
''Heavy Snatch 65-85%'' (10.12.2010)

Warm-up Drills (10.12.2010)
Run 800m
3 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/45lbs)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Scorpion Stretch

''Heavy Snatch 65-85%'' (10.12.2010)
After completing warm-up sets as needed work up to 85% of your single repetition maximum.
All reps today should be Squat Snatches where proficiency allows.

Below is a guideline for working through percentages on sets and reps approaching your 85%.

3 x 65%
2 x 70%
1 x 75%
1 X 80%
1 x 85%

Post loads to comments.

''The Stumps'' (10.12.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 x Front squat (155/115lbs)
10 x C2B Pull-ups
20 x Double-unders

Post rounds completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.12.2010)
''20 Minute AMRAP x Repeats''
Swim: 50m, Rest 30 sec
Bike: 1/4mile, Rest 30sec
Run: 200m, Rest 30 sec
C2: 200m, Rest 30 sec

Notes: Complete as many rounds as possible in the 20 minutes, rest time is included.

Post rounds completed to comments.


0 said...

Had my PFT for the fall semester this morning.

1 minute Pushups: 52 = 8.6/10 pts
1 minute Sit-ups: 60 = 10/10 pts
1.5 Mile Run: 9 min 51 sec = 58.9/60 pts
Body Composition: 20/20 pts

Total = 97.5/100 pts

First time running it sub 10 minutes. Still a little bit of room to improve on, but theres still a year and a half till I commission.

In addition to this being my best score, I also managed to trample the weak who were running in my way, and I'm told that by lap 3, I was foaming at the mouth. Typical WOD. Can't wait to go run train on these snatches this afternoon.


Matt L said...

Heavy Snatch:
3x 65lbs
2x 85lbs
1x 95lbs
1x 115lbs
1x 135lbs

The Stumps:
Front Squat(115lbs)
6 rounds +5 pullups

Khan said...

squat snatch 75/85/90 lbs

"the stumps"
6 rounds +5+10

Peter said...

Only The Stumps

5 Rnds + 10 C2B (SU X 3)