
Rest Day (08.15.2009)

''I always start these events with very lofty goals... after a point of body deterioration, the goals get evaluated down to basically where I am now-- where the best I can hope for is to avoid throwing up on my shoes.''
-Ephraim Romesburg, 65 miles into the Badwater Ultramarathon.

Rest Day (08.15.2009)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.15.2009)

Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
10 seconds on, 5 seconds off for 20 rounds. These are all out efforts, incline and terrain are your choice.

Post distances to comments.


Anonymous said...

Posting this ahead of time so Samy does not think I am trying to get out of my workout! Next two weeks social life calls and I will only be able to make it 3 days instead of 5. Mon,tues,wed next week I will be there. Thurs and Fri I am off to waterville valley. The following week Mon,wed,thurs I will be there and Tues and Fri I will be doing my social duties. Also WED AUG 19TH OD TURNS THE BIG 54! Can we celebrate :) After all it is only a number.............

Anonymous said...

Billy the tuff is interested in the Olympic lifts Cert. Samy ill talk to you on Monday about it. thanks

Billy the Tuff

Kevin O'Malley said...

Hey Samy,
It's Kevin from Vagabond CrossFit, I am planning on coming up the 21st like we talked about over email... So shoot me an email to confirm that you read this or give me a shout on my cell phone...

The Don said...

the don likes it when willie talks in the third person

Anonymous said...

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.15.2009)
10 seconds on, 5 seconds off for 20 rounds.
.6 miles Heidi