Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3 Rounds,PVC)
Dot Drill (For time)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Sumo Squats
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
''Turkey Shoot'' (11.24.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
40 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
Row 30kcal
20 x DB Renegade Rows (50/35lbs)
40ft x Walk on Hands
Run 400m (bumper plate overhead)
100m x Burpee Broad Jumps
Notes: For those that are not quite there with hand walking skills substitute 10 x HSPU's. Bumper plate weight is ''shooter's choice'', although those that come in to train with us will be given sound advice from the life coaches running the event.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (11.24.2010)
Drink at least 2 Gallons of water per hour, stretching the stomach out is necessary for those attempting to PR total volume of Thanksgiving food consumed.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (11.24.2010)
''Prologue: The 9 Minute Time Trial''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
9 Minute Time Trial
Notes: Cover the maximum distance possible against a 9 minute running clock.
Post distances to comments.
Nice SD...
Samy, Dan and the other atheletes have a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you on Friday, shall I bring a few buckets?
Thank you sir, may I have another?!
"Turkey Shoot" 20:23
Running w/45# overhead makes you run slower. Who knew.
Only 2 gals/hour? You've gone soft on us Samy!
As RX'd. 20:39
Not sure if I can lift my arms to eat tomorrow.
Turkey Shoot
25:13 as rx'd
Bumper plate run was wretched.
By 'wretched' Bert means glorious. What an incredible day, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than surrounded by our unreal crew of athletes. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, rest up for the hell that awaits come Friday (open 9am-12 noon).
''Turkey Shoot'' (11.24.2010)
Complete the following for time
50 x Wallball (20lbs)
40 x KB Swings (32kg)
Row 30kcal
20 x DB Renegade Rows (50lbs)
40ft x Walk on Hands
Run 400m (45lbs)
100m x Burpee Broad Jumps
24:04...the bumper run was absolutely terrible. Dan I feel your pain when it comes to the 45lbs..on the 400m run people were asking, "oh my god, why are you doing that to yourself?" I still don't have an answer
Turkey Shoot: 14#//24kg/35#/25#
I also forgot to thank Alison the Scott for her dedicated support while I indulged in this WOD.
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