1st Place: Tommy Hammond
2nd Place: Nick Fortin
We are intensely proud of the effort and dedication that all of our athletes put into this nutrition and lifestyle improvement based challenge. Tommy came in first place and will be awarded a 300 dollar cash pot, Nick Fortin was the second place winner and will be awarded a month of training at CrossFit New Hampshire.
Congratulations to Tommy, Nick, and everyone that joined them in diligently toiling away for the last 30 days.
What's next?
Once we have permission from a couple more participants we will hopefully be sharing a top ten list for each of the test metrics; Performance/Capacity Increases, Body Composition and Metrics, and Weekly Food Logs (application of the Paleo principals).
The data and results will blow everyone away... So don't even think about stopping here if you've made it this far already.
It's time to find out exactly how far each of our crew could take this thing, as most have only scratched the surface of their true potential.
The final step in running the challenge will be for us to review and refine the entire 30-day event before planning whatever course, lecture, seminar, or challenge our athletes want to see on the horizon. What better way to draw our crew closer together and provide them everything we can to ensure they are experiencing constant, profound, and broadly inclusive fitness gains.
Keep killing it, beasts.
Warm-up Drills (06.29.2011)
Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (3rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Burpees
10 x Hip and Back Extensions
15 x GHD Sit-ups
-Samson Stretch
-ITB Stretch (band)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
''300: The Helot Challenge'' (06.29.2011)
25 x Pull-ups
50 x Deadlifts (135/95lbs)
50 x Push-ups
50 x Box Jumps (24/20'')
50 x Floor Wipers (135/95lbs)
50 x DB/KB Clean and Jerk
25 x Pull-ups
Notes: Athletes will be using Dumbbells or Kettlebells of their choice for the Clean and Jerk reps. The original version of this workout was done with 35lb KB's and calls for 15lbs for females. That's not how we roll. Expect to be double fisting at least 35lbs, although we will accept 25 reps per arm with a single 53lb/24kg Kettlebell (or heavier).
Skill Development (06.29.2011)
Rest for tomorrow. Initiative would demand foam rolling and working through a mobility WOD representative of a current personal limitation.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.28.2011)
Congrats Tommy and everyone who put out these last long weeks!
Helot: 31:58 (I think)/95lbs/20"/25lb db
Congratulations to Tommy and Nick!
300...26:55rx w/ kb's
Thanks everyone!!
300 Helot: 33:01 135lb/20"/35lb db
"300: A Helot's Challenge"
25 x Pullups
50 x Deadlift [135#]
50 x Pushups [CFGS]
50 x Box Jumps [24"]
50 x Floor Wipers [135#]
50 x One Arm KB C&J [24kg]
25 x Pullups
The morning crew was spectacular in destroying this workout today. Unfortunately I didn't do very well with it myself.
28:?? with Bert, Mike A., and Mr.Gassy the Mask.
Had to sub in Back Squats at 135lbs for most of the set of the box jumps because Bert failed to catch me when I landed off the box and crunched my anklet pretty good. Currently it is relaxing in an ice pool made from an ammo can... why would I have any other vessel for holding cold water and a foot?
300 Helot Challenge
25 pull-ups (red band)
50 deadlifts (95#)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps (20")
50 floor wipers (85")
50 DB clean and jerks (25#)
25 pull-ups (red band)
Time= 35:47
"Helot Challenge"
85# bar/14"box/25#DB
How the hell was I supposed to catch you with a 135lb barbell suspended over my face?
Coulda caught me and subbed a sweaty Samy for the barbell. But whatever. Keep playing favorites and see what happens.
300 Helot Challenge:
Red band/95#/16"/25#/blue band
Congrats Tommy and Nick!
45lb DB
300: Helot's Challange
135#/ 65#/ 35# DB's
Congratulations to Tommy and Nick.
Tommy and Nick,congrats from North Dakota...here on secret mission and hope to return tomorrow.
Anonymous poster, reveal yourself!
It's Geno, Bert. Jesus you're paranoid.
Get out of my head.
135 lb dl
50# db C&J
Godd job Tommy & Nick
red band
95# deadlift
20"box jump
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