Row 750m
2 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups
2 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/45lbs)
Hip Mobility Complex
Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Grace'' (08.04.2010)
For time
30 x Clean and Jerk (135lbs/95lbs)
Notes: Compare to 02.26.2010.
Post times comments.
''Flight Simulator'' (08.04.2010)
Complete the following pyramid of Double-unders for time
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45 ... 5
Notes: Complete each rung on the ladder unbroken before moving on.
All the way up and down is a complete evolution.
Complete the following pyramid of Double-unders for time
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45 ... 5
Notes: Complete each rung on the ladder unbroken before moving on.
All the way up and down is a complete evolution.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.04.2010)
''5x Intervals''
Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 200m. :30 second recoveries.
Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 2k. :90 second recoveries.
Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 800. :90 second recoveries.
C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 1000m. :90 second recoveries.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.04.2010)
''5x Intervals''
Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 200m. :30 second recoveries.
Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 2k. :90 second recoveries.
Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 800. :90 second recoveries.
C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then :05 sec per fastest 1000m. :90 second recoveries.
Post times to comments.
4:20 with 135lbs
Grace: 95# 4:59
Flight Simulator: SU/DU 18:19
"Grace" - 6:04 @ 125 (17 second & 10lb PR)
"Flight Simulator" - 13:25, Single Unders
1:51 Rx'd
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