Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Chin-ups
8 x Clapping Push-ups
10 x Walking Lunges (alt.legs)
10 x Abmat Sit-ups
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworm/Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
''Mint'' (04.19.2011)
There are 5 Rounds in the work capacity test described below. A Round's Scoring: Each second that elapses during the Row (while holding the prescribed wattage), each repetition completed on the Bench Press, and each repetition completed for Knees-2-Elbows = 1 point. Add up total points for each round and post your five cumulative scores to comments.
Rest :30 between efforts.
5 Rounds of the following:
Row x Maximum Time (Holding Avg Wattage at 2-2.5x Body-weight)
Bench Press x Max Repetitions (.75 x Body-weight)
Toes-2-Bar/Knees-2-Elbows x Max Reps
Notes: An example of a 150lb CrossFitter doing a single round of this work capacity test would be as follows. The CrossFitter starts by Rowing for as long as possible while holding the average wattage at 300+ (this is 2x BW for a 150lb athlete). Once failing to hold the prescribed wattage any longer the athlete moves to the Bench Press and executes one maximum repetition set (re-racking the bar constitutes the end of this set). After racking the bar the athlete will attempt one max rep set of knees-2-elbows (dropping off the bar terminates the set). Add up Seconds + Bench Press Reps + Knees-2-Elbows Reps for that rounds cumulative score... Rest :30 and repeat for 4 more attempts at Glory.
Still Feeling Frisky? If you can do more than 5 reps of L-sit Pull-ups then feel free to sub in a Max Rep set of L-sit Pull-ups for Toes-2-Bar/Knees-2-Elbows. We would be amazed to see if anyone could hold each round to something like: 7 x L-sit Pull-ups, 8 x Toes-2-Bar, 12 x Knees-2-Elbows or bettern without coming off the bar. That kind of an additional challenge would truly make this particular fitness test one hell of a smokeshow.
Post rounds/reps to comments.
Skill Development (04.19.2011)
Rest up for tomorrow... it's going to be epic.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (04.19.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Holding maximal pace/distance/watts/speed complete the following:
5 Rounds of (2:00 on x 3:00 rest)
After the final 3:00 rest interval proceed directly into the following:
4 Rounds of (1:00 on x 1:00 rest)
Post distances to comments.
Mint: 103/53/48/45/55/47 = 351
did six rounds by mistake, cancel round 6 for a 303 pt final if you wish
Mint: 58/49/44/45/39 = 235 (260 watts/75lb bench)
(500 Watts/ 190 Bench)
53/ 36/ 28/ 34/ 39
MINT...75/82/55/55/62 = 329 (365w/135lb)
still don't feel right...
Row x 310
Bench x 115
Toes to Bar
Round 1: 60+16+10=86
Round 2: 55+12+8=75
Round 3: 60+13+8=81
Round 4: 38+11+8=57
Round 5: 52+11+6=69
Total: 265+63+40=368
350w 155lb bench modtoes2bar
total: 250
370w, 135lb bench, TTB
Round 1: 70-20-8
Round 2: 38-12-7
Round 3: 31-7-6
Round 4: 31-7-5
Round 5: 33-6-5
Total: 286
Row wattage 513, Bench 155#, L-Pullups
513w/185lbs/L-pull ups
50/15/10 = 75
26/11/7 = 44
16/8/6 = 30
20/7/5 = 32
25/6/5 = 36
217 total reps
Mint: 220 watts/55 Bench
Round 1: 30+10+4=44
Round 2: 20+10+6=36
Round 3: 24+8+2=34
Round 4: 18+10+5=33
Round 5: 24+7+4=35
Mint: 320 watts/135 Bench
Round 1: 31+4+11=46
Round 2: 40+10+7=57
Round 3: 30+8+6=44
Round 4: 32+6+5=43
Round 5: 28+6+4=38
250watts, 95lb bench, toes to bar
R1 49+16+15=80
R2 33+9+11= 53
R3 32+8+10= 50
R4 37+9+12= 58
R5 44+7+10= 61
302 total
300W, 95#; T2B 3 rounds; K2E 2 rounds
60/53/51/54/48 = 266
That was different!
"An Apparent Sandbagger's Penance"
Redo of "Mint"
Five Rounds for Time
Row Max Time @ 387kCal+
:30 x Max Pushups
:30 x Max Abmat Situps
:30 x Rest
Round 1 - 54+16+27 = 97
Round 2 - 34+15+25 = 74
Round 3 - 33+15+25 = 73
Round 4 - 34+11+25 = 70
Round 5 - 25+15+28 = 68
Total - 382
175# & 513 Watts
202 total
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