
''Press 3-3-3+ & Pig Egg'' (06.27.2011)

Warm-up Drills (06.27.2011)
Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
9 x Push-ups
12 x Back Extensions
15 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Press 3-3-3+'' (06.27.2011)
Work through the following sets of Press using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Pig Egg'' (06.27.2011)
3 Rounds for time of
200m Portage (40/20lbs)
Ring Row x 20
KB Swings x 20

Notes: During the 200m Portage (which is simply running with a slam/medicine ball held overhead) athletes must:
1. Run
2. Keep the medicine ball above their heads during any forward movement.
Walking or resting/supporting/carrying the medicine ball in any manner other than extended overhead earns 5 x Burpee Pick-ups on the spot.
KB Swings and Ring Rows may be partitioned during each round.

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.27.2011)
Swim: 10 x 75m/y repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
Bike: 10 x 1 mile repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
Run: 10 x 400m repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio
C2: 10 x 40 cals repeats, rest/recovery is exact time it took to complete the interval. 1:1 Ratio

Post times to comments.


thammond18 said...

Press 3 3 3...125x8
Pig Egg...27:37 40#/32kg


0 said...

Press 3-3-3+

Pig Egg
27:45 - 40, 40kg


Michelle said...

Press 3-3-3= 55x3
Pig Egg (3 rnds) 20# slam ball, 20 kg KB, ring rows
Time= 17:41

Mtn Rob said...

Press 3,3,3+
Pig Egg
20lb, 32kg kb

Anonymous said...

Press 3-3-3+
"Pig Egg"

Anonymous said...

Press: 65x4
Pig Egg: 22.49, 20lb., 20kg

Anonymous said...

135 lbs +3, 20:50 40 lbs/32 kg


SRD said...

''Pig Egg''
40lb Slamball
106lb KB
21:?? w/vest and gasmask

Derek said...

Done at the home gym...

Press 125X5

"Pig Egg"
50lb Sandbag in place of Slamball (Anne will try to tell you that this sandbag was only 40lbs, however she was not the one that filled it or ran with it over her head)

This included at least 45 penalty burpees. Note to self the "Again Faster sandbag is not easy to hold over head while running.
2 Pood KB

Peter said...

Press 3-3-3+
70/80/95 x 5

Pig Egg:

Justin said...

115 x 6. Pig Egg 36:45
- Bieber

35 x 12. Pig Egg 19:00
- Kelsey

Anonymous said...

115 x 11
Pig egg 27:24 40 lb SB / 40 kg KB


Anonymous said...

Bike 10x1mile
Time: finished
Webster/union st to top of union

Usain Bolt WOD
AMRAP 12:00
100m 5 Burpees, 10pushups, 20 jumping jacks

-nick f

Michelle said...

Power Elizabeth 8:18 w 70lbs

Anonymous said...

70# x 3
