Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (45lbs)
-Shoulder Opening Drill
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
''Oxygen's A Crutch'' (10.27.2011)
Complete for time
15 x Deadlift (60-70%1RM)
15 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
12 x Deadlift (60-70%1RM)
12 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
9 x Deadlift (60-70%1RM)
9 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
6 x Deadlift (60-70%1RM)
6 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
3 x Deadlift (60-70%1RM)
3 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Post loads/times to comments.
Skill Development (10.27.2011)
Work on a skill of choice, Foam Roll, Mobility WOD, or just Rest up for tomorrow... 'The Ring' is going to leave none standing.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.27.2011)
"Oxygen's A Crutch"
Complete for Time
15 x Deadlift @ 315
15 x DB Thrusters @ 50
30 x DUs
12 x Deadlift @ 315
12 x DB Thrusters @ 50
30 x DUs
9 x Deadlift @ 315
9 x DB Thrusters @ 50
30 x DUs
6 x Deadlift @ 315
6 x DB Thrusters @ 50
30 x DUs
3 x Deadlift @ 315
3 x DB Thrusters @ 50
30 x DUs
20:55 w/ Gasmask
Oxygen's a Crutch
Deadlift 125lb/ Thrusters 30lb
Oxygen's a Crutch
Oxygen is a Crutch...18:48
Oxygens Crunch: 22:37 315/60
Oxygen's A Crutch
Oxygens Crunch: 27:20 225/50
Oxygen's a crutch: 34:00 270/50
35:15 @ 335/55-50
Oxygen's a Crutch
23:08 - 185#/30#/120SU's
Oxygen's a crutch
Oxygen's a crutch
21:38 115/25
Oxygen's a Crutch (not as Rx)
Deadlift (205...ran out of old style sand-filled weights)
Barbell Thrusters (95)
15:13 (in the 30 degree barn)
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