Warm-up Drills (11.19.2010)
1:00 x Single-Unders
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
1:00 x Single-Unders
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs)
1:00 x Single-Unders
5 x Overhead Squats (45lbs)
5 x Power Snatch (45lbs)
5 x Squat Snatch (45lbs)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
''Stinger'' (11.19.2010)
Complete the following for time
400m Run
21 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
21 x Ring Row
400m Run
15 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
15 x Ring Row
400m Run
9 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
9 x Ring Row
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (11.19.2010)
Complete the following at your own pace
75ft x Farmer's Walk
:30 x Prone Plank
30 x Windshield Wipers
50ft x Farmer's Walk
:20 x Prone Plank
20 x Windshield Wipers
25ft x Farmer's Walk
:10 x Prone Plank
10 x Windshield Wipers
Notes: Hold a bumper plate in each hand with a pinch grip (held between thumb and fingers). Support one bumper plate above the torso with arms fully extended during the Windshield Wipers, which are a two count movement.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (11.19.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 500m/y TT
Bike: 5k TT
Run: 1 mile TT
C2: 1500m TT
Post times to comments.
1:00 x Single-Unders
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
1:00 x Single-Unders
''Burgener Drill'' (45lbs)
1:00 x Single-Unders
5 x Overhead Squats (45lbs)
5 x Power Snatch (45lbs)
5 x Squat Snatch (45lbs)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
''Stinger'' (11.19.2010)
Complete the following for time
400m Run
21 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
21 x Ring Row
400m Run
15 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
15 x Ring Row
400m Run
9 x Power Snatch (65/45lbs)
9 x Ring Row
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (11.19.2010)
Complete the following at your own pace
75ft x Farmer's Walk
:30 x Prone Plank
30 x Windshield Wipers
50ft x Farmer's Walk
:20 x Prone Plank
20 x Windshield Wipers
25ft x Farmer's Walk
:10 x Prone Plank
10 x Windshield Wipers
Notes: Hold a bumper plate in each hand with a pinch grip (held between thumb and fingers). Support one bumper plate above the torso with arms fully extended during the Windshield Wipers, which are a two count movement.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (11.19.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 500m/y TT
Bike: 5k TT
Run: 1 mile TT
C2: 1500m TT
Post times to comments.
I liked it. 15:39 - Eric
17:33 w/ 65lbs
24:20 w 65lbs
Eric, keep crushing it dude. You've made some nasty strides already and it's only been a couple weeks.
This was a blast, ring rows always end up being way more hellish than anticipated.
13:39 w/95lbs
16:45 65#
16:20 65#?
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