Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as you can of:
2 x Muscle-Ups
4 x Handstand Push-ups
8 x Kettlebell Swings (2-pood)
Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.08.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Maximal effort for each interval, covering as much distance as possible.
6 Rounds of (:90 x :90rest)
Post distances to comments.
Stable News:
Another keg of the CrossFit Kool-aid has been downed... We welcomed Mic, Joe, Lynne, Matt, Erica, and Billy to the family over the last couple of days and we are thrilled to be a part of their daily thrash-fests inside the new Stable!
Below are links to two CrossFit videos from the Exercise Archives.
These two short clips describe critical technique and performance for proper execution of the Kettlebell Swing and the Muscle-Up.
That's a really cool video of one of the original crossfit stars doing this workout. I'll get to this one in a couple of days.
P.S. Samy, I've got a gift for the new box.
Sick video, Mike, I can't wait to see what twisted gift you've got for the new place. Doing anything this weekend? Depending on the logistics of running the WODs you can pretty much bet that some version of what comes up at the Games will be replacing the daily WOD come Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's training... muahahahaha.
We should start our Sunday haze-fests again, there are tons new freaks around here that you absolutely have to meet.
joe f
Sam, Kool-aid tastes good. Have any orange flavored?
"Nate" for 20:00 min
2x muscle-ups (jump start)
4x HSPU (modified)
8x KB swings (1 pood)
13 rounds (2MU/4HSPU/0KB'S)
Joe, I'll see what I can scrounge up... everyone keeps depleting our supply as soon as we stock up, a great problem to have.
"Nate" for 20:00 min
2x muscle-ups (jump start)
4x HSPU (modified)
8x KB swings (1.5 pood ??)
12 + 2x mu all with a bloody shin!
Nate" (07.08.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as you can of:
2 x Muscle-Ups (jump start)
4 x Handstand Push-ups(modified)
8 x Kettlebell Swings (1-pood)
16 + 1
Muscles ache I didn't even know I had. Thanks to the awesome team at crossfit you all make me want to do more.
2 muscle ups w/ jump start
4 hand stand push ups (mod)
8 kettle bells w/ 1.5 pood
18 rounds even!
"Nate" for 20 min.
2X muscle up (jump start)
4X HSPU (modified)
8X KB swings (1-1.5 ? pood)
16 rounds plus 2,4
2 muscle ups w/ jump start
4 hand stand push ups (mod)
8 kettle bell 35lbs
17 rounds Heidi
2 muscle ups w/ jump start
4 hand stand push ups (mod)
8 kettle bell 1/2 53# 1/2 70#
16 rounds + 2MU
500 M Swim 8:36
2 min max pushups 95
2 min max sit ups 87
Max Dead hang Pull ups 20
1.5 mile Run 9:02
2 Muscle ups w/jump start
4 Handstand pushups
8 Kettlebell swings 1-1.5 pood??
17 rounds
Kristie: 16 rounds
Mike: 17 + 2mu
"Nate" for 20 min.
2X muscle up (jump start)
4X HSPU (modified)
8X KB swings (2 pood)
13 rounds plus 2,4
"Nate" 20:00
2X muscle up
8X KB swings
Mike C. 10 rounds as rx'd
Jill 19 rounds +2 mu's +4 HSPU's (modified 1 pood, jump mu's, and HSPU's)
Jess you smoked this one!! :)
CF Endurance
6 rounds of :90 max effort row and :90 rest
used damper setting 4,4,6,8,6,6
Jill (a.m.) 361m, 350m, 365m, 366m, 355m, 375m
4 HSPU(mod)
8 kettlebell swings with Helga a.k.a. 2 pood ( what a large lady!)
20:00 amrap
13 and some change
Nate as RX
13 rounds +3 hspu
2 jumping m/u
4 hspu (modified)
8 kb swings (1 pood)
23 rounds
2 jumping M/U (modified)
4 HSPD (extremely modified)
8 KB swings
14 rounds
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