Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (3 Rnds/PVC)
5 x L-sit Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups (CFSG)
9 x Air Squats
12 x Hollow Rocks
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Hang Cleans 70-85%'' (03.14.2011)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
2 x Hang Clean (70-85%)
Notes: The Hang Clean starts from the standing position with the barbell at mid-thigh level, and is received in the full squat position (barbell in the front rack, seated across the shoulders).
Warm-up with 3-5 lightweight sets of Hang Cleans before beginning the time based component of this workout.
Use these warm-up sets to approach a load representing 70-85% of your 1-Rep maximum Clean (see archives 02.17.2011), stopping at a weight that can be executed with proper technique and feels moderately 'heavy'.
Once you've determined which load to use begin a 10 minute running clock and at the top of each minute execute 2 x Hang Cleans. The reps do not have to be unbroken, but they must be in rapid succession.
Continue for the full 10:00 if possible, failure constitutes not completing the 2 reps within a 1 minute window of time or 3 consecutive failed attempts at a lift. Technique is paramount.
Post loads and rounds/minutes completed to comments.
''Helen'' (03.14.2011)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
Run 400m
21 x KB Swings (24kg)
12 x Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (03.14.2011)
Tuesday is the 15th...
Heavy cleans: 105>115>120 for final set. Use 120 for future efforts
Helen: 13:54 final three pullups performed with red band. Do not use in the future
Hang cleans 75lbs
"Helen" 13.06
Hang cleans 155lb
"Helen" 10:35
Hang Cleans 185# 1st 3 RDs, 175# last 7RDs
"Helen" 8:47
Hangpower cleans: 155lbs
Helen: 12.02
14:51 w 24kg
Heavy Clean: 55#
"Helen": 16:33
Hang Cleans - 95# while I master the technique
Helen 12:13 20kg Kettle Bell
Hang Cleans
10:25 (8 minute PR)
Hang Cleans...135lb
Helen...11:43 24kg
Hang Cleans (95lbs)
12:49 (16kg)
Cleans at 155lb then dropped to 145.
Helen - 12:50
hang cleans started at 110 for 2 rounds 100 for the rest.
helen 13:51
Hang Cleans - 135 lbs
Helen - 24 KG - 11:15
This has always been one of my favorites, hope everyone enjoyed the halfway smiley face for morale on the run.
Hang Cleans...125lb
Helen...10:14 24kg
10:41 w/ 16kg
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