Warm-up Drills (10.28.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Push-ups
5 x Medicine Ball Cleans
-Sumo Squats
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
''The Ring'' (10.28.2011)
Set-up a ring of the following 6 movements and storm through for time/rounds/reps as determined below...
1.If you are engaged and getting married before 2014: 3 Rounds for time x 21 reps per movement
2.If you are single or dating under two years: 15:00 AMRAP, 15 reps/kcal per movement
3.If you are already married and still surviving: 21-15-9 for time
Row (kcal)
GHD Sit-ups/Abmat Sit-ups
Goblet Squats
KB Swings
Notes: For Over-unders, tie a rope one and a half feet off the ground and jump over it with both legs together then jump/crawl/burpee/roll back underneath and repeat.
Post results to comments.
Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.28.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8 mile TT
Run: 1.5 mile TT
C2: 2k TT
Post times to comments.
"The Ring" Engaged 39:40
That was crazy. Thanks to everyone who suffered with us this morning.
The Ring
"The Ring" Engaged 33:29
Talk about a wake up call! Thanks for the support as we suffered through it!
I am glad Im not engaged or married.
1 round plus overunders, row and situps
The Ring...Option 3...19:19
Justin, nice job letting Kelsey win, you are on your way to a happy marriage! Congrats guys...
Took me 25:02 to appreciate my beautiful wife.
The Ring.
(I assume Kelsey said "Yes")
Congratulations to you both.
25:20 24kg KB/40# Slamball
The Ring, married 25:25
Congratulations to Kelsey and Justin!
The Ring - Married
23:37. Tried to keep up with ricky lake, but he beat me up at the end.
CFE 1.5mi TT with 15lb flak
Congrats to both of you!!!!!
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