'What?', you ask.
Well, comrades, we seem to have an entire 'platoon' of Noobs currently sipping the kool-aid in our Intro Course.
Warm-up Drills (03.12.2012)
Run 800m
12-9-6 reps each of
KB Swings (24/16kg)
Hollow Rocks
Clapping Push-ups/Push-ups
-Shoulder Mobility
-Samson Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
''Back Squat Ascension Ladder'' (03.12.2012)
Every minute on the minute execute the prescribed number of Back Squats (135/95lbs). On the first minute perform one Back Squat (135/95lbs), on the second perform two Back Squats, on the third minute perform three Back Squats... Continue climbing up the ladder in this manner until the number of Back Squats can not longer be completed in the one minute window of time allotted.
Notes: Rx'd Back Squats today are at 135/95lbs respectively; scale loads as needed.
Post loads/rounds (minutes) completed to comments.
''Helen's OCD'' (03.12.2012)
4 Rounds for time of
Run 200m
21 x 'Unbroken' KB Swings (24/16kg)
12 x 'Unbroken' Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
Burpee Challenge (Optional)
69 x Burpees
Notes: This is really getting lonely and tedious.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.12.2012)
''Tempo Hill Climb 80-85%''
Swim: 20min, add T-shirt for drag.
Bike: 30min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave grade.
Run: 25min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave grade.
C2: 20min, Damper between 6-8, hold WATTS @ 50-120 above your body weight.
Post times to comments.
Back Squat Ascension Ladder: 12 @ 95lbs.
Helen's OCD: 17:44 w/red band
Back Squat Ascension Ladder: 14 @ 135 lbs.
Helen's OCD: 17:30
The hollow fulfillment Garage WOD from this morning before Mint came to pick me up...
4 Rounds for total working time (w/3:00 rest btwn) efforts of:
200m Speed Hobble (treadmill)
21 x Hang Muscle Snatch (L)
21 x Hang Muscle Snatch (R)
12 x Deadhang Ring Pull-ups
Total time elapsed during all 4 Rounds 17:33
Finally took advantage today and officially returned to slaying and training with our crew! Severe modifications and creativity will probably be a daily thing for me for now but I could care less it was so goddamn nice to be down there and see everyone... I've been alone with my beard (this one's name is Louis) for way to long.
Back Squat Sets (One minute on x time remaining, if any, and an additional minute of rest before the next effort)
15 x 45lbs
15 x 135lbs
12 x 135lbs
13 x 135lbs
Nice work Filipe! Thanks for keeping me moving through the squat sets.
''Helen's OCD''
2 Rounds for time of
Run 200m
21 x KB Swings (24kg)
12 x Pull-ups
Thanks for keeping me company outside, Mr. Edamame.
''Back Squat Ascension Ladder''
13 (thanks to Mint :p)
''Helen's OCD''
Samy, nice to see you and your beard! :)
He's back ladies and gentlemen!
Back Squat Ascension Ladder: 10 complete rounds @ 135 lbs.
Helen's OCD: 16:18 w/ blue band.
Back Squat Ascention Ladder: 10 rounds
Helens Trumpet: 18:59
Samy - the words you have to type in at the bottom are getting too hard. This is my 4th attempt
Back squat ascension ladder: 7
Helen's OCD: 16:59
Back squat ascension ladder (155#)
11 rounds complete
Helen's OCD
Back Squat Ladder : 13 rnds
Helen OCD: 21:20
"Back Squat Ascension Ladder"
11 rounds + 5 reps @ 185
"Helen's OCD"
4 rounds for time:
Run 200m (8 x "25m" shuttles)
21 x 'Unbroken' KB Swings (32kg)
12 x 'Unbroken' Pull-ups
Back Squat Ladder: 9 @ 85#
"Helen's OCD"
16kg/red&blue bands
Back squat ladder 15 @ 135#
Helen's OCD 2 Rd's + 200m run @ 13:50
Mike V.
In case you were wondering I had to cut the workout short this morning to get over to Bed Bath and Beyond and then Home Depot. See you tomorrow.
Mike V.
Back squat ladder 15@135# complete
Helen's OCD 4 Rounds
Run 200m
21 x 'Unbroken' KB Swings (32kg)
12 x Broke-ass Pull-ups
Squat Ladder: 11 rounds 135# off da floor
Helen's OCD: 16:51 First round unbroken, rounds 2 and 3.........brokedown.
Back Squat Ladder 15 rounds 95#; 10 rounds off floor
Helens OCD: 15:10 (red band)
Bai Chen: Strong Asian Gentlman, Back Squat 13@135ibs. Then 18:41
Back Squat: 8 rounds @ 80
Helen 18:36
Marcus, I have the same problem with the words. Glad its not just me. Always at least 2 attempts.
Back Squat Ladder 135#
Helen's OCD
Since someone who shall remain nameless but bears a striking resemblance to Tommy confiscated the 24kg KB, I used the 20kg
Samy, you are supposed to be recuperating, not arresting and exacerbating the healing process by inappropriate activity. Get well soon!
Deadlift 3,3,3+
Back Squat Ascension Latter
15 Rounds (135#)
Helen's OCD
I agree with Marcus. Sometimes these letters, scurnched as they are, are indecipheralbe.
As to the "Speed Hobble" by the Hobbit, sorry I missed that!!
Back squat 135
13 rounds from floor
Helens ocd
Back Squat...11 Rounds
Helen's OCD...14:56rx
Sorry Peter, I tried stealing Jay's Kb but he can be such a bully sometimes. He was like, look at me, I can do kipping pull ups now....weeeeee (typed in a sarcastic tone).
Back Squad...13 @ 135lb
Helen's OCD...15:28
12 rds at 165#
Derek: 9 Rounds + 7 (135lbs from the deck)
Kaite: 9 Rounds +9 (75 lbs)
Derek: 12:23 (as Rx)
Kaite: 13:14 (20lb Kb, pushups)
54° (Fuck you winter...bye bye)
Gene Bova
"Restricted Ascension Ladder"
Hang Clean 85lbs 9 rounds
"Restricted OCD Helen"
16.56 (16lb Kb, green, row 250)
Awwww... Jay finally learned how to do kipping pull-ups? That's cute
Back squats: 95 lbs. 15 rounds + 10
HELE'S OCD- 17:28
Just got home from work (boo).
Ascension Ladder: 14 rds at 95 lbs
Helen's OCD: 17:05 with red band
Sarah V.
Back Squat Ascension Ladder: 7@135lbs
Helen's OCD: 11:21
Ascension Ladder: 13 RNDS @ 135lbs
Helen's OCD: 17:19 RX'd
13 rds at 135
Helen ocd 17:12
Back squat ascension ladder 10 rds 95#
Helen OCD 17:09, red band
Ascension Ladder
11 Rounds
Helen's OCD
11:59 rx'd
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