
''Dumbbell D.T. & Mid-ruff'' (06.09.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.09.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x KB Swings (24/16KG)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Air Squats
+Sumo Squats
+Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
+Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
+Scorpion Stretch

''Dumbbell D.T.'' (06.09.2011)

5 Rounds for time of
12 x DB Deadlift (50/35lbs)
9 x DB Hang Power Clean (50/35lbs)
6 x DB Push Jerk (50/35lbs)

Notes: Feeling Frisky? Armor up despite the obscene heat.
Every time the dumbbells are dropped 5 x Burpee Tax...
Discipline? Yes, please.

Post times to comments.

''Mid-ruff'' (06.09.2011)
10 Rounds of Tabata Intervals (:20 x :10 rest)
Abmat Sit-ups

Post highest and lowest numbers scored to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.09.2011)
8 Rounds of (:30 on x :20 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!
C2: Damper Setting 6+

Post distances to comments.


Justin said...

Dumbbell D.T. 14:01 45lbs


Lynn Cassotis said...

Dumbbell DT: 10:30 30lbs

Sit-ups: 15/13

0 said...

"Dumbbell DT"
40 x Undisciplined Burpees
Body Armor

Gone, but not forgotten. Rest in peace Staff Sgt. Davis.



SRD said...

''In honor of USAF SSGT Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.''

This was an excerpt from the CrossFit.com website when they first posted the ''D.T.'' Hero WOD.

Which everyone will also be enjoying within the next 60 days or so. MMMMMM 155lb barbells of hell for that epic pain-fest.

Anonymous said...

"Dumbell D.T."
25# DB @ 15:45

Anonymous said...

"155lb barbells of hell for that epic pain fest." Samy that is spot on homie!


Peter said...

Dumbbell D.T.
11:16 w/35#


Dan Hayden said...

Dumbbell D.T. 15:23 w/ 60#
(Everyone in the afternoon did 5x burpees everytime they put the dumbells down.)


Khan said...

8:22 w/ 35lbs (Danny's way)

Kim said...

Dumbbell DT 13:07 (25#)
Midruff 12/7

Anonymous said...

13:33 (45#) (at least 40 burpees)

Anonymous said...

16:22 55# 40 burpees
