Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
2 Rounds of
5 x Thrusters (45lbs)
5 x Jumping Pull-ups
7 x Hip and Back Extensions
9 x Hollow Rocks
-Hip Stretch/Wall Squat
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Front Rack Pos. Band Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
''CrossFit Games Qualifier WOD: Week 6'' (04.29.2011)
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 7:00:
Thrusters (100/65lbs)
Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
This WOD format is an ascension ladder where each consecutive round adds three reps to each movement (see below).
The Rep Scheme: 3-6-9-12-15-18-21...
Athletes can continue beyond the round of 21 indefinitely if they make it that far within the time limit prescribed.
During any given round all of the Thrusters must be completed before the athlete moves onto the Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups.
Post rounds completed/total repetitions to comments.
''Overhead Squat 10:00 Capacity Test'' (04.29.2011)
Every minute on the minute for 10:00 execute 3 x Overhead Squats (3/4-1xBW)
Notes: This will be a challenging work pace to hold for most athletes. Fight to make it through as many consecutive minutes as possible until the 10:00 running clock expires or three reps fail to be completed within the one minute time limit.
Warm-up using progressively heavier sets (40-75%1RM) of 3-5 repetitions each before beginning the timed portion of this training.
Athletes should be working up to an Overhead Squat load that represents 3/4 to 1 x Body-weight (scale as needed).
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.29.2011)
''4-6 Intervals''
Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y
Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2min recoveries.
Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries
C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.
Post times to comments.
''CrossFit Games Qualifier WOD: Week 6''
3/6/9/12Thrusters + 5Pull-ups = 53
thrusters 50# + chest2bar w/bands= 40
OHS 10 min. test 45#
Absolute mayhem in the Arena today. I think the best part of my day was learning from my favorite 'Old Horse' that rigamortis can actually take hold of people during maximal effort bench press attempts. Genoa Salami is like a magic eye picture, if you watch long enough you are destined to see magic unfold.
''CF Games Qualifier WOD: Week 6''
Made it to the first Thruster on the round of 21's. I clearly could not comprehend addition today, thanks for the back-up Alison (life coach).
Thrusters 65#; Chest to Bar -53
OHS @ 85#; completed 10 rounds of 3 reps
65 w/85# Thrusters
3/6/9/12 + 6 thrusters @100lbs
OHS @ 85lbs
105# thrusters - 80
OH Squats 115#
Then we had some fun with the sleds. I think they were roughly 50 m pushes. One was with 90 and the other with 140.
Tina says...
Good to be back :)
Thrusters 65#; Chest to Bar -54
OHS max attempt: 115# twice, 135# fail
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