
''Max Effort Press 1-1-1'' (08.10.2010)

Warm-up Drills (08.10.2010)
Single-unders x 1:30
4 Rounds of
5 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
5 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
Single-unders x 1:30
Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
Scorpion Stretch
Samson Stretch

''Max Effort Press 1-1-1'' (08.10.2010)
Each Athlete will be given three attempts to Press as heavy a load as possible for a single rep record.
Use previous 1RM data (same # as used in all Press WODs) to determine loads per set for the progression outline below.

Rest as needed between efforts.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
3 x 50% (warm-up)
2 x 60% (warm-up)
1 x 70% (warm-up)
1 x 80% (warm-up)
1 x 90%
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3

Notes: Athletes will hopefully take advantage of all the data they've been diligently collecting over the last few months of training. Information from past performances can be used to reinforce the decisions an
athlete makes in selecting which course of action seems best suited for the a complete realization of personal potential (In this case Strength).
(Data spans 1-5+ rep records for loads representing 70-95% of previous 1RM's.)

Post loads to comments.

''Neville's Throat'' (08.10.2010)
Complete for time
Bear Crawl 100m
21 x Back Squat (135/95lbs)
21 x Pull-ups
Bear Crawl 100m
15 x Back Squat (135/95lbs)
15 x Pull-ups
Bear Crawl 100m
9 x Back Squat (135/95lbs)
9 x Pull-ups

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.10.2010)
''Hill Repeats''

Swim: 10 x 100m x :15 sec recoveries, :05 sec Deviation Limit.
Bike: 4 x 2mi x time needed to descend for recoveries, :60 sec Deviation Limit.
Run: 2 x .75/1mi x easy descent with additional :60 sec at bottom for recoveries, :60 sec Deviation Limit.
C2: 3 x 1km x :120 sec recoveries, :10 sec Deviation Limit.

Post times to comments.

C2 ''Elevated Row'' Variation
1. Push the front end of the rower up tight against a wall.
2. Elevate the back legs of the rower on a 24'' box.
3. McGuiver something up under the single joint in the center of the rower, where the slide meets and hooks into the foot pads. We stack 3 x 45lb bumpers which fit just about perfect; this step ensures the rower remains supported through the middle. Check and make sure everything feels solid and supported before strapping in. (Just a reminder that we've not yet tested the safety of doing this WOD beyond the type of set-up/model rower described above.)
4. Put the damper setting on your preference for 1000m time trials and GET SOME.


Troy said...

Max Effort Press

Set a 10 pound PR today at 210lbs

"Neville's Throat"

9:19 Rx'd

Anonymous said...

endurance-swim 10/100yds @1:40/round
50yd TT-43 seconds