
''Heavy Snatch Doubles & The World Is Yours'' (06.23.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.23.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC-45lbs)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs)
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Snatch Doubles'' (06.23.2011)
With a 12:00 running clock execute 2 x Snatch/Power Snatch (70-80%1RM) every minute on the minute.

Notes: Attempt to 'tap-and-go' for the second rep without re-gripping or resting the bar for any length of time in the hang position or on the floor. Athletes that are still focused solely on developing their technical proficiency with the Snatch/Power Snatch are encouraged to perform two sets of 1 rep each minute to reinforce consistently sound mechanics.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''The World Is Yours'' (06.23.2011)
Complete for time
1 x C2B Pull-ups
10 x Ring Push-ups
2 x C2B Pull-ups
9 x Ring Push-ups
3 x C2B Pull-ups
8 x Ring Push-ups
4 x C2B Pull-ups
7 x Ring Push-ups
5 x C2B Pull-ups
6 x Ring Push-ups
6 x C2B Pull-ups
5 x Ring Push-ups
7 x C2B Pull-ups
4 x Ring Push-ups
8 x C2B Pull-ups
3 x Ring Push-ups
9 x C2B Pull-ups
1 x Ring Push-ups
10 x C2B Pull-ups
Rest 1:00...
Select and Complete the Time Stamp Tax of your choice.

Notes: Complete the following C2B Pull-up/Ring Push-up 'Over-Under Ladder' for time. Finishing the initial workload is only the primary goal today; athletes need to take the total number of minutes they spent working through the C2B Pull-ups and Ring Push-ups and multiply it by their choice of Time Stamp Taxes (see below), the resulting amount of reps for the selected movement will then be completed for time/distance.
Taxation Option A.
Total Time in Minutes x Row (:10) for max distance
Taxation Option B.
Total Time in Minutes x Slamball/Sledgehammer x 15 reps for time

Post times and taxes to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.23.2011)


Dan Hayden said...

DB Snatches mod

The World is yours: 7:20 w/20# vest


Kristina said...

Snatches (70lbs)

The World is Yours

Mtn Rob said...

Snatch 85lbs

world is yours
+90 slamballs(40lbs)

0 said...

Heavy Snatch Doubles
Every minute on the minute for 12:00 preform 2 x Squat Snatch @ 110#

"The World Is Yours"
1-...-10 x C2B Pullups
10-...-1 x Ring Pushups
Time Tax Row: 433m
Time Tax Slamball x 90: 7:38



thammond18 said...

The World is Yours...7:02
Time Tax Slamball 80@40#: 6:17


Anonymous said...

Heavy Snatch Doubles 35#
"The World is Yours"
90 sledgehammer

Mike A. said...

Snatch 135...new PR today of 160#

The World Is Yours- 9:26 w/ 12 lb vest
90x Hammers 5:10

Kim said...

Heavy Snatch Doubles 50#
The World is Yours...18:00 (just graduated to the red band. ouch)
180 Slamballs @12# 7:06

Peter said...

Heavy Snatch Doubles @ 75#

The World is Yours 6:47
Time Tax: 60 Sledge Hammers 1:45

Way to go, Kim. Soon be with none!

Khan said...

Heavy Snatch Doubles @85lbs
"The World Is Yours"
8:18 w/ 20lb vest
90sec row 409m

Josh Lev said...

Heavy snatch doubles @ 115
The world is yours- 6:02/ 60 sledges- 2:02

Anonymous said...

Heavy snatch doubles @ 105#
The world is your - 7:53 80 16# sledges 3:03


Mint said...

Heavy snatch doubles @ 120#
The world is your - 5:22

Anonymous said...

heavy snatch/power snatch

The world

100 slamballs