CrossFit New Hampshire has been lucky enough to be among those affiliates given early registration opportunities. Merle McKenzie sent the call out today, letting those that want to stand and fight in the arena for fittest on the east coast know that hell or glory awaits. Opportunity is here and we've been given first crack at these coveted competitor spots. Follow the link below, come with us as we begin this journey to find Victory or Valhalla.

Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
12-9-6 reps each of
Thruster (45lbs)
SDHP's (45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Lateral Lunges
''Beast of the East Taster'' (02.09.2011)
Below there are three 1:00 intervals, each one assigned to a different couplet. Athletes must complete each workload within a 1:00 window, moving from one couplet to another each round and continuing for as long as possible.
1st Minute:
8 x Tire Flips
8 x Push-ups
2nd Minute:
8 x Weighted Deadhang Pull-ups (20/10lbs)
8 x Medball Tosses (over bar)
3rd Minute:
8 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
8 x Burpee Jump and Touch
Notes: Medball Tosses are from a full squat position (same as Wallball), each athlete throws the ball up and over the pullup structure and must catch it on the far side for the repetition to count. Burpee Jump and Touch's will be to a target 10 inches above maximum standing reach.
Skill Development (02.09.2011)
5 Rounds at your own pace of
3 x Pistol (R)
3 x Pistol (L)
:15 x Ring Support
Notes: Attempt to complete the Pistols 'Unbroken' for each set of 3 repetitions.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (02.09.2011)
12 Rounds w/20lb vest
Absolute mayhem, thank god I had Kristie and Tommy the Gun to keep me from dropping the world on my head.
1st Minute:
8 x Tire Flips
8 x Push-ups
2nd Minute:
8 x Weighted Deadhang Pull-ups (20/10lbs)
8 x Medball Tosses (over bar)
3rd Minute:
8 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
8 x Burpee Jump and Touch
6 rounds
The Beast of the East Taster
5 Rounds (minutes)
i ALMOST finished 1 round. It was a lovely 3 minute workout.
3 Rounds...
i picked the world up, then dropped it on my own head
Lance babbles....
1st Minute:
8 x Deadlift @240lbs
8 x Push-ups
2nd Minute:
8 x Weighted Deadhang Pull-ups w/10lbs barbell
8 x Medball Tosses (over bar)
3rd Minute:
8 x KB Swings 25lb barbell
8 x Burpee Jump and Touch
12 Rounds. Saw Jesus eyes at the end... or were they Samys?
Epic Fail
2 rounds + pull-ups/ 6 ball throws.
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