Complete the following for time:
50 x Box jump (24'')
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-elbows
50 x Push press (45lbs)
50 x Back extensions (GHD)
50 x Wall-ball Shots (20lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double unders
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.19.2009)
Cover as much distance as possible in the allotted time for one of the sports below. Terrain and incline are your choice.
Swim: 12 min
Bike: 24 min
Run: 20 min
C2: 14 min
Post distance covered to comments.
Note: Remember to keep accurate and detailed data. Once you've collected enough information from your CFE WODs a pattern of performance should begin to emerge. A deeper understanding of how your unique athletic differences translate into quality of performance can provide you with the opportunity to excel beyond the pace at which you normally progress.
RJ must have just peeked at the WOD for tomorrow... I could have sworn I heard a thickly accented whimper come out of Mumbai.
I most certainly predicted this day of atonement. I am incredibly excited for this. I saw it in a dream, and now I get to live it. Brutal.
Joe F.
Dirty Thirty 28:48
Dirty Thirty 25:25
I have a LOVE, HATE, LOVE relationship with Crossfit..........I LOVE going, I HATE the workout and I LOVE myself afterwards for doing it...........is that Normal? OKay so I am just at the "LITTLE BUNNY 20" but I made it through and thanks to Lynn for helping my brain get the Box Jumps! Samy, Mike, Jill you guys are the best. Oh by the way Samy you put Deb on the board and the name is OD............did you forget? :)(I know you love these smiley faces)
Oops forgot to tell you my time for the Little Bunny 20... 19.19
''The Filthy 50'' (07.19.2009)
Complete the following for time:
50 x Box jump (24'')(3- 8inch chimney blocks)
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)(35lb dumbell)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-elbows
50 x Push press (45lbs)
50 x Back extensions (GHD)(I did off the deck Mark did 45lb good mornings)
50 x Wall-ball Shots (10lbs)(The only ball we had)
50 x Burpees
200x rope jumps
Heidi 37:22
Mark 37:46
Filthy Fifty:
Jenn, as Rx'ed with 14 lb wall balls
I did not enjoy this, it was not over quickly.
Mike, as rx'ed 27:23
Thanks to Mike and Jill for hanging out and cheering me on through to the end, you guys are awesome. Thanks for Mike M. and Samy for being the targets of my hatred, swearing and general ill-will.
Also, it was great to finally meet you today OD. Cant' wait to workout with you again!
"Little Bunny 20"
I did 22 something and forgot to take a pic of my time. Wish I had done the 30... but there will be next time. There is always next time...
I still think this should be called "Clubber" after Clubber Lang. "My prediction? PAIN!!!"
Filthy 50
Mike C. Rx'd. 31:28
Jill. 14# wall ball shots.
Great work OD!!! Super proud of you for breaking through those box jumps.
Mike and Jenn, always great to see you guys. Happy Birthday Lynn
FILTHY 50 TIME: 50:14
A word of advice to all you boys and girls out there - STEAK/FOOD BEFORE WORKOUTS WILL KILL YOU. Lesson learned. Nobody likes a visit from "pukie the clown".
Filthy 50 w/ 200 jump ropes substituted for double unders 30:48
4x800 m sprints w/2 min recoveries
*foul if you finish 3 sec after best time 1 min max burpee
16 burpee in one min
Mt. Tecumseh for time:
4 miles, 2100ft climb
2 hrs.
The Little Bunny 20.. (I think I could have done the The Dirty Thirty, since I was a little too chipper afterward and Samy accused me of sandbaggin..the nerve!)
Awesome job Matt and Eric!
Phillip L-B
filthy-50 29.20
my best time and the first time i did everything correct.
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