
''Tapeworm'' (08.20.2010)

Warm-up Drills (08.20.2010)
Row 750m
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups (Supinated)
9 x Knees-2-Elbows
12 x Air Squats
15 x Hip Extensions
-Foam Roll
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch

''Tapeworm'' (08.20.2010)
Complete the following for time
30 x Handstand Push-ups
40 x Pull-ups
50 x KB Swings (24/16kg)
60 x GHD Sit-ups/Anchored Sit-ups
70 x Burpees

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (08.20.2010)
5 Rounds at your own pace of
15 x Hip and Back Extensions
10 x Pistols (Alt.legs)

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.20.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)

2 x (5min x 2min rest)
5 x (1min x :30 rest)

Notes: The 1 minute intervals start immediately after the second 2min recovery
Hold maximal distances possible.

Post distances to comments.

1 comment:

Tyler Durden said...

All right, if the applicant is young, tell him he's too young. Old, too old. Fat, too fat. If the applicant then waits for three days without food, shelter, or encouragement he may then enter and begin his training.