Complete as many Double-unders as possible in 7:00. Athletes that are still working to develop their Double-unders may substitute 2 x Double-under Attempts.
CF Games Event Notice
Starting in March Saturday's CFNH will be hosting/competing in the CrossFit Games Online Qualifier WOD Series for the 6 weeks of it's duration.
CrossFit New Hampshire will be registering as a host location for the CrossFit Games Online Qualifier WOD series. The competition will span 6 weeks, one event every Saturday. These competition WODs will be available to those from our ranks that wish to compete for a birth in the Regional CrossFit Games Qualifiers as well as those who want to cut their teeth on the challenges regardless of competition participation. We welcome all CrossFitters, regardless of experience or skill level and will do our best to make sure everyone is provided with an unreal training/competitive environment. More updates will be posted with our daily training WODs as information becomes available... Keep killing it, Beasts.
38 double-unders in 7 minutes
300 double unders
classic crossfit wod 5 rounds of
5 Deadlifts 275lbs
10 burpees
and I was a b**ch and only did two rounds at 275 then had to drop to 225 total time of 4:54.
Thanks for letting me work out guys always fun.
Nice work Tommy hacking your path through the jungle. Use a machete next time not a swiss army knife.
The Jungle of the mind.
Saturday was it's usual epic experience, and as a bonus I was pretty excited to work through some movements again that weren't possible as of a few days ago.
7:00 Double-under test: 424
OPT Push Press Test with David: 225lbs
(Every :30 seconds execute 1 x Push Press adding 10lbs per attempt until failure, starting with 135lbs)
Overhead Squats: Worked up to 205 and felt solid with heavy singles, sets of 5 or more reps at 60%+ is still beating up the wrist a bit. It was fun at least being able to get some practice in.
''Smashmyselfinthemouth WOD'' This WOD's details will become available when the rest of our crew happens upon this beast... moahaha.
Andrew, awesome having you down, dude. Come visit anytime.
400 Mtr 20 burpees 15 DBR 15 Preeup Time 20:40
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