Congratulations to Jorge and Alyson!
Yesterday afternoon when this picture first hit my phone I was paralyzed with fear (Don't judge me: Unmarked picture of baby arrives on my phone...hiccup) but once I saw who the little ninja was I couldn't resist the urge to help show off Sebastian and his absolutely epic 'warface', Yessssss!
wished everyone well, and said they miss this crazy crew...
We miss you guys here slaying the daily WODs among this amazing crew. No pressure or anything but bring Sebastian and his big sister back to visit soon (We promise to behave around the infants. Mostly.)
Warm-up Drills (10.04.2012)
Row 2-3 Minutes (wattage>1.25-1.50Xbw)
3 Rounds for Quality of
6 x Med.Ball Cleans (40/20lbs)
6 x Hindu Push-ups
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
-Individual Mobility Drills (5 to 8 Minutes)
*Review of Double-under progressions/technique
''Sebastian'' (10.04.2012)
Complete the following in as few intervals as possible of :30 on x :20 rest with the emphasis on executing Quality movements.
3 x Rope climb ascents
20 x Pistols (alt.legs)
25 x Knees to elbows/TTB (Strict)
20 x Parallette Shoot-Through Complex
25 x Goblet Squats (32/16kg)
20 x Push-ups (‘True’/CFGS)
25 x Slamball (40/20lbs)
20 x Bent-Over Dumbbell Row
25 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extension
20 x Slamball Thrusters (40/20lbs)
15 x Sandbag Ground-2-Overhead
Notes: Each athlete would find tremendous benefit yielded to their training should they decide to take but a few minutes Post-WOD and scribble down any of those lingering thoughts or impressions kicking around the dome. Better than just that we would like to see our athletes keeping a solid log that details how (if) any of the movements were appropriately scaled today (remember: substituted movements aren't a replacement, they are a step in a progression of ability).
While we are on the topic of brains; can anyone recall the acronym BDSM, define it and give some insight into it's ability to improve the learning process, especially after intense exercise?
Liars, you all forgot.
Search for a reference in the top left querry box should you find yourselves curious... Carrying on.
Rope Climb Scaling will be 1 Ascent = 3 x Hand Over Hand from the prone position to standing and back (midline must be held in a tight plank for duration to get the most out of this drill).
The Parallette Shoot-Through Complex begins with a Push-up in a forward lean position (hands on the parallettes, set at shoulder width), the athlete will then pull their knees to their chest and jump their body through the parallettes keeping the arms straight. Hips must be open fully once the feet land in front of the parallettes before completing one dip. Jump back through the same way for one complete repetition... repeat until morale improves markedly.
Those athletes that missed a significant portion of the week’s training are more than welcome to work through this Chipper for time; and of course there’s going to be a boobie trap waiting.
What’s the catch? Each athlete will only be permitted to continue slugging through the WOD provided any spells of ‘involuntary’ rest last less than :20 in duration. Normally we’d throw a Spoiler Alert in here and unveil any taxes/incentives that might be lurking; but where’s the fun in that?
Enjoy! Yesssssss…
Skill Development (10.04.2012)
Those feeling obscenely frisky today after enduring the celebratory ''Sebastian'' WOD may work through the following static hold challenges; simply continue the :30 on x :20 rest protocol where each work interval requires the athlete to accumulate as many seconds of each ‘hold’/drill as possible.
Rest :20 before moving onto the next movement.
Repeat 1-2 more times until confusion subsides.
1. Wall Walk into Handstand Hold
2. L-sit or Hollow Rock Hold
3. Flex Arm Hang w/ Tucked Knees (Supinated Hands)
4. Ring Support
5. Roman Chair (GHD Sit-up Hold)
6. Left Plank
7. Right Plank
8. Front Plank (continuous from elbows to hands and back down)
Note: Curious? Go ahead and give it a shot, but remember what we’ve been reinforcing lately about soreness, DOMs, training stimulus, adaptation, recovery, etc. Profound words to reflect upon: ‘’All Glory Is Fleeting.’’
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.04.2012)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
8 Rounds of (2 min x 1 min Rest)
Post distances to comments.
Sebastian the Slayer
Completed this crazy baby WOD in 28 rds or 22:48.
9 x Modified Rope climbs
20 x Pistols
25 x K2Es
20 x Parallette Shoot Thrus
25 x Goblet Squats @ 16kg
20 x Hand Release Push Ups
25 x 20# Slamball
20 x 25# Bent-ovah DB Row
25 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extensions
20 x 20# Slamball Thrusters
15 x Sandbagger G2OH
And why did you have me search BDSM only to get the straight up denial on my work computer?? The URL you requested is blocked by the Internet Access Policies for your site. SERIOUSLY, what is your deal Samy??
Glossary of BDSM - BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, masochism) terms defines terms commonly used in the BDSM community.
The correct acronym is BDNF I believe. Samy correct me if I'm wrong. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor helps increase cognitive brain function after exercise.
Very interesting studies.
Hahhaa typo? Or Freudian slip? Maybe a rubic cube of mind games I'm using to rope you freaks into .... Nope, spellchecked by Siri. That explains it.
Sure...blame it on Siri!! I answered BDNF last time...so I'll graciously bow out. Carry on...
In as few intervals of :30w x :20r complete the following workload
3 x Rope Climbs
20 x Pistols (alt legs)
25 x Strict TTB
20 x Parallette Shoot Through Complexes
25 x Goblet Squats @ 32kg
20 x True Push-ups
25 x Slamball @ 40
20 x Bent Over DB Rows @ 35
25 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extensions
20 x Slamball Thrusters @ 40
15 x Sandbag G2O
29 intervals
Welcome to Earth, Sebastian.
Sebastian the Slayer:
31 Rounds
with 24kg KB; 20# SlamBall and Thrusters; 30# DB Rows.
In as few intervals of :30w x :20r complete the following workload
2 x Rope Climbs
6 x Mod Rope Climbs
20 x Pistols (alt legs)
25 x Strict K2E
20 x Parallette Shoot Through Complexes
25 x Goblet Squats @ 32kg
20 x Push-ups
25 x Slamball @ 40
20 x Bent Over DB Rows @ 35
25 x Abmat Sit-ups
20 x Hip Extensions
20 x Slamball Thrusters @ 40
15 x Sandbag G2O
30 Rounds.
Still don't have full range of motion in my chest so a few of the movements were scaled down. Damnit!
23 Rounds as Rx'd
-Mike A.
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