Rambo has decided to leave us for the warmer, softer climate of San Francisco, California. Come visit tomorrow afternoon and enjoy the show as he takes on a final WOD in true CrossFit New Hampshire NBC fashion.
Rambo, it's been our absolute privilege to have had you in the trenches with our family of CrossFitters. Good luck on your epic journey to the West Coast... hope to have you back visiting soon.
Warm-up Drills (04.30.2010)
Row 5 minutes (Damper on 5)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups
Shoulder Opening Drill
Hip Mobility Complex
''Ringling Helen'' (04.30.2010)
Row 5 minutes (Damper on 5)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups
Shoulder Opening Drill
Hip Mobility Complex
''Ringling Helen'' (04.30.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21 x KB Swings
12 x Muscle-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (04.30.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
25 x GHD Sit-ups
25 x Barbell/Abwheel Roll-outs
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.30.2010)
Swim: 5 x 50m/y with 3 minute recoveries.
Bike: 3 x 1k with 5 minute recoveries.
Run: 4 x 300m with 5 minute recoveries
C2: 4 x 375m with 5 minute recoveries.
Post times to comments.
400m Run
21 x KB Swings
12 x Muscle-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (04.30.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
25 x GHD Sit-ups
25 x Barbell/Abwheel Roll-outs
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.30.2010)
Swim: 5 x 50m/y with 3 minute recoveries.
Bike: 3 x 1k with 5 minute recoveries.
Run: 4 x 300m with 5 minute recoveries
C2: 4 x 375m with 5 minute recoveries.
Post times to comments.
Rambo we will miss you buddy, best of luck on your future endeavors, semper pillage
17:59 with the box for muscle ups. Cadillac kettlebell...
Rambo - any idea what time you are taking this on tommorrow afternoon? I'd love to stop by and see you off.
20:23 2/6/3 muscle ups per round, jumping for the rest. 1.5 pood kb.
16:20 mod mu's/ 2 pood kb
Ringling Helen 16:18
Mod Muscle Ups
Can't make it tomorrow... but good luck on the left coast...
Ringling Helen
22 something? Rx'd
Rambo, you're a great dude! Enjoy the wods out there in front of the golden gate bridge. Talk to you soon.
"Ringling Helen"
24 minutes and some change. Rx'd
Rambo - I'm not gonna lie bro, you're one hell of an athlete. I'm a bit jealous that you're heading out to San Fran where you're going to undoubtedly grow more lethal under the supervision of CrossFit's mobility guru, Kelly Starrett. I wish you well on your journey, and hope to see you around these parts again someday.
"Ringling Helen"
MM with the Caddy
18:35 Rxd I think.
3 Rounds for time
400M Run
21 50# KB
40 Pullups
40 Ring dips
35:52 Mark
Troy has a "man crush" on Rambo!
Hmmmm... How about not being a coward and posting your name with that comment? Thanks, chief!
Everyone, I can't thank you enough for the past nine months. Samy, this programming is insane, pushes the limits of what I thought I could do and I see progress every week, you really are good at what you do and thanks for taking the time and making the effort. Mike and D you guys motivate and provide competition even with a full time job, thanks to you too. The morning athletes, posting ridiculous times and giving everyone in the afternoon something to shoot for and finally everyone I had the honor of crushing myself with in the night crew. you guys were nothing short of amazing and really showed me how everyone, no matter what their size or skill level is, can achieve great things if they set their mind to it. I'll try to make it in one day next week, but can't promise anything due to my crazy next few days, but at the very least, I'll see you all around Christmas.
as Rx'd w/ NBC
I forgot to add this last night, but I think it goes without saying. If any of you find yourselves out on the Best Coast, don't hesitate to look me up, I'll have a couch for you to crash on after we throttle ourselves at San Francisco Crossfit. barsotti.n@gmail.com, (617)593-9239. I'll probably get a Cali number once I'm there, but I'll let you all know if an when it changes.
Rambo you are the best. I will miss you and all your support. Good luck in Cali and continue to post on the website so we can keep up with what you are doing. Sorry I could not be there I was in Colorado.
Ringling Helen modified:
Run/KB 35#/12 GHD Dips/12 Pull-ups
27:20 - including extra 400M (thought it was 4 rounds.....)
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