Get yourselves prepped for some delicious sado-masochism on Sunday. Joe Venuti and I will be in here prepping for everyone around 2:00pm and are planning to kick off the madness by 3:00. I hope all you guys can make it, Joe is an talented CrossFit Instructor and everyone would benefit greatly from his coaching. The WOD we have planned will replace whatever the mainsite WOD is for that day so everyone is encouraged to take this beast on, experience level is a moot point as we will scale to the individual as necessary which allows every athlete we have here to participate in a CrossFit Games style training evolution. I am truly looking forward to this special congregation from all our athletes all over the state as well as all of our guests coming up from CrossFit MASS. We might even get a few crazies up here from CrossFit Center Mass, so cross your fingers... I've also got to get on the horn and see if Byers wants to come down and help judge, good practice for both her and those looking to excel in the regional qualifiers. This should be one hell of a show, hopefully the streets of good ol Manchester will be littered with the exhausted and euphoric post-WOD bodies of CrossFitters. I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday... can you? Don't lie.
See everyone tomorrow.

II. The Big Move Updates: We are trying to keep everyone as informed as possible about the developments at our new facility... this is something you should all be proud to take part in as we get ready to relocate our family to a new home where our athletes will truly thrive. I am frothing at the mouth thinking about the possibilities of newly tapped potential that will be coming down for you Savages, it should be an amazing experience. There are some other big ideas we have in the works that will be unveiled shortly after our Opening Day as we aggressively move on developing them...surprises you are all going to love and benefit greatly from. CrossFit New Hampshire is doing everything it can to give back to this great community that helped us forge a home for CrossFitters out of the dirt in a one car garage. Dream big, you infants of athletic potential you, the time is nearly upon us and you have barely scratched the surface in your potential to attain elite levels of fitness.
III. House-keeping: I just wanted to let everyone know that we owe Frank a big thank you for coming over and helping us fix the floor, which was crushed after the last few heavy met.cons... (DT was insane as all hell). Now we are in tip top shape to continue world class strength and conditioning training in the Stable facility we have all come to love, enjoy the hell out of it while you can before we head to larger, crazier, and hellishly beautiful new premises in the Manchester Waumbec Mills.

III. House-keeping: I just wanted to let everyone know that we owe Frank a big thank you for coming over and helping us fix the floor, which was crushed after the last few heavy met.cons... (DT was insane as all hell). Now we are in tip top shape to continue world class strength and conditioning training in the Stable facility we have all come to love, enjoy the hell out of it while you can before we head to larger, crazier, and hellishly beautiful new premises in the Manchester Waumbec Mills.

