Row 500m
2 Rounds of
7 x Push-ups
7 x Medball Cleans
Dot Drill
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Samson Stretch (Lateral)
''Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1'' (09.01.2010)
Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1
3 Attempts at maximum repetitions.
Post loads/reps to comments.
''The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II." (09.01.2010)
4 Rounds for time of
Broad jump 50m counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times (alternating legs)
Deadlift (bodyweight) that many reps
Box jump (20'') that many reps
Air Squat that many reps
Post time and number of jumps per round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.01.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.
4 Rounds for time of
Broad jump 50m counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times (alternating legs)
Deadlift (bodyweight) that many reps
Box jump (20'') that many reps
Air Squat that many reps
Post time and number of jumps per round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.01.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 15 min
Bike: 40 min
Run: 40 min
C2: 15 min
Post distances to comments.
Max Weighted Pullups
The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II
51:45 rx'd
Round 1 - 36
Round 2 - 32
Round 3 - 30
Round 4 - 30
Max wtd. pullups 100-102.5-107.5
Part 2 14:52
''Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1''
30/40/45, I couldn't do one less than a year ago! Thanks CFNH!
''The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II."
17/15/12/14 @ 185lbs.... 23:00
"Max Effort Pull-ups 1-1-1"
"The Self Fulfilling Prophecy II"
17:08 @135lbs 16/16/16/16
Yup, I definitely went a lot further than 50m today. FML.
They all went a lot shorter..........
Mike L.
Oh, so as soon as I leave, everyone starts sandbagging? Nice. Except for you Mike, I assume you still do WODs rx'd.
It was measured wrong.......
Mike L.
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