Rest Day (07.18.2009)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.18.2009)
Tabata 20:10 x 8 Rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use the damper setting that you perform the best with (see below).
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.18.2009)
Tabata 20:10 x 8 Rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed.
C2: Use the damper setting that you perform the best with (see below).
Post distances, settings, and totals to comments.
C2 Damper Setting Tips for Rowing: If you have no idea what damper setting to use try moving it up every 2 sprint intervals for today's CFE WOD.
Once your training is completed go into the PM3 Monitor's memory and look up the data from your training, which includes your time, average strokes per minute, wattage (power output), and several other bits of info related to performance.
Below is a link to the Concept2 website for those unfamiliar with how to use the monitors found on our C2 Rowers.
The muscle-up is a tricky little bastard and CrossFitters have been toiling away since the program came about in relentless pursuit of this unique gymnastics-based movement.
We've had some awesome success in the Stable using progressions like the one described below, which is just a different way of blending some technique work into a met con. Creative combinations of technique drills and traditional CrossFit style metabolic conditioning have helped our athletes pick up tricks of the trade (like how to hold a false grip) without sacrificing the potent physical demands of a WOD. Without an emphasis on building strength and stamina all the technique in the world won't get anyone up and over those damn rings.
Movement Descriptions/Instructions
I.Ring Row
Once your training is completed go into the PM3 Monitor's memory and look up the data from your training, which includes your time, average strokes per minute, wattage (power output), and several other bits of info related to performance.
Below is a link to the Concept2 website for those unfamiliar with how to use the monitors found on our C2 Rowers.
Paying attention to the monitor's feedback will eventually give you an idea of what damper setting best faciliates your performance (keep in mind that different settings are applicable to different distances, every athlete is unique).
Example of how to experiment with your damper setting during your CrossFit Endurance Tabata WOD:
Intervals 1,2 @ Damper of 4
Intervals 3,4 @ Damper of 6
Intervals 5,6 @ Damper of 8
Intervals 7,8 @ Damper of 10
Developing the Muscle-up:
The following is for those that are in the developmental stage of their muscle-up.
Intervals 1,2 @ Damper of 4
Intervals 3,4 @ Damper of 6
Intervals 5,6 @ Damper of 8
Intervals 7,8 @ Damper of 10

The following is for those that are in the developmental stage of their muscle-up.
Today I recieved several emails asking for help with scaling the Muscle-up WOD and I'd like to share the versions our athletes used today with the rest of our family scattered across the globe.
"30 Muscle-ups for time" is one of those milestone WODs that all CrossFitters aspire to complete as Rx'd. A single muscle-up is difficult enough to execute let alone ripping out 30 of them for time.
The most common substitute used for the 30 Muscle-ups for Time WOD would be 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips.
Ok, 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips is definitely an epic amount of pushing and pulling, which could definitely slay even the most stoic fire-breather at the peak of his/her game.
"30 Muscle-ups for time" is one of those milestone WODs that all CrossFitters aspire to complete as Rx'd. A single muscle-up is difficult enough to execute let alone ripping out 30 of them for time.
The most common substitute used for the 30 Muscle-ups for Time WOD would be 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips.
Ok, 120 Pull-ups x 120 Ring Dips is definitely an epic amount of pushing and pulling, which could definitely slay even the most stoic fire-breather at the peak of his/her game.
I know everyone around here loves a murderous WOD (always a treat) but today there was a greater developmental need that needed to be factored into training: Aquiring our muscle-up and then refining and increasing our capacity to perform it.

