400m Run
2 Rounds of
12 x KB Swings (16kg)
12 x Push-ups
12 x Jumping Pull-ups
''Hate and Discontent'' (04.14.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
Row 500m
6 x Muscle-ups
9 x Deadlift (225/185lbs)
12 x Burpees
Post times to comments.
''Temper Tantrum'' (04.14.2010)
Choose one of the following movements and complete the prescribed workload for time:
100 x Slamball (20lbs)
100 x Sledgehammer Tire Strikes (50 reps each side)
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.14.2010)
"Tempo 85-90%, RPE 16-18"
Swim: SC & LC:300m, U:800m
Bike: SC:10mile, LC:12mile, U: 18mile
Run: SC:5k, LC: 8k, U: 15k
C2: SC:3k, LC:5k, U:8k
Post times to comments.
Sub for Muscle Ups in case the management ixnays my rings?
13:41 at 185lbs
100 x slamballs at 3:26 Rx'd
20:17 asst mu's/155lbs
3:37 100 slamballs
17:12 asst mu's/185lbs
5:52 100 slamballs
Hate and Discontent
Temper Tantrum
"Hate and Discontent"
16:33 Rx'd
"Temper Tantrum"
3:13 Rx'd
"Hate and Discontent"
24:32 with 225Lbs, 18 P/U + 18 R/D, assisted
"Temper Tantrum"
3:30 Rx'd
Darn it!! Did it again, Chris!
"Hate and Discontent"
15:42 muscle ups somewhat assisted, otherwise Rx'd
"Temper Tantrum"
5:05 Rx'd
I snuck into the Varsity Athletic Center after Women's soccer was done working out this morning; God I love that place. Bumper plates and Oly Platforms up the wazoo, and nobody minds when you hang rings up. Its almost like a place for legitimate athletic development.
Temper Tantrum was the first WOD with my newly crafted medicine ball, "Gonzales", and it was a thrasher. Great work everyone.
Im full of hate and discontent how come i cant be there for this? but it looks like everyone is doing great i cant wait to come back.
24:25 black band, 155lbs, sub 18 pullups and 18 dips for muscle ups
6:23 temper tantrum (good at that)
PS I have Hate and Disconent for Burpees
not my race but if you're interested Youmaydie.com
I've run 2 of Andy's peak races in the past(got really lost) and one coming up on the same trails and mountains. lot's of fun.
Hate and Discontent, the name say's it all 25:16
Row, 18 ring dips, 18 pull ups, 185# and of course burpees.
"Temper Tantrum"
6:44 Rx'd
Hate and Discontent
12 X Modified Muscle-up
Deadlifts (185/155/155)
Temper Tantrum
225# Asst. MU
Temper 3:52
Well "MY SAMY" at least I think it was him pushed me hard. Hate and Discontent with 18 modified ring dips and 135lb Deadlifts I believe my time was around 30 min. Now the Temper Tantrum took me 8:00 minutes and I got through it thanks to Griggs, Callie and Walter. God it is nice to have buddies. I am still trying to figure out if the HANDSOME NEW GUY at the gym was Samy because he sure sounded like him................. OD
Hate & Discontent
modified muscle ups (box) 135# DL's
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