State of the Stable Report: The
"Dirty Thirty" was a nice little Chipper WOD I felt would benefit our athlete's a little bit more because of my prior knowledge of the onslaught waiting for them on Sunday. A CrossFit "Chipper" style WOD is aptly named based on the task priority you are presented with: Haul a$$ straight through every movement listed and execute the prescribed number of repetitions before moving onto the next challenge. This isn't nearly as tough as the "Filthy 50", an official CrossFit Named Suck-fest, however, it was brutal enough to provide the mental and physical hardship we expect our athletes to persevere through daily. I looked at this WOD as an opportunity for everyone to come in, hit something hard and fast, work on occasionally neglected skills, and still keep fresh for the CrossFit Games Style WOD we have prepared for Sunday. As we see day in and day out there was an excellent performance standard established across the board, but Frank in particular crushed this little pearl of a WOD (well, once he figured out that Double-unders require a "jump"). Tomorrow will be phenomenal and I can't wait to see all our Savages tilling the fields of athletic potential.

"Dirty Thirty" WOD (04.18.2009)
Complete the following for time:
30 x Box Jumps (20'')
30 x L-sit Pull-ups
30 x KB Swings (16kg)
30 x Walking Lunges
30 x Knees-2-Elbows
30 x Shoulder Presses (45lbs)
30 x Abmat Sit-ups
30 x Burpees
30m Suicide Sprint
30 x Deadlift (65/95lbs)
30 x Double Unders
Mike L. 16:31
Kristie 17:17
Mike C. 15:14
Frank 12:45*
RJ 19:33
Joe 18:03
Jill 15:10

that was an outstanding little fest
today's photos are loaded and ready. i really like the one where Samy is using magic to levitate a loaded bar. now THAT's crossfit.
photos are loaded and ready? joe, do you post your pics elsewhere? can you send me the link please?
I'd also like the link if you post them elsewhere...
Samy, you got my + Jenn's time from yesterday's WOD? I need it for my logbook.
I just bought the domain names and, I’ll trade them for my drill back and you admitting my beard is sweeter than yours.
That's absolutely not true, I just spent 4 hours combing splenda into my adds volume.
Did you see the WOD posted for the Mid-Atlantic games??? They look friggin awesome.
They must involve alot of swimming to get to the middle of the atlantic
The zach forrest post on the games site has me throttled right now! It's almost 1am and im about to do an AMRAP because of this video. I'm dieing to see the Northeast quals.
do it do it!
Joe guys know what am about to say..great video
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