
''Row, Thrash, Run'' (04.01.2010)

Warm-up Drills (04.01.2010)
800m Run
2 Rounds of
10 x KB Swings (16kg)
10 x Box Jumps (20'')
10 x Jumping Pull-ups
Shoulder Dislocates

''Row, Thrash, Run'' (04.01.2010)
Complete 4 Rounds for time of
500m Row
9 x Pull-ups
12 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squats
400m Run

Skill Development (04.01.2010)
Rest for tomorrow... No, this is not an April Fools Joke.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.01.2010)
''8 x Sprints''

Swim: 8 x 50m/y, hold times within 2-3 sec. Rest 90 sec between Intervals
Bike: 8 x 1/4mile, hold times within 2-3 sec. Rest 90 sec between Intervals
Run: 8 x 200m, hold times within 2-3 sec. Rest 90 sec between Intervals
C2: 8 x 250m, hold times within 2-3 sec. Rest 90 sec between Intervals

Post times to comments.


Anonymous said...

Row, Thrash, Run R'xd 27:32


Brian said...

1 April 2010 28:37

Anonymous said...

''Row, Thrash, Run''

28:32 Rxd


Anonymous said...

"Row, Thrash, Run"

27:10 Rx'd


Anonymous said...

"Row, Thrash, Run"
31:01 Rx'd

Anonymous said...


23:57 Rx'd


Kristina said...

Row, Thrash, Run
29:19 rx'd

mtn rob said...


Anonymous said...

Row, Thrash, Run
25:29 rxd


Anonymous said...

Row, Thrash, Row

21:50 rx'd (w. treadmill)

Mike L.

Andrew said...

25:24 Rxd

Anonymous said...

My truck is fixed damn it. The GHOST

Anonymous said...

27:28 Rx'd

West Palm Tom said...

28:27, as RX'd. Great WOD. It kicked my butt! As I write this, my wife is doing 3x 1000m row's on the C2 with 2:00 breaks in between. Yeah, we got a C2!! Be good, stay safe, and train hard!!

Anonymous said...

23:16 rx'd


26:32 rx'd