We've had some awesome success in the Stable using progressions like the one described below, which is just a different way of blending some technique work into a met con. Creative combinations of technique drills and traditional CrossFit style metabolic conditioning have helped our athletes pick up tricks of the trade (like how to hold a false grip) without sacrificing the potent physical demands of a WOD. Without an emphasis on building strength and stamina all the technique in the world won't get anyone up and over those damn rings.
Movement Descriptions/Instructions

Lay supine under rings and keeping everything tight from the armpits down pull yourself up until chest reaches ring level. Maintaining the false grip for the ring rows would be a great way to get even more specific with the technique drills during this WOD. If you are looking for a way to make things more challenging try elevating your feet (We stacked bumper plates until they were level with or higher than the rings for feet placement).
If you have been flirting with a successful muscle-up for awhile then try false grip ring pull-ups, touching chest to rings on each rep. The final tweak you could throw in here would be going to full extension at the bottom of each false-grip ring pull-up or ring row.
If you have been flirting with a successful muscle-up for awhile then try false grip ring pull-ups, touching chest to rings on each rep. The final tweak you could throw in here would be going to full extension at the bottom of each false-grip ring pull-up or ring row.
Below is a video link from the Catalyst Athletics Exercise Video Archives. Watch for arm, palm, and ring rotation at the bottom of each rep during the athlete's muscle-up demonstration:
Muscle-up Substitute WOD
Complete the following couplet for time:
Ring Row 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Paralette Dips 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
II. Right now it looks like the online/auto-pay option for membership is going to get shelved for a little while. Banks tend to charge a pretty steep fee for the convenience of electronic recurring transactions and the last thing we want is to pass any cost onto our athletes. We are still looking into other options to see if there is a way we can ease every one's monthly check writing hassle. Information will be posted as it becomes available.
Start by placing paralettes on the floor and sitting between them with your legs straight out in front of you. Keep your feet in contact with the ground and perform a dip by placing your hands on the paralettes (next to your torso) and pressing your body up.
Adjust the height of the paralettes to make sure you can achieve a complete range of motion. If you've got a static dip station it's a definite step above using paralettes.
Once you have a solid base of ability in executing the paralette dips you can increase the difficulty by raising the level of your feet. Regular bar dips without assistance come next, with Ring Dips being the hardest substitute you could use for the dip/pressing substituted component.
Once you have a solid base of ability in executing the paralette dips you can increase the difficulty by raising the level of your feet. Regular bar dips without assistance come next, with Ring Dips being the hardest substitute you could use for the dip/pressing substituted component.
One more note: Time spent working on the ring support drills will absolutely accelerate the process of building up to Ring Dips.

Complete the following couplet for time:
Ring Row 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Paralette Dips 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Round One, 10 Ring Rows x 1 Parallette Dip
Round One, 10 Ring Rows x 1 Parallette Dip
Round Two, 9 Ring Rows x 2 Parallette Dips...Continue until Round Ten, 1 Ring Row x 10 Parallette Dips
Stable News:
I. If there are any CrossFitters interested in signing up for a 6am class please email me so I can get a solid head count. Our morning training has been a blast so far and it's become busy enough to warrant an earlier start if the demand is there. Pretty soon our early am crew of mutants is going to outnumber the sundown crowd.
I. If there are any CrossFitters interested in signing up for a 6am class please email me so I can get a solid head count. Our morning training has been a blast so far and it's become busy enough to warrant an earlier start if the demand is there. Pretty soon our early am crew of mutants is going to outnumber the sundown crowd.
Please also let me know if the only thing keeping you from an AM training session is access to showers. CrossFit New Hampshire is always plotting the next move...

III. There have been quite a few questions lately about any sort of package deal for memberships.
Starting on the first of August we will offer 6 and 12 month membership packages to those that are interested, please e-mail or give me a call if you would like discuss details and options. Please keep in mind that any and all feedback we get on rates and membership dues is something we consider extremely valuable, our current monthly dues are based on input provided by CrossFitters from day one to present.
I hope everyone enjoys their delectable Rest Day. Heal up and be ready for Sunday's insanity...
I hope everyone enjoys their delectable Rest Day. Heal up and be ready for Sunday's insanity...
ill show you a package deal......
I'm all over this rest day... like a rash.
Samy, what time if any will mutants come to the gym tomorrow morning, we're in town but might have to get back to Hanover a little earlier than usual.
I'll be there from 7am until 11am and then from 4pm-8pm but if you need to come in for a different time just let me know. I might sleep there tonight, brought in a tent already...
Tomorrow is going to be absolutely Savage...
Bert can't wait.
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