We've dedicated this Rest Day to our athlete's with a desire to learn about the powerful role nutrition plays in our lives. Lately there has been a lot of chatter going on about the Zone and we figured it was time for another class covering nutrition plans.
The first time we held a little class like this it looked more like a cult than a learning environment for open minds to seek new ideas.
There is also an interactive Google map with directions in our "Start Here/Contact Us" section, should you have trouble finding us.
Lecture Topics and Goals: We are going to open the night with an overview of the Paleo and Zone nutrtion plans, which tie together the majority of our lecture points. These specific nutrition plans have yielded an unparalelled track records of success in improving overall health and fitness, but you don't have to take our word for it.
As mentioned above we are planning on spending the majority of our lecture and open discussion time working with the information needed to take the Zone or Paleo meal plans and put them to immediate use. Providing that a solid understanding of each diet's unique characteristics has been covered, we will begin looking at some of the mechanisms and laws responsible for governing the environment inside the human body. Nutrition has a profound role in this, the ramifications of which are felt in areas such as performance, physical appearance, and longevity.
The conceptual characteristics of the meal plans are not only important for their implementation, but are also foundational cornerstones that we hope our athlete's intend to build upon. After such a foundation has been laid it's as simple as dedicating yourself to becoming a perpetual student and letting your curiosity drive your hunger for more.
Laying out the actual nutritional regimens tends to be a dry topic but won't take very long to cover. Once that is explained and questions have been answered we will start working with the class to find individual Block Prescriptions/Paleo Menus.
This time around we've got enough of the tools and charts we need to lay everything out for each individual athlete. Jill even promised to help us add and subtract.
I think it's safe to say that this second generation nutrition class will be different in a pretty huge and exciting way: To those peering in at us from the outside it will look like a cult that has other people in it besides its lunatic founders. Victory.

Class Time: 6pm
Place: CrossFit New Hampshire is located at:

Place: CrossFit New Hampshire is located at:
250 Commercial Street
Suite 1008
Manchester NH, 03103
There is also an interactive Google map with directions in our "Start Here/Contact Us" section, should you have trouble finding us.
Lecture Topics and Goals: We are going to open the night with an overview of the Paleo and Zone nutrtion plans, which tie together the majority of our lecture points. These specific nutrition plans have yielded an unparalelled track records of success in improving overall health and fitness, but you don't have to take our word for it.
Take the Pepsi challenge with this stuff as soon as you've soaked up enough of the basic information, with a two week trial being the gold standard.
We told the first nurition class something along the lines of:
We told the first nurition class something along the lines of:
Prep yourself for an entire two weeks of meals, lay it all out so you don't have to think about anything beyond putting tasties in your mouth... dedicate yourself to a short two weeks of Ben and Jerry's deprivation, then come back and tell us what you think.

This kind of information isn't something that can be swallowed hole and digested in a single day (pun intended) and we would urge our CrossFitters to constantly seek out new information, formulate their own ideas, and hunt for better, more complete answers. Doing this can only make your path towards elite fitness an easier one to navigate in the long run.

Laying out the actual nutritional regimens tends to be a dry topic but won't take very long to cover. Once that is explained and questions have been answered we will start working with the class to find individual Block Prescriptions/Paleo Menus.
This time around we've got enough of the tools and charts we need to lay everything out for each individual athlete. Jill even promised to help us add and subtract.
It was obvious that we should probably get some assistance with that after the Max effort deadlifts day left us with the impression we needed to install a giant abecus to accurately increase the loads on each set. Thinking of Frank putting big plates outside smaller plates does kinda make me feel better, though, his math isn't even from this planet.
Enjoy your CrossFit Holiday and we'll see everyone tomorrow night.
Please bring some note taking material with you. You'll be seated in an isometric squat position during the class (without a desk) so it might be a good idea to bring a clipboard or something sturdy to write on.
It will be first come first serve for using bumpers as lap tables.
That first pic looks like a crossfit last supper of the crew. Everyone moving around with a steady figure in the center lol.
The last one is just hilarious even tho it could also be misconstrued as a crime scene photo lol.
Pumped for the class tonight Ross!
bad-ass ladies pic! are those new T-shirts I see??
whos the german?
Sorry Mark and I can't make the nutrition class tonight. Samy and Jill if you cover any info we didn't go over last time maybe we can get an update next time we see you. If you have a grocery list or any other helpful tips we would appreciate it.
I want to look like those two buff, beautiful, crossfit models in the picture....Miss all of you guys see you soon. Heidi
The German = Derek = DJK
Ze germans are coming!
Dear Samy,
When I saved the picture of Jill and myself to my computer, I noticed that you named the pic "weirdos"! Ummm, what gives man!?
Do those shirts say CrossFit Wilmington? Where the heck did you guys get those from?
Katie and Jefe spent the weekend claiming the souls of other CrossFit affiliates.
Awesome nutrition class on our holiday (day off in Don Pepes world, but then again everyday is a day off for him). Lots of great info from our fearless leaders Samy, Mike, Jill and Gerard. Thnaks you animals im looking forward to the Zone experience.
Billy the Tuff
Dedication is going to class on a day off.......... Thank you Jill,Samy,Mike and Jefe for caring so much to come in to teach us crossfitters how to get better............watch out as I experience the zone.........already picked up my scale!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going to go to the Nutrition Class.
Instead I went to Canobie Lake Park and rode rides and ate funnel cake. A good day.
Thank you guys for all the information last night...it's nice to have it presented by people who have already experienced this lifestyle.
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