Row 750m
3 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
3 x Overhead Squats
3 x Squat Snatch
-Lateral Lunges
-ITB Stretch/Drop Lunge
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Juggernaut'' (10.14.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
Run 400m
10 x Deadlift (75%1RM)
25 x GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (10.14.2010)
Rest for tomorrow
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.14.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 20 minutes
Bike: 60 minutes
Run: 60 minutes
C2: 20 minutes
Post distances to comments.
Rest for tomorrow
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.14.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 20 minutes
Bike: 60 minutes
Run: 60 minutes
C2: 20 minutes
Post distances to comments.
17:10 @ 225lbs
- Jeff
11:58 @ 185lbs
"A Lesson In Endurance"
100 squat jumps
50 v-sits
25 pull-ups
*30 meter bear crawl is to be completed every minute on the minute during the wod.
20101014 - Juggernaut
15:01 @ 265lbs & sub 50 Abmat Situps
24:30 185#; AbMats;
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