Part I: "Grace"
Complete for time:
30 x Clean and Jerk
Post times to comments.
Rest as needed before moving onto the second WOD.
Part II: Midline Brutality Revisited
Five rounds with no time component of
30 x GHD Sit-ups
25 x Back Extensions
There is no time component for this part of the WOD.
Take as long as you need while dedicating yourself to the stringent execution of proper technique.
Forging those iron mid-lines starts with the repetitive practice of safe mechanics in the movements, it won't be long before we re-introduce the time component and pour that intensity on WODs like the "core-slayer" above.
CrossFit Endurance (07.12.2009)
1:00 Interval Ladder
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1:00 x 1:00rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:10rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x Done!
Post Distances and Totals to comments.

1:00 Interval Ladder
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1:00 x 1:00rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:10rest
1:00 x 0:20rest
1:00 x 0:30rest
1:00 x 0:40rest
1:00 x 0:50rest
1:00 x Done!
Post Distances and Totals to comments.
Stable News:
Welcome to the family, Wes. Today you sipped that Kool-aid like a pro and tomorrow the hangover will surely make your legs feel like molten lead.
Welcome to the family, Wes. Today you sipped that Kool-aid like a pro and tomorrow the hangover will surely make your legs feel like molten lead.
Can't wait to get you back in here for round two, and to think you came all the way from the West Coast to try CrossFit in New Hampshire...
30 - clean & jerks
Joe F - 7:45 (85 lbs)
Lynn - 9:22 (65 lbs) "under protest"
Part II - 3 rounds
25 - GH sit-ups
25 - Back extensions
"GRACE" 30 clean and jerks
15:20 ish with 95 pounds.
I had a super hard time trying to clean it at first, but got the hang of it after doing it so many freakin times.
i yi yi
Grace as Rx
6:53 new PR Freaks!!
Grace RX
Part I
Grace RX
Part II x5
GHD 25
Back Ext 25
75# Heidi 10:56
95# all the wgt we have at camp Mark 4:50
Part Two- 5 rounds I did hanging off the side of the deck with Mark holding my legs. (Got some strange looks from people passing in their boats)
Mark did 45# good mornings and abmat (using a life jacket) 5 rounds.
Our neighbors think we are freaks! Mark made a new pull up bar between two trees and we had 6 teenage neighborhood boys over here showing off their stuff. We'll have them hooked by the end of the week!! See you all soon.
Grace as Rx'd
Thanks for the good time as always guys.
Grace rx'd
Mike C 4:39
Jill 20:42? (95#)
Thanks to the crew for supporting Jill through this .... experience as I had to stay away in the interest of my own personal safety.
Always great to see our old friends Mike and Jen. We always pick up right where we left off and we are proud to call you guys some of our original Savage buddies.
Mark and Heidi... You guys kill me with the vacation stories.
See you all tomorrow
Grace (85#)
Jill, have I ever mentioned how awesome you are? That was an awesome display of absolute determination yesterday!
Thanks Jen, it was great seeing you and Mike, and thanks everyone for enduring that hot mess of a workout. It's so frustrating knowing I've done that workout before with the same weight in 8:30. I love the "Camp CrossFit" stories. I can only imagine what people passing by are thinking. Remember if they ask what you are training for reply, "A glorious death!"
Burpees I dont think so Sammy
Grace PR in 4:53
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