
''The Chief'' (11.29.2010)

Warm-up Drills (11.29.2010)
Row 4 minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (2 Rnds-PVC)
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups
12 x Air Squats
15 x Toes-2-Bar
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''The Chief'' (11.29.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of
3 x Power cleans (135/95lbs)
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles to comments.

Skill Development (11.29.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x GHD Sit-ups
:15 x L-sit/V-sit
10 x Hollow Rocks

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (11.29.2010)


Marcus said...


Mtn Rob said...

3/2+3,6/3/3/2+3,6 @95lb

Khan said...

6/5/5/5+2/5+2 @95lbs

SRD said...

''The Hook''
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of
3 x 1-Arm DB Power Cleans (L,60lbs)
3 x 1-Arm DB Power Cleans (R,60lbs)
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats

Rest 1:00, repeat for 5 cycles.

Thanks to Lynn (took about a year to figure it out) I've got my trusty orphaned 60lb DB in the garage, which made a horrific sub for the Chief today.

4rnds +3/3/6/7
4rnds +3/3/6/6
4rnds +3/3/6/6
4rnds +3/3/6/8

Some days it's all an uphill fight... #*%!

Peter said...

95# cleans

Anonymous said...

Mike D

4/3/3+pu's/3/3 @ 115#

1st Muscle ups unassisted (2 of them)

0 said...

20101129 - الرئيس (The Chief)

R1: 5+2/0/0
R2: 4+3/6/3
R3: 4+3/6/3
R4: 4+3/0/0
R5: 4+0/0/0

As Rx'd (PR)

My own slice of Violent Pie.


0 said...

Also, nice work on the muscle ups Mike!


Anonymous said...

The Chief
3/3+2/3/3/3 @ 115

SRD said...

MIKE! SIIIIIIICK! I saw the magic happening out of the corner of my eye and turned just in time to see you get your first Muscle-up... congratulations dude.

Kristina said...

The Chief

4/4/4/4/4 @95