
''CrossFit Games Qualifier WOD: Week 1'' (03.18.2011)

Warm-up Drills (03.18.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
9 x Hollow Rocks
12 x Air Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Hip Mobility Complex
-ITB Stretch
-Inchworm/Cobra Stretch

''CrossFit Games Qualifier WOD: Week 1'' (03.18.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of
30 x Double-unders
15 x Power Snatch (75/55lbs)

Skill Development (03.18.2011)

3 Rounds at your own pace of
:30 x Ring Support
25 x Abmat Sit-ups
:20 x Plank
15 x Knees-2-Elbows
:10 x L-sit

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.18.2011)
‘’Time Trial’’
Swim: 600m
Bike: 12 miles
Run: 5km
C2: 4000m

Notes: Choose the sport that represents the event you are currently training for, multi-discipline event athletes should choose the sport they consider their weakest link.

Post time to comments.


Colby said...

CFG Qualifier
2 full rounds and 29 double unders

Lynn Cassotis said...

2 Full Rounds + 30/11 @ 55#

Marcus said...

5 rounds + 30/3 @ 75lbs

Khan said...

6 rounds + 14 du's @55lbs

Indy said...

4 rounds + 30/10 @75#

Anonymous said...

2 rounds + 30 single-unders

Mtn Rob said...

2rnds +60 su's

Anonymous said...

CrossFit Endurance WOD
‘’Time Trial’’
5k: 20:28, started at union and webster, ran up union

Peter said...

CF Games Qualifier
3 Rounds + 100 SU (modified 4xSU and 65#)

thammond18 said...

CF Games Qualifier

3 Rounds + 2 DU


Anonymous said...

CF qualifier

6 rds + 17 D. Unders 75#


0 said...

CF Games 11.1
4 Rounds + 30 + 10

Bacon and Kegs
11:43 - 20lbs, gas mask


SRD said...

Press Do-Over:

CF Qualifier Week 1:
6 Rnds
+30 x Double-unders/11 x Power Snatches

It was awesome being able to participate with everyone, love just being able to be a part of this.

Nick said...

Beat me by 3 Samy

6 Rounds + 30 DUs & 8 Snatches (75#)


Anonymous said...

4 rounds - 75 # snatches & 120 single unders
