500m Row
Shoulder Opening Drill
''Burgener Drill''
3 Rounds of
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Snatch x 3
iv. Lands x 3
v. Drops x 3
vi. Hang Squat Snatch x 3
''Wedding Crashers'' (04.16.2010)
Complete for time
100 ft Walking Lunges
21 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
21 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
18 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
18 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
15 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
15 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
12 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
12 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
9 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
9 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
6 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
6 x Clapping Push-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (04.16.2010)
3 Rounds for max total time of
L-sit (paralettes)
Left Plank
Right Plank
Prone Plank
Complete for time
100 ft Walking Lunges
21 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
21 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
18 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
18 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
15 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
15 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
12 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
12 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
9 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
9 x Clapping Push-ups
100 ft Walking Lunges
6 x Power Snatch (65lbs)
6 x Clapping Push-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (04.16.2010)
3 Rounds for max total time of
L-sit (paralettes)
Left Plank
Right Plank
Prone Plank
Post times accumulated to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.16.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
:05 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:20 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:10 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:30 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:15 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:25 seconds on x :10 seconds off
Post distances to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.16.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
:05 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:20 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:10 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:30 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:15 seconds on x :10 seconds off
:25 seconds on x :10 seconds off
Post distances to comments.
Let me know if there is still a slot open for the marathon. hockey4915@yahoo.com
"Wedding Crashers"
16:33 rxd
Round 1-4:31
Round 2-3:45
Wedding Crashers
Skill Development
1. 2.46
2. 3.06
"Wedding Crashers"
19:30 Rx'd
Wedding Crashers
16:43? give or take a few seconds because I can't remember
"Wedding Crashers"
11:48 Rx'd
Skill Development
1. 4:03
2. 4:25
''Wedding Crashers''
14:55 Rx'd
skill Development
1. 3:04
2. 3:06
Wedding Crashers
3 rd total 9:08
Wedding Crashers 15:05
* Sub Hang Snatch for Power Snatch 45lbs
Good luck to all the Savages participating in the Boston Marathon on Monday!
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