Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises
Post total reps to comments.
Stable News
I. First we want to welcome Nick back into our little family, he came by today and jumped right into the mix with our crew. Great to have you back, just in time to get a few more Garage WODs in before the big move...
II.Yesterday we signed the lease for the Millspace located on Commercial street in Manchester (right next to UNH Manchester's building and the park). Jefe, Mike, and I met with the landlord and building manager yesterday so that they could break ground and begin the renovations we asked for. Things are moving fast and it's getting more exciting by the day, and you can expect me to keep everyone up to speed on the whole process as it happens. This has never been about me or my partners, it's about the family we have here so this move is yours more than it is ours and we love that everyone is chomping at the bit to get involved. More to come soon.
III. CrossFit New Hampshire joined the ranks of the CrossFit RRG by buying stock in the company, which will in turn provide us with the type of insurance necessary for our unique requirements as a training facility. I wanted our community to know that we are always looking for new ways to grow and develop what we've got going on up here in New Hampshire, protecting ourselves and our athletes is just one way we can keep things going in the right direction. Below is a link to the CrossFit RRG website where our name is proudly nestled between the hundreds of other contributors that have joined up from around the country, feel free to check it out and read up on what an RRG is.
CrossFit Risk Retention Group
Operation Enduring CrossFit Blog
Check out Mr. Fogle's new blog, he has clearly lost his mind after separation anxiety from the Stable set in. Go support him, he needs you now more than ever... umm, pull your socks up high where he can see with his webcam.
Fogle's Operation Enduring CrossFit Blog
I. First we want to welcome Nick back into our little family, he came by today and jumped right into the mix with our crew. Great to have you back, just in time to get a few more Garage WODs in before the big move...

CrossFit Risk Retention Group
Operation Enduring CrossFit Blog
Check out Mr. Fogle's new blog, he has clearly lost his mind after separation anxiety from the Stable set in. Go support him, he needs you now more than ever... umm, pull your socks up high where he can see with his webcam.
Fogle's Operation Enduring CrossFit Blog
Seeing as how you blew up my spot I will correct the link since I changed it moments ago...
Link fixed, thanks for the heads up.
Just wanted to welcome Nick back to the garage. He has great potential and should have no problem blasting through the fundamentals. Joe and Kent/K$/Brian continue to make awesome gains, they have really turned into the new poster children for Crosfit success. Keep at it gents
check out the pull up structure these guys have wrapped around their support beams (about 2:00 minutes into the video). The affiliate is Blauer Tactical.
ah progress. good stuff. keeps us motivated!
good times for the new stable coming! where's the popcorn machine go?
mike, those pullup structures look totally excellent - they're almost like tree stands!
i'm sure samy would perch up there (samy eagle) and coach us from the realm of the free, and jump from pole to pole platform! awesome! even better than zip-lines.
Unbelievable 2 Block Meal/ Snack:
1/2 Pita Bread
2 oz Grilled Chicken
2 tbs Avacado
Pull Ups- 10 10 10 10 8 7 7 6=68 (Chest to bar)
Push Ups- 10 10 10 10 10 10 8= 78
Sit Ups- 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 11= 93
Squats- 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 17=147
Nothing compared to some of the other monster scores you'll see but those CTB pull ups just sucked the life out of me...
P-Rex... welcome to the garage. Awesome workout today - can't wait to see you thrash yourself tomorrow.
Tabata Something Else - As RX
Total score: 479
warmup: 1500 meter row, 5 minutes; 5 reps each of the movements in the WOD for flavor
Tabata Something Else:
Pullups*: 22+18+11+14+7+5+14+14+14 => 122
Pushups: 23+20+20+11+10+10+10+7 => 111
Situps: 6+6+8+8+8+7+7+8 => 58
Squats: 19+16+11+15+11+13+15+18 => 118
122+111+58+118 => score: 409
322, done as Rx.
Nicely done, guys. That WODs a killer.
pull-ups 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48
push-ups 6,6,6,5,4,4,4,4=39
situps (no anchor) 9,8,8,8,7,7,8,7=62
squats 16,13,12,12,11,12,13,12=101
total score 250
TOTAL: (365)
Pull ups: 15-10-5-5-8-6-6-4
Push ups: 25-18-12-12-11-9-8-10
Sit ups: 10-10-10-9-9-10-9-10
Squats: 16-17-15-15-14-15-15-17
grrrrr....stupid work training causing me to miss slaughter days in the garage....
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