
''Maeve I & II'' (03.29.2011)

Congratulations to Meghan and Tommy on their new daughter, Maeve Elizabeth.
She was born 6 lbs 7 ounces on March 24th... Today we suffer to celebrate!

Warm-up Drills (03.29.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
Dot Drill
10 x Chin-ups
10 x Push-ups
10 x Toes-2-Bar
10 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''Maeve I'' (03.29.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of the following workload. Rest 1:00 before moving onto part II.
6 x Dumbbell Burpees
7 x Dumbbell Cleans

Post rounds completed to comments.

''Maeve II'' (03.29.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00 of
3 x Muscle-ups
24 x Double-unders

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.29.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: SC: 400m , LC: 600m , U: 800m
Bike: SC: 10 mile , LC: 18 mile , U: 25 mile
Run: SC: 1.5 mile , LC: 5miles , U: 10miles
C2: SC: 2k , LC: 5k , U: 8k

Post times to comments.


Colby said...

Maeve parte uno: 3 rounds 5 cleans
Maeve parte dos: 1 round 5 f-----g double unders.

Mtn Rob said...

part 1: 4 rnds + 2 Burpees
part 2: 1 rnd + 6 pullups/6 ring dips and 2 dbl und attempts

Lynn Cassotis said...

part 1: 6 Rounds even; 30# burpees, 20# dumbbell cleans
part 2: 2 Rounds + 6 pull ups + 6 ring dips

Anonymous said...

Part 1: 5min w/55# db=3rds, next 5 min w/60#db=2rds +2 burpees Total=5rds +2 burpees
Part 2: 4rds+2 muscle ups

Danny= "I'm so with it."

Kim said...

Maeve 1: 5 rounds + 6 burpees
Maeve 2: 6 pullups/6 dips and 12 double under attempts

Anonymous said...

Thats a scary mask!

Anonymous said...

Maeve 1: 20# DB
6 rounds +6burpees+6cleans
Maeve 2:
2 rounds ring dips&pull-ups

Callie said...

part 1: 3 rounds with 40#
part 2: 2 rounds

thammond18 said...

My Daughter Maeve 1...4 Rounds @50#
My Daughter Maeve 2...1 Round, 6 PU,6 Dips

Maeve got her first taste of Crossfit today and she can't wait to join the fun! Thank you all for showing her so much love...

tommy and meghan

Peter said...

Maeve I
5 Rounds + 6/1 30# for 5 min 35# for 5 min

Maeve II
with 96 SU's and PullUps/Ring Dips for MU's
2 rounds + 6 PU/RD's/60 SU's

Congratulations to the new proud parents. Maeve means "intoxicating". And she certainly is.

0 said...


Maeve I - 4 Rounds + 6/2 (50#)
Maeve II - 3 Rounds + 2/0 rx'd

Congratulations to both Tommy and Meghan!!!


SRD said...

Congratulations Meghan and Mr. Tommy-Guns, we're just glad you guys have become a part of our ridiculous family around here. Nice to see you passed your genes onto what will obviously be the next generation of CF fitness cyborg...

Meghan, REST UP!
We can't wait until you're recovered and can finally get you in here to embark on this wild, machete swinging adventure through the jungle of CrossFit.
(Tommy can explain that comment in more detail)

Marcus said...

Part 1: 4 rnds + 3
Part 2: 4 rnds

Anonymous said...

Part 1: 3 rounds + 3 burpees 60# DB
Part 2: 2 Rounds + 6 dips


Justin said...

6.5 rounds of 6 db burpee pickups, db clean with no squats

3 muscle ups
250 meter row
2 rounds 3 muscle ups

Mint said...

My Niece Maeve 1...4 Rounds + 6 Burpees @60#Burpees 55#Cleans
My Niece Maeve 2...2 Round, 6 PU,6 Dips and 2 DU