Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (155lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (155lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (155lbs)
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CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.23.2009)
Tempo 90%: Take the previous best time trial for your chosen distance and hold at 90% for your choice of the following
Swim: SC: 600m, LC:800m, U:1000m
Bike: SC: 12mi, LC:20mi, U:30mi
Run: SC: 2mi, LC:10k , U:13.1mi
C2: SC: 2k, LC:3k, U:6k
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Tempo 90%: Take the previous best time trial for your chosen distance and hold at 90% for your choice of the following
Swim: SC: 600m, LC:800m, U:1000m
Bike: SC: 12mi, LC:20mi, U:30mi
Run: SC: 2mi, LC:10k , U:13.1mi
C2: SC: 2k, LC:3k, U:6k
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Stable News:
We wanted to thank everyone that came out for the Nutrition class on Wednesday, it was an awesome experience for us to see so many people motivated to take their game to the next level. Feel free to e-mail myself, Jill, or Mike with any questions you've got once the new information settles into your soft little brains. Oh, and don't forget that your education on this topic doesn't end here, start with the links on our page like Robb Wolf's and read up on some of the fascinating stuff out there.
We wanted to thank everyone that came out for the Nutrition class on Wednesday, it was an awesome experience for us to see so many people motivated to take their game to the next level. Feel free to e-mail myself, Jill, or Mike with any questions you've got once the new information settles into your soft little brains. Oh, and don't forget that your education on this topic doesn't end here, start with the links on our page like Robb Wolf's and read up on some of the fascinating stuff out there.
Hey Samy and all,
It's Kevin from Vagabond CrossFit, the place looks great and you guys are doing a great job up there in NH... Keep up the Great Work and Will Always keep you guys close to me as my first CrossFit Family...
16:05 at 115lbs
A big thanks to Jill, Sam, Mike and Gerard for the nutrition class yesterday! good stuff!
joe f
"DT" 12 deadlifts, 9 hang/PC, 6 push/jerks
5 rounds- 16:29(95lbs)
"DT" 12 deadlifts (95lbs) HP Cleans, 6 push jerks
5 rounds for time - (12:25)
I am going to miss working out in the mornings when vacation is over. Thanks Kristie for showing up this morning to do the WOD with me so I wouldn't have to endure the Fitness Nazi all by myself! lol
Dos Deb
Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (65lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (65lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (65lbs)
Im sure my form sucked. Maybe someday I will get stronger ugh...... Looking forward to getting back to the stable in the fall. 13:30 Heidi
Mike H
DT 5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts (95lbs)
9 hang power cleans (95lbs)
6 push jerk (95lbs)
Did the first round with 155lbs which crushed me! So I switched to 95lbs for the last 4 rounds
Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (135lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (135lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (135lbs)
Billy The Tuff
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks
Started out at 85 pounds...survived 2 1/2 rounds before switching to 75 pounds. Those crazy hang cleans got me! Wait until you see the nasty bruises on my thighs!
Explosive pound to everyone that survived tonight's wod!
oh and Heidi...what's this talk about not seeing you until the fall?! That's just too far away man!
5Rounds 12deadlift/9 hang power clean/6 push jerks 65 lbs
Deadlift: 135 lbs
Cleans: 135 lbs
Push Jerk: 135 lbs
Mike L.
Five rounds for time of:
12 x Deadlift (115lbs)
9 x Hand Power Cleans (115lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (115lbs)
DT w/115
10K Run
DT @ 95lbs
Huck Finn WOD tomorrow!
5 rounds for time
12 deadlift (85#)
9 hang clean (85#)
6 push jerk (85#)
3 rounds for time @ 95#
3 rounds
dl 65lbs
hc 45 lbs
pj 45 lbs
12x 95lb deadlift
9x 95lb hang power clean
6x 95lb push jerk
3 rounds and i was officially broken. 16ish minutes.
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