjoys their delectable Rest Day. Heal up and be ready for Sunday's insanity...
I hope everyone enjoys their delectable Rest Day. Heal up and be ready for Sunday's insanity...
Muscle-Up WOD (07.17.2009)
Muscle-Up WOD (07.17.2009)
Complete 30 Muscle-ups for time
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.17.2009)
Complete 30 Muscle-ups for time
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.17.2009)
Max Effort Hang Power Clean Singles (07.16.2009)
Max Effort Hang Power Clean Singles (07.16.2009)
Hang Power Clean
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.
Part II:
Tabata Burpee/Jumping Pull-ups for 8 (:20 x :10)
Post total reps to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.16.2009)
4-6x Repeats:
Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y
Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2 min recoveries.
Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.
Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y
Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2 min recoveries.
Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.
"Nancy" (07.15.2009)
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 x Overhead Squat (95lbs)
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.15.2009)
Negative Split Tempo's for your choice of:
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
Post times to comments.
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 x Overhead Squat (95lbs)
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.15.2009)
Negative Split Tempo's for your choice of:
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m
Post times to comments.
Rest Day (07.14.2009)
Rest Day (07.14.2009)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.14.2009)
2 x Max effort intervals for your choice of:
Swim: 2 x 6 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Bike: 2 x 12 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Run: 2 x 10 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
C2: 2 x 7 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Post Distances to Comments.
Quote of the Week:
-"Jill... what are you training for?"
Jill: ''A glorious death."
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.14.2009)
2 x Max effort intervals for your choice of:
Swim: 2 x 6 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Bike: 2 x 12 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Run: 2 x 10 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
C2: 2 x 7 min, Rest 2 min Between intervals
Post Distances to Comments.
Quote of the Week:
-"Jill... what are you training for?"
Jill: ''A glorious death."
Max Effort Thruster Singles (07.13.2009)
Max Effort Thruster Singles (07.13.2009)
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.13.2009)
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.
Rest as needed before moving on to Part II.
Part II: Pull-up Ascension Ladder
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed and total reps executed to comments.
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes completed and total reps executed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.13.2009)
Two Part WOD (07.12.2009)
Two Part WOD (07.12.2009)
Part I: "Grace"
Complete for time:
30 x Clean and Jerk
Post times to comments.
Rest as needed before moving onto the second WOD.
Part II: Midline Brutality Revisited
Five rounds with no time component of
30 x GHD Sit-ups
25 x Back Extensions
There is no time component for this part of the WOD.
Part I: "Grace"
Complete for time:
30 x Clean and Jerk
Post times to comments.
Rest as needed before moving onto the second WOD.
Part II: Midline Brutality Revisited
Five rounds with no time component of
30 x GHD Sit-ups
25 x Back Extensions
There is no time component for this part of the WOD.
Take as long as you need while dedicating yourself to the stringent execution of proper technique.
Forging those iron mid-lines starts with the repetitive practice of safe mechanics in the movements, it won't be long before we re-introduce the time component and pour that intensity on WODs like the "core-slayer" above.
CrossFit Endurance (07.12.2009)
1:00 Interval Ladder
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1:00 x 1:00rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:10rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x Done!
Post Distances and Totals to comments.
CrossFit Endurance (07.12.2009)
1:00 Interval Ladder
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1:00 x 1:00rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:10rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x Done!
Post Distances and Totals to comments.
Stable News:
Welcome to the family, Wes. Today you sipped that Kool-aid like a pro and tomorrow the hangover will surely make your legs feel like molten lead.
Welcome to the family, Wes. Today you sipped that Kool-aid like a pro and tomorrow the hangover will surely make your legs feel like molten lead.
Can't wait to get you back in here for round two, and to think you came all the way from the West Coast to try CrossFit in New Hampshire...
"Jackie" (07.11.2009)
"Jackie" (07.11.2009)
Complete the following for time
Row 1000m
50 x Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.11.2009)
''Short Time Trial'' for your choice of the following:
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8 mile TT
Run: 1.5 mile TT
C2: 2k TT
Post times to comments.
Stable News:
Tomorrow and Sunday we will be open normal hours (7am-10am & 4pm-8pm), remember that we run on a three on one off schedule, if it's a day of training then know we will be open for your self imposed slaughter.
If any changes in scheduling occur, as well as any other major operational changes, we will always post updates on the website as it's the easiest way to get everyone informed.
I know everyone was tender and sore from the last three day crucible, enjoy that rest and bring the lumber tomorrow.
Complete the following for time
Row 1000m
50 x Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.11.2009)
''Short Time Trial'' for your choice of the following:
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8 mile TT
Run: 1.5 mile TT
C2: 2k TT
Post times to comments.
Stable News:
Tomorrow and Sunday we will be open normal hours (7am-10am & 4pm-8pm), remember that we run on a three on one off schedule, if it's a day of training then know we will be open for your self imposed slaughter.
If any changes in scheduling occur, as well as any other major operational changes, we will always post updates on the website as it's the easiest way to get everyone informed.
I know everyone was tender and sore from the last three day crucible, enjoy that rest and bring the lumber tomorrow.
P.S. Now that RaJ is gone we can have the ice-cream social that we've all been planning in secret.
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