Hero WOD "Danny" (04.16.2009)
Kristie 15:01Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and daughter Jojiye.
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
115 pound Push Press, 20 reps
30 Pull-ups
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
115 pound Push Press, 20 reps
30 Pull-ups
Mike C. 3 Rnds +30/16
Matt C. 3 Rnds +18
Jefe 4 Rnds +27
Fogle 3Rnds +17
Jess 3 Rnds +30/10
Katie 3 Rnds +12
Complete the following for time:
Run 400m
100 x Air Squats
Run 400m
75 x Air Squats
Run 400m
50 x Air Squats
Run 400m
25 x Air Squats
Chalupa 13:54*
Chalupa's hands look like the Joker's face after Batman axe kicked him into a vat of acid, so he gallantly took on this stem-crusher and did very well... I'm starting to think the best part of my day is watching Chalupa collapse like a sack of boneless flesh after every WOD. That is the product of all out intensity, and his times reflect the mental fortitude to continually perform at that level. We'll talk later about a particular photo that may give a little insight into Chalupa the man, not the Taco Bell Totalitarian.
Wes and Dennis came down to hang out and visit with the family around here while we ran them through the Danny Hero WOD. Both guys are going to hopefully crush some competition in the Albany Regional Qualifiers just over 30 days out, and came in today wanting to refine their muscle-up and Power Snatch skill sets. We went right to work and by the end of the day both guys Snatch Balanced a max of 135lbs (and they could have gone much much heavier). Dennis made 135lbs look light for the Power Snatch and Wes was about an inch away from the solid base necessary to hold the weight overhead. If he was fresh it would have been a different story, even though he beats himself up over it anyway. Both athletes made some awesome gains and their confidence in movements they previously questioned should have increased tremendously as they have the capacity and athleticism to execute the movements well. Minor tweaks here and there with something as simple as a PVC pipe is all that is necessary for them to bring the lumber should a 135lb snatch based WOD present itself during the Albany Qualifiers.
Dennis also hit up his first Muscle-up, and actually figured it out so well he banged out about 8 immediately after without much difficulty at all. We wrapped things up by covering some basics on the rower and I feel both guys left with a much better mental disposition than when they came in. I know they were hungry for the WOD, but this close to the qualifiers is refinement time not hammer yourself into mush time. I had an excellent time working with both athletes, and it was great for Jess to be able to watch and practice with us as well to get some insight on one of the Olympic Lifts and the skill sequences involved in training it. We are definitely looking forward to having these guys down this weekend, they always come ready to work.
"Frelen" WOD (04.15.2009)
Complete 4 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 x Kettlebell Swings (1-pood)
15 x Pull-ups
Mike L. 15:21
Chalupa 13:29
Fogle 13:48
Katie 13:15
Jess 13:56
Jefe 10:33*
Jill 12:00
Mike C. 12:04
Kent 14:17
Joe 13:27
killer workout today. man.
forgot to mention, i saw a ZOMBIE. she was walking along the sidewalk, clothes all ripped up, and blood and gore and stuff. was talking on a cell phone. must've been saying "brainzzzz" to someone. cracked me up. must've been a good costume party.
sunday is going to be sick. just make sure there are no rhabdo zombies.
I saw some dude that got jumped and was bleeding out his face and stuff, poor bastard. I had to put him down as he was lame and probably wouldn't have recovered...that couldve been the zombie you saw. Luckily I always carry a spare kettlebell for opening random skulls when the chance presents itself.
nah, this was some a female zombie over by the verizon center.
there's often parades of these people to freak out the mundanes. it's pretty fun actually.
that possum zombie though, is starting to make itself known. i'm parking somewhere else until it migrates.
I'm pretty sure dead animals don't migrate, you weirdo, but just because you are part of the CrossFit NH family I will head over there tomorrow morning after my run and scrape it off the pavement for you... at which point you should start regularly experiencing anxiety that the dead rodent will appear at the worst possible and least expected time in your life once again...muahahaha.
actually, they DO migrate. with the help of thousands of little friends. it's something to see.
nah, don't move it, it's educational, and the skull will be gruesome :)
when you grow up on a farm, you see much worse. why one time, we had 50 gallons of maggots to deal with. yah, after that, a pulsing pile of possum is just funny.
pictures are in progress dude, perhaps 20 minutes left.
Cool, I'll be awake for awhile anyway studying for the cert next weekend. 50 gallons of maggots would be an interesting way to get a massage if you jumped right in I guess. Am I normal if that was my first thought? I like to think so.
well, massage, nuzzle your internal organs... i'm sure it's holistic and natural.
some of the box jumping pictures are amazing IN ACTION SHOTS. cool.
happy studying!
Thank you sir, see you tomorrow it should be a blast, feel free to get in here a little early so I can review and help practice the clean and jerk form for the WOD that will help you out. You are strong as hell and I expect you to tear this one up.
review is good for the soul and muscles. more power!
will try for 3ish...
some of these pictures. wow.
speaking of review, go back and check out this weeks shots with people running, i caught a lot of them with their strides mid-air both feet, looks pretty sweet.
review almost over, uploading soon
Is th-is the JOE-G and Samy Show. Get a room!
Go eat a 5 dollar footlong.
so let's see, we have the 99 cent menu, the dollar menu, and now the five dollar option.
where will it end!
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